
Fire and Rain

I thought I was over him, until he came back into my life. It's funny because I liked him as a kid, and I still do as an adult. But we can never be together because we are too different. He is like rain and I am like fire. Or maybe I am wrong. What if he is the only one who can calm me down? But he should know that my jealousy isn't something to be taken lightly.

scarlett_trixx · Fantasy
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3 Chs


I asked Raiden if he wanted to tag along to which he replied yes, currently I am in the car, Matt is driving, Clarisse Raiden's secretary is sitting in front beside Matt, Raiden and I are in the back seat, not going to lie its awkward in here. I decided to check what dresses we will be photo shooting today on my tablet, they were all the dresses I designed last week, funny because they are Valentine's Day matching dresses for couples, so I will have to shoot with a male artist, I looked over to Matt and asked him, "what about the male model, Is he available?" I watched Matt's face turning pale he replied with a shaky voice, "They are matching dresses for couples?" I death glared at him and said, "Matt, are you kidding me, it's Valentine's Day collection what do you think" Matt said, "Hey I am so sorry but I had no idea we needed a male model too" he glanced at the back when the car stopped at a red light, he looked at Raiden and said, "Raiden, can you model? I think you are perfect" I glared at Matt in disbelief, "Matt, he is a guest, you can't do that" Before Matt could reply, Raiden spoke, "I am free, and I think I can model if you guide me, m'lady" oh my god, butterflies in my stomach, he called me m'lady, well anyways we gone keep it cool, 

"yeah sure I think I can help" 

"perfect! you two make a gorgeous couple" said Matt.

after a while of driving, we reached the location, and my team decided it would be good if shot at a beach, I agreed Since it was a Valentine's Day collection we needed to pose like couples, and the changing van makeup artist whole crew is present and we were the ones who were late, I went to change quickly, the first dress is a pretty red vintage style coat, with a white frock. I was getting my makeup done while Raiden was still changing. after a while we were done photo-shooting lots of dresses, since I am a model it didn't take much time and Raiden is a fast learner, the next photo shoot was of a swimsuit, and the team wanted us to play in the water for that, I don't think it is a problem, as I and Raiden were acting out as we were playing in the water, the photos turned out good, until matt said something,

"you guys are playing from such a distance it's giving Friendship Day collection, its Valentine Day collection, act like a couple, Raiden pick Flame up in bridal style" I almost choked on my saliva hearing that, what the heck? before I could respond, Raiden looked at me and asked, 

"Can I?" omg how can I say no to him, slightly nodded and he picked me up in his arms, as if I weighed nothing, though I weight a lot, I stared at him, and he spoke

"I know I am hot but honey we are in the middle of a photoshoot" he caught me starring at him that shit is embarrassing, my cheeks turned red, 

"flames why are you all red?" that damn Matthew had to ruin it, I can see Raiden laughing,

"I think I had a sunburn," I said as an excuse, and they quickly clicked a few pics and came to get us out of the water, the team was discussing what photos to take next when I saw something drowning in the water on closer inspection I realized it was a kid I ran start towards the water, and dumped in, I helped the kid to the float nearby when suddenly...

ignore the spelling mistakes <3

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