

Resident Evil, Captain America, Harry Potter, Underworld, X-Men, Avengers, A Chinese Ghost Story, Journey to the West, Apocalypse…, go all the way against the sky, walk your own way, let others There is no way to go, the heroic beauty is enchanting, please see Wu Qizhe’s infinite adventure journey. PLEASE I'M ONLY SHARING THE NOVEL HERE IF YOU WANT ME REMOVE IT JUST TELL ME THANKS Original Author: Lanling DON'T FORGET TO TELL ME YOUR VIEW IN THE COMMENTS

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28 Chs


Wu Qizhe was saying goodbye to everyone, K Matt hugged her directly, unable to separate for a long time, teardrops appeared in her eyes.

"Claire." Separated from K Matt and came to Claire's side.

Claire seemed to want to shed tears but didn't.

Claire whispered in Wu Qizhe's ear: "Dennis, I don't want you to go, we won't go to Alaska."

"I must go." Wu Qizhe gently stroked Claire's cheek, and said softly: "Claire, you are so beautiful."

These words to praise Claire's beauty made Carlisle's eyes moist instead, and she didn't know if she was the last time Dennis said this.

Wu Qizhe walked towards Alice next to the tanker, Claire shed silent tears while holding K Matt.

"Dennis, I..." Alice looked at Wu Qizhe and didn't know what to say.

"Alice, don't need to say anything." Wu Qizhe hugged Alice's cheek and kissed directly, the kiss was extremely passionate.

Alice responded seriously, responding to the man in front of her, hugging his neck, she wanted to take this moment longer.

After kissing for a long time, Wu Qizhe wanted to push Alice away, but was still held tightly by her.

"Alice, you can let go." Wu Qizhe said softly in Alice's ear.

Alice tightened her arm, and finally let go of Wu Qizhe.

"Alice." Wu Qizhe looked at Alice's beautiful eyes.

Alice looked at Wu Qizhe sadly.

"Alice, I love you." He likes Alice in the movie, he loves the real Alice in front of him.

"Dennis..." Before Alice could finish her words, Wu Qizhe got in the car and closed the door.


An oil tanker and a small car rushed side by side in the dust of the sky, rushing towards the group of zombies.

Alice glanced at Dennis through the car window. He still had a smile on his face, bastard, why you can still laugh now, you are dying, do you know? She has never been so worried at this moment.

Claire and K Matt had red eyes, and they were very sad looking at Wu Qizhe in the tanker.

Wu Qizhe stepped on the accelerator fiercely, the body surpassed the yellow off-road vehicle, and rushed straight forward. In addition to the lead explosive placed on the co-pilot, he also had an exchangeable high-explosive grenade in his hand, one hundred and fifty. Survival grenade, whether he can survive or not depends on this grenade.

The zombies that rushed up were all crushed directly by the oil tanker, and the speed gradually slowed down, but it was not enough. They stepped on the accelerator and looked at the dense zombies around, and fear was unavoidable in their hearts.

The tanker stopped at a distance of seven or eight meters from the iron fence, and couldn't move at all. The car was full of zombies, under the wheels and knocking on the windows. Fortunately, it controlled the direction and did not overturn. . Without any hesitation, Wu Qizhe ignited the fuse of the explosive, slammed open the car door, and knocked a zombie crawling out of the car door.

Wu Qizhe pulled the car door and turned over on the roof of the car. Time was racing against the roof. The roof was not safe. He pulled off the grenade and threw it directly at the distance between the fence and the tanker.

"Booming" a group of violent explosions instantly swallowed a small distance and left an area where there were no zombies. Wu Qizhe jumped out of the car and ran forward quickly taking advantage of this gap.

"Boom boom." The explosion sound ten times stronger than the previous one exploded fiercely, a huge fireball soared into the sky, and zombies were continuously sent to the sky, wave after wave of explosions.

Wu Qizhe was also affected by the impact and flew out, his head roared, and an echo could be heard in his ears, his body seemed to have hit something, and then he lost consciousness.

Alice drove the off-road vehicle through the gap and rushed into the base. The few remaining survivors quickly jumped out of the vehicle and all ran into the helicopter.

K Matt asked Alice to get on the plane. Alice shook her head and looked around. A surprise flashed in her eyes: "Dennis."

Claire, who was operating the plane, looked over and said, "What did you say? Dennis!" Looking in the direction Alice was pointing, Dennis was lying on the ground knowing his life or death. This was obviously better than being crushed.

Claire wants to operate the plane and can't leave. She can only tell Alice: "Alice, you must take care of Dennis, please." As the propeller spins faster and faster, the dust and wind are blowing up, and the plane is already flying. Going up to the sky, Carlisle took a nostalgic look at Wu Qizhe, who was lying on the ground and didn't know his life, and tears flashed across his eyes again.

Alice nodded, rushed to Wu Qizhe, turned over his body, and patted his face.

Wu Qizhe opened his eyes, looked at Alice in front of him, and smiled: "It seems I am not dead yet." Supported by Alice, he stood up.

Alice seemed to have a reaction. She helped Wu Qizhe to come to a pit and looked at the corpses in the pit. These were all copies of her. Alice's tears flowed out uncontrollably, indescribable. Anger rose from her heart.

Alice helped Wu Qizhe into the only room, supported him against the wall, squatted down, and looked at Wu Qizhe: "Dennis, you are here to wait for me, I'll go take care of something." After speaking, there was a trace across her face. Smile: "By the way, help you find anti-viral serum."

"No." Wu Qizhe shook his head: "Who knows if the zombies outside will suddenly rush in." He stood up again, feeling much less dizzy, and said seriously: "I don't worry about going alone. "Speaking, he took out his black heart pistol.

"But..." Alice wanted to say something more, Wu Qizhe had already stood up and walked forward.


The wooden door in the middle parted, and a bottomless entrance appeared.

Wu Qizhe jumped directly on the iron plate and looked at Alice: "The base should be below, let's go."

Alice also stood up, and the iron plate began to slide quickly, leading the two towards the underground base.

"Why don't you listen to me and stay on it?" Alice asked.

"I don't worry about you alone." Wu Qizhe said concerned.

Alice kissed Wu Qizhe and smiled, "Thank you, Dennis."

With a bang, the iron plate was not sliding down, and the elevator door opened.

Wu Qizhe and Alice walked in, and the surrounding area was dim, with only a few light bulbs flickering.

"Dennis, you follow me." Alice said concerned.

But listening to what Alice said, Wu Qizhe walked in front of Alice instead, took off the flashlight in the corner, turned on the light, and illuminated the front.

Alice is a little funny, but she still follows Wu Qizhe, her expression is very focused, ready to deal with emergencies, after all, Dennis has only been injured before, and her condition is definitely not very good, so she has to protect him.