
Fire Emblem Fates: Immortality

Warning: A wish fulfillment story and I can say that I'm not an expert in playing fire emblem. I'm just a casual player and has no depth knowledge about the story of fates but I still try to research about it. I fell in love with fire emblem since the gameboy days, and the last game I played is fates. I have completed the birthright and revelation part, and too lazy to finish the conquest part. I haven't played three houses yet since I can't afford it lol. Also, this is mostly a book just for me to pass time so I might drop it anytime. There may be spelling and grammatical errors along the way so be warned. This book is not perfect so don't go around creating a review which I already warned about. I hate it when it is already stated earlier that this is not perfect book, and still some people have the audacity to make a review or comment about the thing I have warned about in the past. Synopsis: Follow Rem as he goes to the world of Fire Emblem Fates. A person who met Mire, one of the first dragons, the time and space dragon(I made this being up since there are 4 unknown dragons). Rem was a avid fan of the fire emblem series that Mire has taken notice of. Interested with Rem, he granted him the chance to reincarnate in the world of Fire Emblem Fates. Join Rem's adventure as he kill and conquer those who oppose him. A journey of a person who is a hypocrite that knows the difference between the right and wrong but will still do things regardless if it is right or wrong for the sake of power and immortality. Let's look at the story of someone who is not a hero nor a villain but can be either one when he wants to. --End of Synopsis-- You've read it right, the protagonist of this story will be a hypocrite who will do anything for the sake of power. So, you might see him kill innocent people and maybe even do things that are morally wrong, then say to other people that it is wrong to kill, just so he can keep his image good. He might even betray those people close to him if that's the answer to get stronger, so if you hate this concept already then go along and find another book. This book are for readers that can tolerate the MC's questionable actions. Note: The cover is not mine, and I just edited it so if it someone owns it and wants me to take it down then I will do so.

Lunarem · Video Games
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35 Chs

Chapter 26 - Gift

"Happy birthday, my little Kein." Oro greets as Rem was chewing on a dried meat.

"Thank you, Grandma." Rem hugged her with his oily fingers but Oro just laughed at this as she hugged him back.

"Don't thank me yet, I haven't gave my present. I wanted to gift you something like this when you grew up older but I think you're mature enough." Oro says as she guides Rem to her house. Once they arrived there, he saw his parents with Sean.

"What are you doing here, Sean?" Rem asked.

"Well, it's time to give you the present. It took our combined efforts to get you this. Cherish it well, Kein." Sean smiles together with the other three adults making Rem curious.

"We read from Ven and Hane's report that you really want to have this. Me, your father, and your grandma, did their best to come up with money to buy this. You know Sean was not here for some time, that is because he was busy getting our present for you." Nie explains as they guided Rem to a cloth covered box. Rem can hears some sounds coming out of it.

"This is our girt for you!" Kai shouts as he removes the covers. Rem's eyes widen in surprise in seeing the creature inside. It was small that was as big as him, and has black scales that has little green dots around it's body. It has tiny wing as it's front arms and a tail that has spikes on it. The creature looked scared as it was being surrounded by different people.

"It's a... Wyvern!" Rem shouts as he excitedly tried walked closer to the small wyvern.

'I have longed to see and have one of these. I mean, who wouldn't want a pet that is a dragon. Sure, this thing is a wyvern but it is still somewhat of a dragon nonetheless.' Rem can't himself from smiling, and it was genuine smile which was his fat greedy merchant smile. This shocked the people at the room except Sean since he already saw that.

"Is our son okay?" Nie whispered.

"I don't know."

"That's his real smile. This means that he really liked the gift." Sean whispered to them making them sigh in relief.

"That's correct. It's still young though so don't be so rough on it. We bought this since we think you're mature enough to take care of it. Go name the little guy." Kai finally replied to Rem.

"I... I'll call it... Spike." Rem named the wyvern as he tries to walk closer to it. The baby wyvern though was cautious of Rem, and started roaring at him. It's roar sounds like forced and unnaturally since it was still young making Rem chuckle from it's cuteness.

"You'll need to tame the guy first, Kein. It won't get friendly at you instantly, try to feed it would some food." Sean suggested as he passes some dried meat to Rem.

Rem nodded and tried to offer the meat at Spike. The little guy looked at Rem and didn't move for minutes but Rem waited patiently while still offering the food.

"I didn't fed that guy for days. It will surely take the bait." Sean whispered as Spike started to walk towards Rem. It walked closer then stopped again when it was only a head's length from Rem's outstretched hand. Spike looked at Rem's face and his hand a couple of times while Rem just smiled at it.

"Go on, Spike. I won't hurt you." Rem softly said. Spike looked at Rem again, and this time it slowly moved it's head to the dried meat. It smelled the meat then looked at Rem's face one last time before opening it's mouth slowly. It then chewed on it slowly but then started to swallow it after having a taste.

"Here, have some more." Rem says as Sean passes a bag of dried meat. The wyvern was still on guard but proceeded to be fed by Rem. A few minutes passed, and the wyvern was still eating, This time, Rem took his chance in trying to pet it. Once Rem's hand touched it's neck. It tensed up, and looked at Rem warily. Rem only smiled at the guy, and they stared at each other for a few seconds before the wyvern started eating again.

Rem then proceeded to pet Spike, this time the wyvern was relaxed as he pets it.

"That's a good boy. Here, eat more." Rem continued feeding the wyvern. This made Spike feel a sense of safety in Rem as he was the only person who fed it. Spike also liked being petted as it was relaxing to feel.

"It seems like Kein managed to tame the little wyvern easily." Kai puffed his chest with pride.

"Of course, he will. I starved the thing, wyverns are known for their pride and unwillingness to submit. They are not easily tamed but it is still young, so it became easier to tame unlike wyverns that are old. When the wyvern is tamed though, it will show extreme loyalty to it's owner. This is also the reason why younger wyverns are expensive like the adult ones." Sean explains making the others nod.

"Hey, that tickles." Rem complained as Spike started licking his hand. This made the adults chuckle at Rem.

[Level Up!]

[Learned Zeal]

[Able to Change Classes or Promote Classes to:

> Hellfire Wolfskin (★)

> Hellfire Wolfssegner

> Berserker

> Hero

> Monk

> Troubadour]

'This day keeps getting better and better.' Rem thought as he looks at his new skill while playing with Spike.


Effects: Can sometimes show some red spots from the target that the User can exploit to hit, this will inflict greater damage than normal.]

{A/N: Basically it's just an increase of critical hits. I just made it somewhat fit in the world unlike in the game even though their are skills that are game like. lol}

'It's an okay skill? I guess. Now, which class should I change into this time? I want to have some active skills that I can use in battle so the best bet is the Hero class, but this will lower my leveling speed by alot. It's still better to chose something like the Monk or Troubadour since I'm still in a safe place.'

"Let's go back to the party, Kein." Nie's voice came waking him from his thoughts.

"Okay, mom. Let's go, Spike. Be sure to behave, okay?" Rem pats Spike's head as the wyvern growled in a cute way. He decided to just change classes after the party is finished.

As they went back, children started to look at Spike. Some of the brave children run towards the guy, but they stopped once Spike growled at them. They turned back and run to their parents while crying, this made the adults chuckle.

"So you already got your gift, young master. Ain't it a cutie?" Ven says as she tries to pet Spike, sadly it roared at her and covered itself behind Rem's back.

"It isn't cute though. How can a wyvern be cute?" Hane commented as she tries to stay away from Spike.

Rem only shook his head at the two as he pets Spike. He didn't mind Hane's remarks since he knew that not everyone will find a wyvern cute.

"It's nice to see you again, flatty~" Sean teased.

"Ughh, it's you again, can't believe that you will return this early, midget." Hane glared at Sean as they start bickering with each other.

"Why can't they just marry? Do I have to be the match maker for this to happen?" Oro says.

"That's true, Elder. As days goes by, they continue bickering with each other as if it's their way of showing love." Ven the other match maker replies.

"How about we start a plan to make them be honest with one another?" Nie, the third match maker, added.

"Let's make a situation where they can be alone together. It will surely make them closer." Rem, the last match maker, said. He remembers the cliché scenes in the movies and series that he watched where the main couples are stuck in a place making them know each other deeper.

"Heheheheh~ I didn't know that you can be this smart, Kein. As expected from my son." Nie pats as Rem as the others started to chuckle and plan. This cause Hane and Sean shiver as they felt danger.

'Why do I feel like something bad will happen?' Hane and Sean thought at the same time, and turned their heads at the four match maker. They saw the four looking at them with a smile but they both know that it wasn't a good sign.

"Maybe, we should go somewhere else?" Hane asked.

"Sure." Sean answers as they both run away.

"Tch, they run away before we had the chance to commence the plan." Ven stomps her feet.

"It can't be helped, we'll just do it another time." Oro says as she too walked away to eat some food.

"Let's go, and just enjoy your party, Kein." Nie held Rem's hand as the group followed Oro.