
"Uncles "

Rimuel's father walked into his son's room to check on him and was surprised to see a slim figure sleeping next to him.

"Your lucky son " his father whispered as he pulled the covers over them and turned off the lights.

"She slept next to him," Mr.Cullz told his friend.

"Ahhh, that's something " he smiled.

Rimuel woke up with a slight headache he opened his eyes only to land them on a face he would not expect in his bed.

Thinking it was a dream he smiled as he watched her sleep like a baby.

Still, in a daze, he heard someone at the door. He looked up and met with his uncle's face.

"What is he doing here?" Rimuel frowned.

His uncle gestured him to come out. Rimuel slowly stood up and walked out the door making sure to be extremely quiet not to wake Vanita.

"It seems you had a wonderful night " his uncle teased.

"I guess I did my body still feels weak but am okay now," he said.

"Your lucky son to have someone who cares for you as she does "

"When did she get here?" he asked.

"A few hours after you arrived home. She seemed to be worried about you and when she found out you were sick. She took care of you until you felt better" his uncle informed him.

"I guess she felt guilty about leaving me out in the cold" he murmured to himself.

"We all had fun last night "

Rimuel raised his left eyebrow, " With who exactly?" he asked.

They walked to the kitchen as his uncle told him about the dinner and chat they had with Vanita.

"She does make friends quickly " he took a sip of his milk as he watched his other uncles working in the kitchen.

"Is she still asleep?" Cass asked as he fried an egg.

"Yeah she is and why are you guys making breakfast, you never do? " Rimuel stared at them.

They all paused and looked at him.

"We don't want daughter-in-law leaving with an empty stomach," Ricky said.

"WHAT?! when did my girlfriend become that "

"When she stayed overnight to take care of you," Cass said.

"Wore your clothes," said Mark.

"And had dinner with all of us including your father " Jake smiled.

"That makes her our daughter in law " Ricky tapped Rimuel's shoulders and smiled.

Rimuel ran out of the kitchen not wanting to listen to his uncle's nonsense anymore.

Vanita woke up by the sound of her ringtone. She opened her eyes and picked it up.

"Morning Mom," she said.

Her mother called to check on her.

"Okay mom, I will be home later " she hangs up.

Rimuel's side was empty, she smiled.

"He got better," she said as she got out of bed.

She laid the bed then washed her face. Tied her hair and walked out of the room. She headed to the kitchen where the noise came from.

"Morning Ricky, Cass, Jake, and Mark" Vanita hugged each one of them with a smile.

They told her to call them by their names.

"How did you sleep?" Cass asked, his face was brimming with a smile.

"I slept well " she answered.

She took a seat and watched them make breakfast as they made jokes and laughed.

"He woke up and went to his father's study," Ricky told Vanita.

"Thanks for taking care of him," they said as they delivered a plate of heavy breakfast to her side.

"Won't you guys join me?" she asked.

They all laughed as they hurriedly filled their plates and joined her.

Rimuel and his father came out of the study and saw them laughed as they enjoyed breakfast.

"Look at them acting all silly " his father laughed.

"She has them eating right from her palm " Rimuel smiled.

Rimuel and his father walked in.

Vanita saw them and smiled.

"Morning father " Vanita greeted.

Rimuel paused what he was doing and looked at them both. Vanita was smiling at his father, who seemed to be pleased seeing her smile.

"Morning dear, had a good rest?" he asked as he took his seat.

"Yeah, a did " She turned to Rimuel who was still frozen in place.

She pulled his arm waking him up. He pulled his chair and took a seat next to her.

"Feeling better?" she asked.

He nodded.

She filled his plate with all kinds of food, " Eat all this and you will get your energy back " she told him.

Rimuel didn't protest and enjoyed everything she passed to him. They all watched him eat his breakfast as Vanita watched him.

She fed him his juice making his uncle's looking in envy.

"Can you feed me too " Cass opened his mouth.

Vanita smiled as she got up to fed him but a hand held her down.

"She only feeds me " Rimuel said giving his uncle a stare.

"Okay, sorry I asked " Cass apologized.

The others laughed at him.

They cleaned the table after breakfast.

"I will drive you home, your parents must be worried," Rimuel said.

"No, you stay home and rest I can take the bus, " She told him.

Rimuel insisted but Vanita refused claiming he was still weak.

She changed into her clothes that had been washed and said goodbye to all of them.

He walked her to the door still worried he wasn't taking her home.

"I should have taken you home," he said.

"I will be fine you "

He bent down and kissed her.

"Thank you " he whispered.

"Hi you two can you make it short " Uncle Ricky complained.

Rimuel looked up and met with his smiling face.

All four of them were standing outside with Ricky holding his car keys.

"We are dropping her home," he said.

Vanita giggled as she looked at their smiling faces.

"You have such wonderful uncles," she said.

Rimuel looked at them and frowned.

They left with her after saying goodbye.