
First Glance

/Intro/ I fell in love with her smile because it was odd- her words were sweet, but she looked strange. Her smile would unwind once she was alone, her eyes narrowed in tiredness, her legs looked weak, her arms almost dropping her books, and her stomach growling out of hunger, but- around others, she played the part of a hero with a smile. She saved many, helped others, defended herself, and took care of everyone, no matter what. She acted one way but was another- everyone saw her as a perfect doll, but I only saw a broken girl giving a smile for everyone because it brightened their days- her smile made them happy, and it made her happy too. He wasn't like regular people; he didn't push me aside- he kept me close. He wanted to hear me, see the real me, and that scared me. He was able to tell the truth, see what others didn't, fight for what he wanted or knew what was right, no matter what I did- he always saw the happiness... why was he ok with being rejected? Why was he ok with pushing me over the finish line? Why was he ok with losing? Why was he ok with anything I said? Why was he ok with me yelling at him? Why was he ok with me? Why did he want me? *First Glance* {|Warning: This story contains tough topics of suicide, abuse, mental illnesses, self-harm, s*xual talk, misleading ideas of romance, lgbtq, alcohol, drugs/overdosing, rape, trauma, etc. If you have a tough time with these topics- please stray away from this book. Rated PG +13.|} Extra Information: I did not create the graphic used for this story- my best friend made it, @dani_tales4u designed it. (Check her out on Wattpad because she is a really good writer!:) *Sorry I can't link her profile- It won't let me.*

Somethin_Sue · realistisch
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51 Chs

Chapter [12] Sleepover

[Warning- This chapter falls into a tough topic of r*pe and mental issues; if these topics upsets you in any way, I suggestion skipping this chapter. Thank you and enjoy/Goodbye.]

~Sue's POV~

My birthday was a blast, but oh boy was Darnell and Ad at each other's throats. They seemed like annoying brats who fought as soon as I turned my back; it was frustrating since my brother and mom were not impressed by Ad. They found Ad annoying, but they knew Darnell, so they didn't care about her. I walked to Nic's locker to see her crying- I immediately hugged her. "What's wrong?" I asked, "BB ditched me!" She cried, "Oh no, what happened?" She wept, "I don't want to talk about it..." I sighed, patting her shoulder. "Hey... Maybe we should have a sleepover to make you feel better!" I said as she wiped her tears, "Really?" I nodded at her.

"Oh, we have to invite Yaya, Rnell-" I narrowed my eyes as she gave me puppy eyes, "Fine- I'll buy snacks. Invite everyone." She hugged me.

/Time skip/

I had my pajamas in my bag, and I was at the store- buying snacks, drinks, some ramen noodles because I don't feel like cooking if I have too. "I could just order pizza, and we could all just split it fifty-fifty." I nodded; good plan. I ran home earlier, packed, and told my mom that I had to stay over a friend's house for a one night project. She believed it and said it was okay; yeah, I lie a lot. Why? Because I'm scared of what will happen if I tell the truth, I'm not frightened of the truth; I'm afraid of my parents.

I bought the treats and started walking to Nicole's house; I'm sure Rnell left before I did, which is why I'm not walking with her because I hate walking alone- it gives me anxiety because I feel like people are always judging my looks, body, etc.

I was around the corner of Nicole's neighborhood as I hear my phone ring, "Are you coming?" Nic asked as I chuckled. "I'm practically outside your house." The phone cut off, and I saw Nicole, Yaya, and Rnell run the sidewalk to me. They hugged me, "ok, ok! We are still in public!" I laughed as they grinned, pulling me into the house.

"Go change!"

They pushed me into the bathroom, "but it's 6 pm!" I laughed as they shouted, "Who cares! Get in your pj's!" I sighed, putting on some black shorts with pockets and a red belly shirt with long sleeves.

I went out to get a good look at all the other girls- their clothes matched. Mines didn't... I always feel out of place, no matter what. "We ordered pizza earlier!" Nic grinned.

"Oh, I had the same idea." I nodded, "I'll pay half because I'm eating some." The girls grinned as Nic shook her head, "It's okay; I already covered it." They chuckled as I felt confused.

For a while, we started talking, laughing, chatting about school, until I heard a knock on the door. "Oh, that must be the food." I got up as Nic quickly followed me, "No! Sit down! I'll get it!" She tried to push me back to the others, but I resisted- arriving at the door. "Jeez Nicole, chill out. It's just a pizza delivery-" I opened the door, seeing Ad and Justin with the food... I immediately looked at Nicole and the girls.

"Surprise..." Nicole tried to smile, but she saw the annoyance on my face. "You invited the guys?" I pulled her to the side as I shut the door in Ad's face- "Yes, you said invite everyone, and I did!" She agreed.

"Yes, I know, but Nicole, this is highly inappropriate! A bunch of girls and guys hanging in the basement alone for a sleepover- it sounds like the beginning of a p*rno." I exclaimed as Nic sighed, "Look, Sue, I know your scared because your mom might find out, but it's just us. My parents are out of town for work, we won't get caught, and we trust Justin, and I'm sure Ad isn't that type of guy. But if you really don't want them here-"

"No, no! It's your party, and you invited them so they should stay..." I started to feel my fingers twitch in anxiety. "Thank you." She gave a thoughtful smile, opening the door. "You kept us waiting." Justin rolled his eyes, strolling in. "That was a little rude, right?" Ad asked me, coming in.

~Ad's POV~

"Yeah... I'm sorry, I was surprised." I could see her fingers lightly twitching; I nudged her shoulder. "Are you honestly, ok?"

She nodded, but I didn't believe it one bit. "I can leave if you really are uncomfortable," I said one more time, but she stopped me- "No, I don't want you to leave because of me." She grabbed my shoulders with a nervous but confident look in her eyes.

I nodded, "WHERE THE H*LL ARE THE OTHERS?!" We heard Justin yell from the kitchen, "THE BASEMENT, YOU IDIOT!" Nic yelled from the basement stairs; we all followed down the stairs, and immediately we were told to change. After a while, everyone sat down to talk. I was sitting with Sue, "How much did you pay for the food?" She asked, "why does it matter?" I narrowed my eyes at her. "I want to pay you back, I was going to buy the pizza, but I feel I owe you." She explained, pulling out her purse.

"Oh, no! I was happy too-"

I tried to put her purse away, but she stopped me. "No, I insist!" She barked, we went back and forth a few more times until I took a twenty from her purse. "It was 39.99- give me half, and we are even ok?" I said as she sighed, nodding with a smile. "Why are you all, Smiley?" I asked as she put the purse away- "No one can resist me." She chuckled.

"Yeah... No one can resist you." I repeated her words, moving my hand closer to hers. She noticed and quickly swiped her hand to her lap, "Anyway! How was history?" She changed the subject.

~Sue's POV~

/Time skip/

"Boys!" Nic and Rnell grinned at Ad, Justin, and Yaya, who were all on the couch- playing video games.

"I'm here too."

Yaya rolled her eyes, "And Yaya- come here, guys." Nic said. They came over; we all started sitting in a circle. Rnell pulled out a beer bottle, both Nic and her grinned. "You guys want to play truth or dare?" Nic chuckled as I tilted my head. "Are we going to be naughty?" Ad asked, "If so- I'm all for it." Justin grinned, "Depends on what the questions are and how people react." Yaya clarified with the majority of us nodding, including me.

"Damn." Justin groaned, "Who would like to go first?" Rnell asked as Ad spoke up, "I would." He grabbed the bottle, spinning it. Landed on me- "Truth or dare?" "Truth." I nodded as he clicked his tongue, "Are you straight, and, if not, explain." He spoke, and immediately I gripped onto my shorts.

"No, I'm not straight... I am pansexual. I do not see someone's gender or looks as a romantic attraction, but their personality is what I look for instead when it comes to a partner." He nodded, "Is anyone else, lgbtq?" He asked as Rnell glared, "Yeah, does it matter." She growled, "No, not at all. I'm just curious about how diverse this group is." Ad said.

"I'm bis." Yaya announced, "Trans woman." Rnell said as I felt more confident about my words, "I am pan." I spoke one last time as Ad smiled.

/Time skip/

The dares and truths were harmless and straightforward; it was Justin's turn again, and the bottle landed on me. "Truth or dare?" He asked as I grinned, "Dare!" I was confident as he smirked.

"I dare you to kiss Ad."

His words echoed in my head as I felt my heart panic- "I-" "Go ahead, Sue, lose your first kiss with him." Justin chuckled. I glanced at Ad, who was blushing too- "I don't mind..." I gulped and leaned into him; I wish I could say that I felt butterflies, but it was far from butterflies- It became dark as I got closer, and the person I was about to kiss was no longer Ad but something horrific-

"I CAN'T!" I screamed, pushing Ad away from me as I started to breathe uncontrollably. "DON'T MAKE ME KISS HIM! PLEASE!" I begged over and over until Justin said- "Ok, ok! I'm sorry!" I felt my entire body twitch as I glanced at everyone; they all were speechless and horrified. I couldn't take it anymore and ran out of the basement- arriving outside. I was crouching on the doorsteps.

~Ad's POV~

I had no idea what to say, "WHAT THE F*CK JUSTIN! WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT!" Yaya yelled at Justin as he already looked guilty enough. "I-I didn't know she would go crazy... I'm sorry..." He sighed in distress. "Should I go talk to her?" Nic asked Rnell as she shook her head, "Just let her be alone; she needs it right now." I snapped out of my shock and got up, "I won't accept that answer; she needs help." I went upstairs- walking out the door, and I see her on the steps. I turn on the light, sit next to her, and wonder what to say.

"I'm sorry." I heard her say, "It's fine-" "NO, IT'S NOT! I HAD NO RIGHT TO BLOW UP AT YOU- YOU DID NOTHING WRONG!" She lifted her head, letting me see full well that she was drowning in pain. "What is wrong, then?"

She paused, looking away. "I could never tell you..." She sighed, "I'll listen to all your troubles; I just want to help you. Please just tell me." I said as she started to breathe, "A boy used to live in my house, my parents and his dad would work, my brother would leave every day, which means his mom would take care of us, but she would sleep." She spoke, and immediately I couldn't understand.

"One day, this boy and I were playing, and he wanted to play in my room with my toys... I reluctantly agreed. When we arrived, I asked what he wanted to play, but he locked the door saying he wanted to play a new game..." I heard her breathe heavily, "he removed my clothes and-" She started to cry, weep, uncontrollably. "I CAN'T SAY THE REST!" She screamed in pain. "It's ok; you don't have to say more... I understand..." She was r*ped...

She's scared because of what happened to her, she wants to keep herself safe, and specific touches make her uneasy. I patted her head as she cried it all out until she stopped, looking at me with red eyes. "I really am sorry..." She said as I agreed, "I'm sorry too... That it happened." I said as she shook her head, "Please... Don't tell anyone." She asked as I nodded. "I swear." "Thank you..." She looked at me, and as perfect as this moment was, it wasn't the right time.

I put my hand out to her, but she smiled- wrapping her arms around me. I didn't know if I could hug her back until she said- "It's ok..." I wrapped my arms around her, patting her back for comfort. I really want to help her, no matter what.