
First Blood.(HOTD/Few others.)

William Collins was what every soldire feared. He worked for anyone and evry country. As long as they had the cash he was in. After 50 years of non stop slaughter he retired at the ripe age of 75, by attacking the most secure base in the world, Fort Knox. Killing hundreds of soldires before dying not of injuries, but a heart attack. But death was not down with Willaim, not yet.

God_Of_Wolves · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs

Test of Life and Death.

(Can't mope around all day as much as I would like to just get drunk and ignore the fact my dog is dead. Oh well, time to put this slump to writing.)

When William appeared in his room he felt dizzy as teleporting was always one of his least favorite acts to use. It was also not 100% fool proof and the only reason he could use it so well was that Jazz took over it herself.

He looked at the naked girl covered in a blanket with a look of pity and a look of deep thought. Children were always easier to train and turn into killers he remembered his early life before he found his cultivation technique.

He placed the girl on the couch and he brought a red drug and grabbed her arm and injected it into her arm. It was a simple drug that increased healing and calmed the nerves of the one used on.

She just went through a horrifying experience and who knows how many times, so if he wanted to turn her into a apprentice she would have to prove herself. If not he would wipe her mind and put her in a orphanage.

His armor receded so he went to the bathroom and turned on the water. The temperature did not matter and he just showered with cold water. He stripped and walked in to relax after his killing.

As for Jazz even if she already saw every inch of his body she still could not help, but be attracted to him. His muscles, his tatoos, his piercing eyes and she was getting a front row seat.

"Jazz, are you being a pervert again."

He moved his hand through his hair while Jazz shrieked.

"NO! I was not checking out your hot body."

"So I am hot now am I?"


"Well then I am going to ask Saeko. She may have a different opinion then my cruel A.I girlfriend."

"NOO! Your hot, I always check you out."

"If you say so, maybe I should still ask her anyway."

"I am sorry William, I do think your hot."

He chuckled at Jazz's embarrassed side. He focused back on showering, but this was just a quick one. 5 minutes later he got out and looked at himself in the mirror. He looked at his chest tattoos that were many special forces tattoos including a Seal Trident on his right pectoral.

He once infiltrated the Navy Seals and earned he took that tattoo as a mockery of them. He got dressed and stayed in a pair of shorts with no shirt and went to go check up on the girl.

What he saw was her awake cowering on the couch covering her head and body with the blanket. When she heard the foot steps and saw him shirtless she cried as she assumed he was going to be just like the guy before.

However William pulled out pistol from his storage that had one round at the bottam and walked in front of her and handed it to her. She looked at the gun with fear. He glared at her and ordered her.

"Take the gun."

She grabbed it and was scared he would hurt her.

"Remove the safety, on the side."

He pointed at it and his scary look made her undo the safety.

"Pull back the slide, the top part."

She hesitated and looked at him with fear.

"DO IT!"

She pulled back the gun and waited for the next order.

"Pull on the hammer, this part."

She did as she was told and now she did not know what to do.

"You decided, you either shoot yourself, or me. I will not move. You get a easy way out, or you kill me and leave out that door. Pick."

Her tears would stop most people, but William's look was piercing. His red eyes had no mercy and his look told her she had to choose. She aimed the gun at her head and was about to pull the trigger when William spoke.

"Disappointing, go ahead. Be the waste you were born and die as you lived. As nothing."

He stood up and walked away, but seeing him walk away she felt anger rise from her trauma. How her parents were killed in front of her, how she was sold to Kong, and the times he her.

Now she was ordered to kill herself or kill someone and he was right. She was following someone else orders for her and she pointed the gun at William's back and pulled the trigger.

William smiled and turned around at her pulling the trigger with nothing happening. However she did not expect he left one bullet in their on purpose.


The recoil sent the gun flying and the bullet hit William in the chest. However his dense muscles stopped the bullet easily as it was a heirloom gun he bought for fun. If that was a gun from his time that would be different story.

She looked as the bullet fell off his chest and she knew she should have used it on herself as now her life was going to return to being a plaything for someone. William walked up to her and kneeled in front of her and grinned.

His red eyes no longer seemed so scary and his next words shocked her.

"You passed my test, tell me what is your name."

She looked down, but he lifted her chin.

"Look me in the eye when I talk to you. Your name."

"Fei Lin."

Tears still ran down her doll like face as her black hair and milky skin would make her a really pretty girl when she grew. Sadly it ended up bringer misfortune than a good thing.

"Tell me Fei Lin, what do you want most in this world?"

She thought about it and wanted to look down, but he did not allow her.

"My mom and dad."

"Their dead right?"

She closed her eyes, but she still felt him lifting her chin.

"Open your eyes when I talk to you."

She opened them again and he still was looking at her in the eyes.

"Well I am going to give you two choices. One, I wipe all the memories of what happened to you and send you to some random orphanage, you will forget me, Kong, your parents, and your rape. However you have one more, be my apprentice."

"Your apprentice."

"You will become one of my vampire servants and live to serve me. I will teach you how to kill, how to fight, become power, become a god."

"A god."

She repeated the last words, if she could become a god maybe she might bring back her parents. A foolish dream as their souls would have long since been recycled into another soul.

"Can I bring back my parents?"

"No, once a person died their soul is recycle and turned into another soul, however you will be able to slaughter men who do what Kong did. Worse even, I am no hero, I kill innocents, steal, and put others at risk. What is your choice, become forgotten or become powerful."

Her childish mind was easier to manipulate especially after her trauma, but he could turn her anger into loyalty for himself. Turning her into a vampire would make her inherently stronger and be able to cultivate a weaker version of his technique.

"Do you agree to my proposal, their will be no getting out of it."

She frowned and nodded.

"I want power to kill people like Kong."

William opened his eyes showing his fangs and he bit her on her exposed shoulder, but not to drink blood. He used a drop of his blood which entered her blood stream and began to change her race.

She passed out and he layed her back down on the couch covered by the blanket. Jazz looked at the girl and asked William. Jazz was watching and she felt it might not be a good idea.

"Do you think this was wise?"

"If she fails me I will merely eat her. I will recover my slot with no loss. However someone with such a damaged upbringings will have the drive to get stronger, no matter how young she is she will obey me."

Jazz sighed.

"You have never taught anyone your techniques, will you teach her the Slaughter Swordsmanship?"

"Well see, and looks like we have a pretty guest."

Jazz got a little jealous.

"You memorized Saeko's aura?"

He shook his head and grinned.

"Her smell."

He walked to the door and opened it before Saeko even knocked. It was late and nearly 3 am, but it looked like she had been running here as her clothes were disheveled.

She pushed in the door and closed it behind her.

"William, I saw the news. The Chinese Ambassador mansion was blown up. Was that you?"


She raised an eye brow and smiled.

"I knew you were good, but how did you do it?"

He smiled as well.

"Secrets, cost secrets."

She sighed.

"If you tell me I will give you this."

She pulled a beautiful katana from the sheath on her side. The sword was made for a level 4 martial artist so it was good. However William would take it for Fei Lin as he intended to teacher swordsmanship.

He took it in his hands and looked at the nearly silver blade and Jazz's voice rang in his head.

'Not steel and no element on the periodic table matches it.'

"Fine. Promise you will not tell anyone about this. I don't want people rushing me for this secret."

"On my honor."

At her confirmation a his armor appeared on his body and the feeling of danger that was already higher than before he left was magnified to a point she felt only her a level 5 could fight him.

"This is my biggest secret, I build this on my own. Pure Technology, no prana."

She looked at the armor closely, but seeing just how much power was contained in it she had to say it suited William. As soon as she tried to learn more about it, it vanished into particles of black.

"No more secrets, also meet Fei Lin."

Saeko looked at the couch and saw a naked girl on the couch and William only in a pair of shorts and she aimed the sword at his face. Her eyes got cold and her aura was going wild.

"Did you, or did you touch her?"

"Sexually no. I saved her form the Chinese Ambassador. When I found the slob he was in the middle of violating the poor girl. I decided to take her in as my apprentice."

She put the sword back in it's sheath and she walked to the girl and checked her pulse and saw it was erratic. Her skin seemed to be getting a little paler and her canines were getting longer.

She got curious and saw four holes on her shoulder that looked like sharp teeth. She looked at William's mouth and she walked up to him and grabbed his bottom jaw and opened it. He let her as he was never hiding his fangs really.

When she saw the large fangs in their she knew he did something to her.

"William why did you bite her?"

Saeko was concerned, but their had to be a reason.

William sighed.

"I cannot tell you. However I can promise that Fei will be better off from this than before. If you want you can help train her."

Saeko looked at the girl and she sighed.

"I agree, even if you intend to make her strong she still needs to relax like a child."

He shook his head.

"She will be my apprentice not my daughter. Do not lower her drive with misguided charity."

Saeko looked into William's eyes and saw pure neutrality. He was not doing it to be evil, not out of kindness, just profit. Raising her well would allow him to have another powerful asset and that was it.

Saeko realized he was not a normal person as even her father was not ruthless to her. He treated her well and with seeing that might mean William lacked a good childhood.

"William, how did you grow up? Raising Fei Lin like that will only end up worse off for you."

William sighed and told the truth. The cold truth only Jazz knew.

"I was born October 3, 1988 to a American Ex Navy Seal, and a Russian immigrant. He was a drunk and a abuser to both me and my mother. Until she died and I was left alone with him. I did what any one in my shoes, I slit his throat when I was 5 and left."

He let it sink in that he killed his father. Now it was time to mix lies with truths.

"Well my next years were hard, I killed, I stole, kidnaped until I was caught by my master. He saw the talent and he raised me like his own and taught me his skill until he was murdered by rival martial artists. I am cold because I need to be."

She looked into his eyes and saw pure unhidden coldness that only someone who grew up fighting for everything he had could have. She sighed and nodded.

"Can I still be nice to Fei Lin? Even she will need a little kindness after what happed to her."

William eye brows were raised.

"Who said anything about not being nice to her? Go ahead, but remember she is being raised as my apprentice. My methods will be not ethical."

Saeko nodded.


William went to go get dressed for real and now he had 10 million dollars in his bank account. Of course he was going to do another hit soon, now he just had to look for a suitable one.

However he also had Fei Lin's training to deal with so he had some free time. For now, he just had to wait for the girl to wake up which should be in a few minutes.

Murderous Vampire Loli in training aquired/ Also the Blacklight Virus outbreak will soon happen. Less then 6 months so I plan for Racoon City and Blacklight to occur within a few weeks of each other. From their the main world outbreak will occur.

God_Of_Wolvescreators' thoughts