
Finishing My Unfinished Dimension

I received an email from the God of Writing to finish an unfinished dimension, I thought it was some kind of scam but I clicked it anyway and was transported into my fan-fic world. Although I couldn't control the changes anymore, I'll control the change as a character in the fan-fic myself. Finishing my Unfinished Dimension(A Better Goku) by going into the dimension myself. Chapter Release rate: When I have a chapter finished, I'll publish right away. Picture Link: https://www,pinterest,ph/pin/148900331416809059/

JustaLazyGuy · Anime und Comics
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29 Chs


Chapter 27 - Gohan




Goku descended from the sky and looked at Cell in the sky and dispersed his ki around his body.

"I surrender, Cell. I've learned well how strong you are. I'm giving up!"

"Wh-what?" Vegeta, Raditz and the rest looked at Goku in shock as he surrendered

"T-That can't be!" Trunks

Piccolo put on a look of disbelief "G-Goku surrendering?"

Gohan looked at Goku "F-Father…?"

Bulma who was in the flying cloud also looked at Goku "G-G-Goku's surrendering???"

Haru smiled at the sight and still played with Trunks after he finished eating the ice cream

Muten Roushi looked at Goku in shock as he also heard him. 'What is Goku thinking…?"

Cell put on a frown as he replied to Goku who threw in the towel "Surrender you say? Son Goku, Are you thinking of ending the fight this way?!"

Goku just smiled at him replying "That's right. I lost."

The announcer asked as he saw Cell and Goku talking "What did that blonde man say?"

The camera man replied as he tried to fix his earbuds "Over the long mic, he said he's surrendering."

Cell asked "Son Goku! Do you realize what those words you've just said mean?"

But got a reply from Goku who smiled "Yeah."

Cell replied "If there's no one left to fight in the Cell games, then every last human on Earth will be wiped out by my hands you know?"

"Cell, Don't get me wrong. It's not as though there ain't anyone left to fight, right?"

"It's the same difference." Cell replied as he looked at the z-fighters left on earth

"Vegeta, Piccolo, Raditz, and Trunks are all inferior to you no matter how they raise their powers. They are no match for me. Or are you expecting the powerful man who granted me strength, Haru, to fight for you? That's impossible, he said he wouldn't be interfering!"

Vegeta clenched his fist in frustration, Trunks, Raditz, and Piccolo sweated knowing what Cell said was true.

Goku smiled "I'm not talking about Haru-niisan. He said he wouldn't be fighting. Should I call who will fight next now then?"

Cell stared at Goku "You bastard really intend on giving up?"

Vegeta who was looking thought clenching his fist 'What is that bastard thinking? There's no one here who can beat Cell!"

Goku continued his smile and replied "The cell games will probably end after the next person fights. If he loses, then there ain't anyone else around who can beat you! After knowing your strength, I'm now absolutely convinced that he will defeat you!"

"What?" Cell stared at Goku for his statement

Goku continued, "That's why I've surrendered, and left everything up to him."

Cell frowned "Which means that he's stronger than you are, not to mention, myself?"

Goku smiled as he replied "Yeah."

Cell laughed maniacally"Haahahaha! Ridiculous! There is no one stronger than me in the world!"

"Yes, there is!"

"Well then, let's hear the name of this person who couldn't possibly exist!"

The z-fighters sweated as they waited for Goku to announce the name of the next fighter

The camera man approached as he said "He's about to announce the name."

The announcer also approached "Alright!"

Goku smiled as he looked at Gohan and said "It's your turn! Gohan!"

Piccolo then rebutted "What are you thinking Goku! Are you trying to get your son killed!"

Goku flew towards the z fighters and smiled towards Gohan "You can do it, right? Gohan?"

Gohan had a sweat on his forehead as he asked "Me…? And Cell?"

Cell looked at them and said "He's messing with me. Of all the people who could be named, he went with his son, Son Gohan?"

Bulma who was watching from the cloud looked at Goku in disbelief as she said "G-Goku said Gohan right?"

Muten Roushi nodded with a pale face thinking Gohan couldn't possibly be a match against Cell

Haru just smiled and said as while he conjured different types of toys for Trunks "Don't be too nervous, Goku knows what he's doing if not, Gohan will die hahaha…"

Bulma slapped Haru in the head and said "What do you mean, Gohan will die! Take this more seriously!"

Haru just stared at this woman who doesn't have fear and said "Do you think Goku will do that if he wasn't sure?"

Bulma sighed as he continued watching the commotion.

Piccolo replied as he looked at Goku "Don't be crazy, Son! There's no way he can fight Cell! It's true that Gohan's strength has increased to the point that I don't recognize him but he'd be facing Cell who you couldn't even beat yourself!"

"Piccolo, Gohan has an unbelievable power, even greater than you or I thought." Goku smiled looking at Piccolo then at Gohan "Inside the room of spirit and time, there, I witnessed Gohan's dormant power, sealed deep down within him, that started to be released."

Goku got near Gohan and said "How about it? Gohan? After watching the fight between your dad and Cell just now, did you think it was too incredible to keep up?"

Gohan replied looking down "No… I didn't think so… isn't it because father, and Cell wasn't fighting all out right?"

Goku smiled at his son's dumbness and replied "I don't know about Cell, but your dad was fighting all out. In other words, to you, it seemed like we were holding back? Right?"

Piccolo, who was looking at Gohan in shock, asked "Is that true? Gohan?"

Gohan replied while he nodded "Yes…"

Vegeta looked at Gohan in shock 'What? That fight? Impossible! A kid like him?!"

Cell who was watching smiled as he said "What nonsense."

Goku smiled as he continued "Okay, let him have it, Gohan. Bring peace to the world."

Gohan smiled too, gaining his self-confidence "Okay, father! I'll try!"

Gohan took of his cape that was similar to Piccolo and flew towards the wasteland

Cell just looked at Gohan who descended on the wasteland "How absurd."

Goku who was with the z-fighters asked Trunks "Trunks can I have a senzu."

Trunks replied, getting out of his shock "Y-Yes…"

Goku clenched the senzu in his hands and looked at Cell calling out "Cell, catch!"

Cell caught the senzu "hm…?"

"It'll heal up all your stamina!"

"What do you think you're doing? Goku-san!" Trunks yelled at Goku angrily

Goku just explained "He's also used up his ki. It's not fair to beat him that way right?"

Cell looked at the senzu "You don't seem to understand your situation but oh well… I will not hesitate to accept this senzu. You will come to regret this soon." Cell ate the senzu bean.

Cell screamed as he digested the senzu "Harrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaa!" releasing all of his ki to full power. [Power Level: 21,523,638,184]

"I see… Those are nice, aren't they…"

Piccolo looked at Cell nervously and said "Son… no matter how you look at it, what you did just now was reckless…"

Gohan looked at Cell and also released his full power "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" wind generated from Gohan's scream sending a blast of air all over the place, the ground collapsing, rocks being destroyed, and storms being generated. After the show of power was done, golden ki shrouded Gohan's body and his power level displayed at [Power Level: 19,242,900,640]

Haru smiled as he detected Gohan's ki and thought 'His, full power super Saiyan is at x80 huh? He is near super Saiyan 2 alright."

Muten Roushi and Bulma just looked at Gohan in shock but for different reasons.

Cell smiled and looked at Gohan "It seems like Goku wasn't all bullsh*t. However, the part being stronger than me would appear to be an overstatement."

Gohan just teleported behind Cell and used a sword made out of ki to slash horizontally towards Cell

Cell was surprised but immediately used the same ki technique and covered his hands with ki and caught Gohan's sword "That's surprising."

Cell kicked Gohan in the stomach, sending him flying away. Unlike Goku, Gohan didn't scream and rushed towards Cell with a combo of attacks

Cell dodged every attack Gohan did but Gohan materialized all sorts of weapons from claw, swords, lance, etc depending on his position to make the most damage.

Cell commented "What a unique fighting style. But not enough to defeat me."

Cell dodged all the attacks and used an afterimage to teleport behind Gohan and sent him flying with a kick.

"Uwaaah!" This time Gohan screamed Cell rushed at full power and started a chain of attacks. As Gohan was being sent flying, Cell rushed towards him and kicked him again towards the ground creating a crater on Earth

"Guah!" Gohan screamed as he crashed into the ground Cell followed and punched again and again at his stomach as he was pinned down to the ground but just saw Gohan use a shield to his stomach as he said "Stop… I don't want to kill you…"

Haru laughed at this sight "You're being attacked to the point of killing you but you reply that way?"

Bulma surprised at Haru laugh and looked at him confusingly

Muten Roushi also thought 'Gohan is too naive…'




(A/N: Leave a power stone if you like the story, Thank you!)