
Fire and Rain

I thought I was over him, until he came back into my life. It's funny because I liked him as a kid, and I still do as an adult. But we can never be together because we are too different. He is like rain and I am like fire. Or maybe I am wrong. What if he is the only one who can calm me down? But he should know that my jealousy isn't something to be taken lightly.

scarlett_trixx · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Best Birthday Gift Ever

 God, please! I can't die right now... 

I opened my eyes and I was in a completely different place I mean Matt would take me to the hospital but right here it was pitch black I don't know if I lost my eyesight or what, if it was someone else, they might callout their friend's name, but it was me, so I moved my hand around to understand where m I, I could feel something like a sofa? so I just sat down and started to recall what happened since morning, suddenly the lights turned on and

"SURPRISE!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY FLAME!!!" Oops looks like I forgot my own birthday and Matt thought it was a good idea to surprise me that too in my office, he was holding a birthday cake with candles on it, I looked around there were people from the office the close ones and the guy I bumped into, I walked over to matt and blew the candles,

"miss Anderson, please take this cake" I said, as soon as she took the cake from matt's hand I punched him hard enough to endure, everyone's eyes grew wide a the stared at me in shock

"You kidnapped me? For this? you must be joking" I said with a scoff, 

"don't be so rude, I planned this for months" he said

"and yet you came up with this? jokes on you matt" everyone broke into laughter but stopped when matt gave them death glares,

"not only this but..." he stepped aside I looked at my office door already in disbelief about what all the things he might have done to my office, I walked towards the door to my office and opened it, not gonna lie I am actually surprised matt did this, my office walls were painted into calming colors though I preferred black, my whole office is decorated with my favorite flowers the white dahlia, at least my office desk is in black color and there is something on my chair, like a box or so I thought its more likely a carry bag, I opened it and there was a pretty little black kitten, ouch my heart the cat casted a spell,

"what is this matt?" I asked him as I pulled the kitten out of the bag,

"its a kitten" matt said proudly,

"and... what am I supposed to do with it?" I asked him, 

"raise it... you are now a cat mom, CONGRATS!!!!" all the employees starts congratulating me, I death glared at them to shut up, 

"matt, I have a serious question... why?" I asked him

"well you see... you are always in a bad mood and look at everyone as if you will kill them which you might, and you have seeping issues at night, so here is the answer for all" well I didn't understood a shit

"elaborate now!" 

"well cats are known for stress relief and improve sleeping and they are easier to take care of so.." I sighed, I can barely take care of myself sometimes how will I take care of this, I looked at the kitten in my arms, she looked at me and started purring loudly, guess I am keeping this one, I slightly smiled at her

"omg look she is purring in your arms she likes you!" matt said excitedly 

"matt, shut up and back to work everyone" this is my way of saying thank you, everyone smiled slightly and left, matt walked over to my table,

"happy birthday flame, there is someone who wants to meet you" he said stepped outside, few minutes after a slightly tall and lean guy came in, I remember him he was the one I bumped into before passing out, he gave me a slight smile,

"hey, you remember me?" he said while slightly leaning onto the wall near my table,

"yeah" I saw him getting happy,

"you are the one I bumped into and passed out" oops his smile disappeared,

"so you don't remember me, actually I was not in this plan of kidnapping you, you fainted after bumping me and I protected you from falling, then I saw matt, he recognized me and asked me to come" wait what, matt recognized him? the kitten jumped out from my hands towards that guy and start rubbing against his legs, he smiled and picked her up, his smile have those dimples, and then suddenly it hit me, he is Raiden, the one and only guy I was head over heels for since middle school to high school, later he went to different college and I went to different, I had no idea he grew up to be this handsome, I still talk about him to matt most of the time, my eyes went wide as I stared at him in shock, 

"wait a minute, you- you are Raiden?" I asked, as all the puzzles started to fit, he giggled and put the cat down and walked towards me,

"yes, I am Raiden, how have you been flame?" he said as if it was nothing, maybe for him it was but I am here on a total different level, he casually leaned his hips towards my desk and smiled at me, he have no idea about the power he have over me, I tried to be professional and kept my voice calm not letting him know how happy I am to have him back in my life,

"I have been good, raised a foundation of my own, earn in millions I think I might have it all now, how about you?" 

"that's cool, I too started a business of my own, a real estate business" HOLY SHIT- HE IS A WHOLE GODDAMN PACKAGE, 

"Wow thats actually brilliant and i might have met you at the perfect time, since i was going to buy a property, to expand my bussiness in different cities" what the fuck am i even saying,

"oh i would love to help you out, anyways do you have any plans for dinner? its been long since we last met, so how about we catch up with each other?" FUCK, is he asking me out? oh my god what do i say? yeah sure or no i am busy ahhhhhh,

"yeah of course we can, i am surprisingly free tonight" i don't ask me, even i don't know why i added that last line but anyways i will have to cancel my plans with matt tonight, its fine he will understand, i looked at him and his eyes were looking into mine, as if we were caught in a trance or something, we were interrupt by a knock on my office door, i glared towards the door and said 

"come in" oh its matt,

"hey, sorry to interrupt but Flame, our model for the our autumn collection dress, is sick and won't be able to come, plus we can't find any model in limited time, and we have last minute photoshoot, we have to release autumn collection in two days" matt said all that in one breath

"matt calm the fuck down" I told him cause he was panicking,

"so we don't have model, and we have autumn collection to be released in two days? I don't see a problem, I can model" matt stopped panicking and looked at me in eye and said,

"yeah why didn't I thought that before, you are a model too" and left...

ignore spelling mistakes<3

scarlett_trixxcreators' thoughts