

The next morning most of the students had caught a cold and others wanted to return home. Since it wasn't that of an important trip, the teacher decided to cut it short and return the kids home.

Rimuel didn't talk to Vanita and avoided her. She decided to give him distance and moved with Essie.

They each left for home after they arrived at the school premises. Tired and sick from the trip. The mastermind behind it who plans had failed had disappeared immediately.

She felt like a failure and angry.

"Did something happened last night that I don't know of?" she asked Essie.

"Not that I know of but Eric came to my tent last night and he told me Rimuel came to your too, " Essie told Vanita.

"He did, I don't remember seeing or hearing anyone near my tent last night "

"But Eric said he did come, then you must have slept off and let him freeze outside in the cold. That explains why he has a cold too " Essie laughed.

Vanita frowned, "That is why he's avoiding me " She stopped in her tracks and looked back. His had disappeared.

"Your a bad girlfriend " Essie teased her as they walked home.

She sent him a text after she returned home apologizing for her behavior.

He replied with an okay. But it wasn't enough for her. So she grabbed her jacket and ran out.

"Mom am heading to Rimuel's place for a while. Am worried he might have caught a cold " she said as she rushed out.

"Okay but be careful " her mother shouted back.

She rang the doorbell to his house.

Uncle Ricky opened the door. He smiled and led her inside

"He's upstairs in his room," he told her.

She thanked him and rushed upstairs to his room.

"Rimuel it's me can I come in?" she knocked. Not receiving a reply she opened the door and walked in.

The lights were off and she heard a moan.

She switched them on and ran to the bed. Rimuel was covered inside his bed as he moaned in pain.

She pulled down his covers and checked his temperature with her hand.

"Your burning up " she walked to his bathroom made a towel wet with cold water and placed it on his forehead.

She went back downstairs and looked for his uncles.

"Uncle Ricky can I get some medicine Rimuel seems to be sick," she said.

They responded quickly and soon she heard everything she needed in his room. She took care of him until his fever went down.

Having sent a text to her mother not to worry she gave her full attention to him.

"It's l my fault for sleeping like a log," she said as she changed the towel on his forehead. She slowly cleaned his body cooling him down.

His uncles had secretly listened on the door to know what happened inside the room.

When his father returned he was filled in on the situation in his house.

"He knows his body but still decides to stay out late " his father walked up to his room and knocked.

"Come in," a sweet voice said.

He walked in and saw his son laying in his bed sound asleep. Vanita was sitting beside him with a towel in her hands.

"Won't your parents worry?" he asked.

"I texted them and told them I was taking care of him," she said with a smile.

"Come down for dinner when you done here," his father told her.

He left the room and went downstairs. The uncles were excited to have a woman at the table that they could wait for her to come downstairs.

She appeared at the table dressed in Rimuel's shirt and pants. It looked funny but cute.

"I hope you don't mind but I borrowed some of his clothes," She said shyly.

"We don't mind at all," they all said.

"Let's eat, I hope your hungry " his father said.

They all made sure she ate her full.

" I have never eaten this much in my life" Vanita cried.

"Rimuel said you have a huge appetite " Uncle Ricky said.

Vanita laughed, " I don't have a huge appetite am just a good eater " She defended herself.

All the men at the table laughed.

"Rest early dear you must be tired after taking care of my boy, " Rimuel's father told her.

"Am happy I did, well good night " She hugged all of them and left.

"Why did she hug all of us?" Cass asked.

"That's how she is, " Ricky said. " Kind and innocent "

"I like her more already " Cass smiled.

Vanita checked on Rimuel who seemed to have gotten better.

They had offered her a guestroom with Rimuel's father promising to check on him later. Vanita felt at ease with her by his side.

She decided to take the space next to him on his bed. Watching his sleeping face as her eyes slowly shut.