
Fire Emblem Fates: Immortality

Warning: A wish fulfillment story and I can say that I'm not an expert in playing fire emblem. I'm just a casual player and has no depth knowledge about the story of fates but I still try to research about it. I fell in love with fire emblem since the gameboy days, and the last game I played is fates. I have completed the birthright and revelation part, and too lazy to finish the conquest part. I haven't played three houses yet since I can't afford it lol. Also, this is mostly a book just for me to pass time so I might drop it anytime. There may be spelling and grammatical errors along the way so be warned. This book is not perfect so don't go around creating a review which I already warned about. I hate it when it is already stated earlier that this is not perfect book, and still some people have the audacity to make a review or comment about the thing I have warned about in the past. Synopsis: Follow Rem as he goes to the world of Fire Emblem Fates. A person who met Mire, one of the first dragons, the time and space dragon(I made this being up since there are 4 unknown dragons). Rem was a avid fan of the fire emblem series that Mire has taken notice of. Interested with Rem, he granted him the chance to reincarnate in the world of Fire Emblem Fates. Join Rem's adventure as he kill and conquer those who oppose him. A journey of a person who is a hypocrite that knows the difference between the right and wrong but will still do things regardless if it is right or wrong for the sake of power and immortality. Let's look at the story of someone who is not a hero nor a villain but can be either one when he wants to. --End of Synopsis-- You've read it right, the protagonist of this story will be a hypocrite who will do anything for the sake of power. So, you might see him kill innocent people and maybe even do things that are morally wrong, then say to other people that it is wrong to kill, just so he can keep his image good. He might even betray those people close to him if that's the answer to get stronger, so if you hate this concept already then go along and find another book. This book are for readers that can tolerate the MC's questionable actions. Note: The cover is not mine, and I just edited it so if it someone owns it and wants me to take it down then I will do so.

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35 Chs

Chapter 27 - For the Tribe

As Rem's birthday went by, he went back to his room to start choosing his class. Spike followed him and laid down on the corner of his room. The Wyvern was still small, so it was okay for him to stay. Once the Wyvern grows though, he will need a different room to stay in.

'I should first focus on those primary classes instead of the promoted ones. As I've mentioned before, I'm still at a safe spot, so there is no hurry in needing to change into a promoted class.'

'Then which class should I choose between Monk and Troubadour? The Monk class could give me the skills Miracle, Healtouch, or Rally Luck. I will surely get the Miracle skill but the Healtouch or Rally Luck is not. It can be either one of the two. The Miracle skill is useful since it can save me from getting killed. As for Troubadour, it can give me the skills Resistance+2 and Gentilhomme. It gives me the benefits of increasing my stat and a skill that can help my female allies.'

'I don't really like depending on my allies so the choice is clear. It's the Monk class for me, it helps me boost my survivability which is my goal from the start.' Rem thought as he mentally clicks on the Monk class.

[Class changed into Monk class]

[Base Stats and Stat Growth Rates will be changed]

[HP: 36/31 [+5] (80%) -> 33/28 [+5] (60%)

SP: 29/29 (80%) -> 26/26 (60%)

Str: 29 (80%) -> 22 (65%)

Mag: 29 (80%) -> 32 (90%)

Skl: 26 (50%) -> 25 (45%)

Spd: 26 (60%) -> 25 (60%)

Lck: 33 (60%) -> 35 (70%)

Def: 26 (55%) -> 23 (50%)

Res: 27 (60%) -> 31 (80%)]

'This class change really lowered some of my stats drastically mostly my physical stats. I can't complain on it though since it's already done.' Rem shrugged his shoulders and proceeded to sleep since there was nothing to do anymore.


The next day, Rem woke up with the feeling of a wet slimy substance in his face. He also felt a heavy weight above him making him feel suffocated.

"Wha- What is that!?" Rem shouts as he pushes the person above him. He found that Spike was the culprit. The wyvern was smiling at him with his tongue out, and his tail wagging. Once he saw it was Spike, he just shrugged it off and just pat him on the head.

"That was disgusting buddy, you haven't cleaned your mouth yet and it smells awful. Let's get you cleaned up." Rem says as he starts to dress up. When he was ready, he went outside of his room together with Spike following him. He was like a dog that keeps following his owner around.

"Oh! Good morning, son." Nie greets as she saw the two.

"Good morning, mom. Can I use some of the water to clean Spike. He needs some bathing." Rem asked.

"Of course, I'll help you clean him up. Wait for me, I'll just prepare some cleaning equipment for Spike." Nie hurriedly left as Rem just waits. Spike was looking at them curiously and just yawned and stretched it's wings while waiting.

Soon, Nie returned with some brush, soap, and towel. "Let's get to it then." She says as she walks towards the bathroom. They cleaned Spike with peace. The guy wasn't opposed in being cleaned and was even relaxed when they started cleaning him.

"Kein! It's time for your training!" Sean's voice can be heard as he enters the house.

"Coming!" Rem run out of the bathroom once Spike was all dried up. Spike followed from behind as it flapped it's tiny wings to fly.

"I can see that your pet is also energetic. Should we let Spike join in on our training too?" The training maniac suggested. Spike felt fear from Sean's gaze on him, and hid behind Rem.

"Get easy on Spike, Sean. He's still young after all." Kai emerged from the kitchen with an apron on.

"Fine. Anyways, let's get going Kein."

"Stop right there! Let's eat some breakfast first before you go." Kai says as he motion for them to follow. The group followed him, and they saw Hane and Ven frying some meat.

'Meat again? I'm sick and tired of the same meals every day. I'm starting to regret not being in Hoshido. Nohr's action of invading is really understandable once you see their circumstances. Well, it would be understandable if Garon wasn't possessed. The Hoshido should share some of their resources to Nohr since they have plenty of it as said by Ryoma in the game.' Rem thought as he sat on the kitchen seat.

"So the midget has come to leech off some of our food." Hane says as Ven nodded. Ven didn't like the idea of cutting the share of their food even further because of Sean.

"Hey, why are you nodding along with Hane, Ven? I thought you wouldn't take any sides!" Sean grumbles.

"Well, my situation became disadvantageous when you came." Ven complained back.

"Hehehe~ it became two against one with Ven at my side, your life will be miserably from now on." Hane chuckles evilly. Rem just shook his head at the three as he waits for the food.

"Is this a normal routine for them, my son?" Kai ask as he sat next to Rem.

"Yeah, dad. Just don't be bothered by them and let them be. It will pass." Rem replies.

Nie enters the kitchen next with a smile, and greeted everyone in the room. A few minutes passed, and soon everyone was seated and started eating.

"Kai, we need to plan for our next actions. We also need to strengthen our guard in the tribe as said by Elder Oro. Do you have any suggestion what we should do?" Nie spoke as they ate. She was not bothered saying this in front of the others since she trust them.

"I think we need to gather some information for now. I plan to go to Windmire and see the situation myself. I want Sean to come with me but that would make Kein's training stop." Kai says.

"I'm okay with Sean leaving with you, dad. I can train on my own." Rem commented.

"But... that can hinder your growth." Kai retorted.

"It's okay, Kai. I also believe that it's okay to let Kein train on his own. Besides, he is already ways ahead of others, so me being away will be fine." Sean replied making Kai reluctantly nod.

"Then let's go with that."

"Dad, I also suggest that you let mom continue roaming around the country to get money and supplies. Bring Ven or Hane with her since it might help. I can also come along if you want to." Rem suggested.

"I won't allow it! You're still young to be outside." Nie reprimanded as she was worried that Rem might get hurt if that was done.

"Listen to your mom, Kein. She is right, and you're still young to be out in the world. Let the adults handle adult things." Kai scolded.

"Fine, but I still stand with my suggestion. Take Hane or Ven with you mom, and continue roaming around the country to get some supplies. Hane and Ven are great healers and will be useful in your journey. We all know how precious a healer is, and for our tribe it's rare to have a talent in healing unlike others. The tribe is already having a hard time in precuring supplies, and having one of them will surely be helpful." Rem says. Kai and Nie already knew this but they are trying to not make the healers in their tribe be in a dangerous position.

In their tribe, healers are a rarity. Oro, Hane, Ven, and two other tribespeople are the only healers in the tribe. This is the reason why the tribe has a unspoken rule to never let healers leave the tribe.

"We already thought of that, my son. We can't do that though since they might get killed on our expeditions. It will be a great lost to the tribe if one of our healers get killed." Nie replies.

"I do agree with the young master, Miss Nie. I don't like being locked up in the tribe, and not being able to help further. I want to go with the expedition." Ven volunteered since she also wants to bring a good life to the tribe. She knows how many deaths that their tribespeople get when they go to the expedition, and if their was a healer with them then it will surely lessen.

"I agree with Ven. I also want to go." Hane raised her hand making Sean frown.

"You'll just be a liability out there, Hane." Sean seriously said.

"You... How dare you!" Hane shouted as she throws a dried meat at his face.

"Now, don't start a fight." Kai says making the two calm down.

"Alright, I'll be discussing this with Elder Oro later." Nie says making Hane and Ven smile. Sean though, frowned at the situation clearly not agreeing to this.

"I have another suggestion, dad."

"What is it this time?" Kai asked.

"I want to let the tribe to start training the kids earlier."

"*Sigh* We can't do that, Kein. The kids don't have the same robust body that you have. They can't transform to their beast mode yet unlike you." Kai says.

"I know, dad. I'm not saying for them to train in beast transformation but instead training in weapons. Since they can't transform yet, they can start training in weapons." Rem suggested.

"We already thought of that, and the tribespeople was not happy about the idea." Nie replies.

"Then suggest it to them again, mom. This time, tell them about the situation. Their kids will surely face a difficult time if they aren't prepared. They might even die in the future if we don't do anything now." Rem says making the others nod. What he was saying though was the truth but he was not completely being honest. He just wants to strengthen the kids since they are his future soldiers.