
Finishing My Unfinished Dimension

I received an email from the God of Writing to finish an unfinished dimension, I thought it was some kind of scam but I clicked it anyway and was transported into my fan-fic world. Although I couldn't control the changes anymore, I'll control the change as a character in the fan-fic myself. Finishing my Unfinished Dimension(A Better Goku) by going into the dimension myself. Chapter Release rate: When I have a chapter finished, I'll publish right away. Picture Link: https://www,pinterest,ph/pin/148900331416809059/

JustaLazyGuy · Anime und Comics
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29 Chs

Fusing with the whole Universe 7

Chapter 25 - Fusing with the whole Universe 7




5 days later…

Haru fused with about half of the universe 7 his power level reached

[Power Level: 47,475,734,126,963,195,091,682,880,735]

Another 5 days later, he fully integrated the universe 7. Now he could do whatever he wants in universe 7 like it's a part of him. Appear wherever he wants, destroy what planets he wants, and create planets if he wants."

[Power Level: 89,805,417,962,168,401,842,041,681,859]

As Haru observed Universe 7, a flood of information came into his mind but he remained calm expanding his soul's capacity to hold the information by the coming moments.

With each passing moment, he came to a realization, thinking to himself, 'Ah, I understand now. It's not unexpected that Zeno possesses a childlike demeanor. It's likely that he sealed away a fragment of himself that held all this knowledge during his near fusion with the Multiverse. That's why he couldn't appear wherever he wanted and had to let his two bodyguards bring him around. The immense pressure must have been overwhelming, preventing him from fully integrating with the multiverse and from becoming its embodiment. I don't know how and why he was in such a hurry but he made a mistake by forcing it. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't completely fuse with it and had to discard a part of his power leaving him only with his current power.'

Haru focused his will on the planet Yardrat he saw Krillin, Yamcha, and Tenshinhan on top of a needle structure. Staying there with one finger on the peak with their ki stabilizing on the peak of the needle. It looks like their ki training is still far away from completion. Their ki were dancing around on the top as if a current of electricity was emitting from a broken electric storage. Looking at them reminded me of Yusuke's training with the old hag from 'Yu Yu Hakusho'.

I saw Elder Pybara looking at my will, I couldn't help but be amazed by their race's ability with ki that he could even sense my will. It's too bad that their race wasn't gifted with a large quantity of ki that would support their ability to control ki.

I then remembered that the martial arts tournament was starting today so I let my will search the earth, the location of the Cell games, and saw the clown, Mr. Satan and his assistance were also there. It looks like Goku was fighting first again. I saw the power level of Goku at [17,745,727,126] and Cell at [19,526,873,623]. Seems like they were still warming up. I also saw Gohan, Vegeta, Piccolo, Raditz, Android 18, 17 and 16 watching the Cell game.

I took back my will that was observing some parts of the universe and dispersed the ki that was shrouding myself as to not endanger people around earth if they even felt the slight pressure of my ki.

Bulma was over there in the terrace as if there was not a cell that was about to destroy earth if he won and talked to Haru as he was descending from floating for the last 10 days over her coffee. "Are you finished training?"

Haru just made himself coffee and formed it out of nowhere as comprehending the law of the dimension made him able to do such simple stuff of creating coffee out of nowhere. Because of the law of the dimension he could do whatever he wanted as long as he was inside the dimension he fused with. Haru sat at the opposite of Bulma's table and replied "For now, Yes!"

Bulma looked at me in surprise as I made a coffee out of thin air and asked "Can you do that with ki too? Why didn't you just make Whis food before instead of asking me to call for chef to cook for him."

Haru sipped some coffee and thought as he ignored Bulma for a moment 'Just how I like it, no sugar, no milk, pure black.'

Haru replied "Well… Before the training, 10 days ago, I wasn't able to do it. Now I can."

"What's the difference between you 10 days ago and today? You don't seem any different beside you having red eyes?"

Haru replied in surprise "I have red eyes now?"

"Yup!" Bulma replied

Haru created a mirror out of nowhere "Oh it's true. I've become more handsome."

Bulma's eyes just twitched as I praised myself but couldn't help but agree more that the red eyes have a certain charm to it and sipped coffee herself.

Haru then sat again drinking his coffee "Well… the difference is I've become unimaginably more powerful than before. You can say that the universe itself is me, and me is the universe itself."

Bulma's eyes widened in shock as she asked "You've fused with the universe?"

Haru just laughed and replied "Yup! I'm stronger than Whis now, like 80x."

Bulma was shocked again but decided to forget it "That's amazing, you told me that Whis was 1000x more powerful than you 10 days ago, now you're 80x more powerful than him. How do you even do that? Even Goku, Vegeta and Raditz took a long time to reach their current strength. Do you have any secret technique or something?"

Haru laughed and replied "Yes."

"What's your secret?" Bulma asked

Haru replied "Plot Armor.'" and sipped some coffee from his cup

"What?" Bulma asked in confusion

Haru simply replied "Exactly." Leaving Bulma even perplexed by his answer.

After Haru finished his coffee and stood up "Wanna watch the Cell games with your own eyes? Bulma?"

Bulma replied "No way, I don't think I'll survive watching it directly."

Haru laughed and asked "Did you forget who you are talking to? I'm the embodiment of the Universe itself. How could you be in danger if you're watching with me."

Bulma turned red a bit from embarrassment and said "Wait a sec, I'll go get Trunks."

"Sure. Take your time." Haru replied

After awhile, Bulma got out of his sleepwear and carried Trunks who looked at Haru "Uckl"

Haru laughed at Trunks gesture and stretched his hands to get Trunks and Trunks also wanted to be carried by Haru so he stretched his hands as he pointed towards Haru to carry him

Bulma just looked at Trunks in surprise and said "He probably meant uncle right?"

Haru laughed and replied "Probably…"

Bulma let Haru take Trunks for him and said "Thanks."

Haru just laughed and replied while he carried Trunks in his arms "No problem."

Haru made a cloud similar to Kintoun but far larger that could fit about 10 people sitting at the same time and white in color.

Bulma asked Haru for confirmation "Can I ride this?" as she pointed at the white cloud

"Don't worry it's not like Goku's Kintoun where only people with a pure heart can ride it." Haru laughed as he explained "And it's voice activated you can try piloting it if you want."

Bulma's eyes shone as she rode Haru's white cloud. "It's so soft."

Haru laughed and replied "That's for sure. It's concept is a flying cloud you know?"

Bulma just looked at Haru with a bit of grievance but said "Go… What's its name?"

Haru answered the question nonchalantly "Since it's a white cloud then why don't we just call whitey."

"You don't have a good naming sense do you." Bulma mocked Haru but decided to forget it and said "Go! Whitey! To the Northern Wasteland!"

The cloud flew forward with incredible speed and Bulma commented as her eyes shone "This is faster than the latest jet available plus the wind is still controlled despite its fast speed."

"I programmed it that way. If you want you can have it." Haru said as he made an ice cream out of nowhere to feed Trunks that made Trunks' eyes shine and clap his hands in amazement

"Really? Thanks! Haru!" Bulma replied thankfully and excitedly

"By the way, let's go to Kame house. Maybe the old man, the pig, and the flying cat want to watch the fight too. Let's not get Chichi cause she might faint because Gohan will be fighting Cell."

"On it! The more, the merrier! Whitey! To the Kame house!" The white cloud changed it's direction despite being just created it was programmed by Haru to know every place on earth.




Kame house…

After a few minutes the white cloud reached the Kame house so Bulma went off the cloud to get Muten Roushi, the pig, and the flying cat. I forgot their names.

After they came to get the old and the 2 animals they went on their way to watch the cell games.

Cell games…

The cell games had reached near the climax of Goku and Cell's fight and the fighting stage was now destroyed.

"Huff… huff… huff…" Goku breathed heavily as he looked at Cell who was cut in half by his kamehameha and only his lower body remains.

Goku stabilized his breath and said seriously "Stop pretending, Cell. I know you're not dead."

Haru and the others have arrived, Bulma asked as she saw that there was no stage anymore "What's going on? Where's the stage?"

Haru who was feeding Trunks ice cream said "Cell doesn't want any more rules, he wants a kill or be killed fight now."

"Is that so?" Bulma simply replied

Muten Roushi just watched with a serious expression as this would decide the fate of earth, and Haru said he won't be interfering.




(A/N: I'm having trouble describing their expressions and such so I'm just gonna do a dialogue and the name in the next chapter. I'll see if it's better, if it is I'll stick to that. Leave a power stone if you like the story. Thank you!)