
vol 1,chapter 9, the approaching storm

Jo sat gathering his mind wondering if anyone else has noticed the change on the world. Opening his phone he looked at news sources seeing if any of them had story's about the mystic world. And surprisingly there were several but they said things like weird sleep phenomena, or what was this new dream occurrence. None called it the mystic world only that it was some strange thing happened to many people if not everyone.

And seeing this he checked websites like Re*dit to see what people were saying. Surprisingly everyone was talking about it and there were dozens of threads on the mystic world and reading through there were people posting about getting bloodlines and the bonuses and some even talking about having civilization cores to create Settlements.

A wealth of knowledge could be found even the fact that people died in the mystic world just woke up back on earth. This confirmed a suspension that death in the mystic world isn't death in the real world. He gathered as much information as possible but the manager came and he decided to meet him.

His name was Mr. Smith he was the second manager that takes half of the week while the other half is with Ms. Roger. he was a hefty man that is more on the lazy side. He mostly makes sure everyone is working and paying attention and hates dealing with the Karen soccer-mom type. He finds them more repulsive than cockroaches as cockroaches are being useful thanks to their contribution in labs, dealing with waste in the wild and being food for other animals. While Karen soccer-moms just b*ch about everything and make there kids life a living hell.

Although there is a rumor going around that his hatred for them is do to having one as a parent. But nobody has asked him upfront about it.

he walked up and gave a friendly "Hello"

"Hello Jo good morning how is it." he replied Jo could see dark bags under his eyes.

"It's alright I slept well how about you"

"more than miserable the last few days have been rough the neighbors dog just won't shut up I called the police but it didn't help. They've been gone on a vacation and left someone to dog sit but what ever his doing has got the dogs barking all night long." he rubbed his eyes showing how miserable he was.

"I'm sorry to hear that I hope they come back soon and stop what's going on." Jo could only pity him.

"well hopefully they do I'm hoping so maybe I can get a night of sleep." he was just looking so worn. He opened the door and Jo began his routine of cleaning and set up as more of the staff came and they soon opened up.

Jo stayed close to himself not engaging in conversation manly to focus on talks and drama to see if anyone has figure it out the mystic world and only three things came up that was related to the mystic world itself.

but they were simple things like running from animals walking around doing nothing but surviving. Jo could tell that he would get nothing for the time being.

His shift ended quickly and used some time to use the internet to find anything useful about blacksmithing to help progresses understanding of iron working.

he looked through many pages and found some useful information but manly some facts and tips that would come in handy.

He then ate a rap from a local conveyance store and entered the mystic world. When he arrived he could see people working around him building. It was an interesting site to witness as people we're working, communicating and smiling while they did so.

He called and found Joben and had him fill in the blanks. "Yes young Majesty, we have been blessed by the spirits thanks to you giving us the art of metal working. They've given us a boost to morale, production and gave us wisdom of iron. A true blessing, so we've began production of metal working and created tools so the people have also began making proper houses."

This was shocking. They get iron production without researching advance metal working what broken cheat is this. Though he didn't complain but it was just to broken. "Also young Majesty with your permission my I begin constructing a administration Hall to better organize future planning." Jo didn't know about an administration Hall "aa sure but you could explain what it is first." Jo could tell it was for administration but he never did anything like that so insight was helpful.

"Yes an administration Hall is basically for your administration system. It's needed for long term growth as the bigger we get the more complicated things become and the harder it is for a single person to manage not only that it will allow you to have more free time if it's properly set up it would be self-sustaining without your input." although appealing he didn't know about it.

"Okay I'll let you do it but I'm definitely going to find out more about this so no funny business okay." Jo found Joben useful but he didn't trust him completely he was curious about the self-sufficient part of administration but he wanted to know more about it first before heading straight for it.

"Don't worry I'm loyal to you young Majesty so I will do my best to make it to your liking." Joben bowed and left to begin. Jo just arrived with the plan on getting iron and starting agriculture when they had metal tools but they seem to be on it. Of course he went to the scholars and set a list of research they needed and he put them in chronological order. 1. agriculture. 2. parchment. 3. writing. 4. mathematics. 5. geometry. and that was it for the time being.

Of course people would probably wonder why but it was many for several reasons. the first was a no brainier large communities of people need sustainable food sources. the second was to make the thing people used before paper. Third was to record things as writing was another revolutionary thing for humanity as it allowed the past to properly communicate with the present as information could be passed down for centuries if not thousands of years. Mathematics and geometry are used for advanced things like construction as well as land surveying with a myriad of other professions.

Jo honestly don't know what to do he just went with the flow and did thing he thought were useful. Of course he would make mistakes but he hoped not not to make a major f*ck up. With most of the things out of the way he spent the next couple of days cultivating, helping around getting to know more about the people. This helped as the people began thinking more highly of him and the place began to feel like a community more and more every day.

Of course this could last for so long as soon someone ran into the settlement bloody with torn clothes. He was sent to Jo as he held an important message.

His name was Ohno Masu he was a gather that was sent to find a suitable plants for crafting thread as Jo switched research a couple of times to get things that were easy, cheap and necessary. The one thing that they need was clothes and he wanted fabric. Of course that needs string and plant fibers were the easiest ways he knew to get it. So he sent a small searching party to find a plant that they could cultivate around the settlement.

But something went wrong " Tell us what happened" Jo could smell the iron of blood and Ohno had cuts on his left side and back.

"goblins. we meet a group of goblins when trudging through the forest south West of here. we caught them off-guard and they attacked us on sight. we fled in every direction. I tripped and one of them jumped on me I got away thanks to someone helping me. I don't know what happened to the others. please help them." Ohno had entered a deep bow and was begging.

This was the first time Jo encountered a situation like this he wasn't mentally or physically prepared for a situation like this. Of course he made weapons and armor in case they were attack by someone or something.

"Joben call Ohba we might have to gather people to march and deal with this new threat." Jo's mind was spinning he was trying to come up with a plan to solve this he never experienced dealing with a situation that could have people hurt or killed.

"Don't worry he most likely on his way word will travel fast is a small settlement like this." Jobens words came true as Ohba accompanied with Naya arrived.

"Young Majesty I'm here what is going on." ready to take action Ohba bowed.

"A group of goblins attacked our group of gatherers south west of here I want you to gather some people to scout out the area and find out were they came from. Make sure to not engage unless absolutely necessary prioritize retreating. I want info not blood if possible and take what equipment you need." Jo hoped he was making the right call he knew several of his residence were once soldiers. So he had some already disciplined people to fight.

"As you wish young Majesty" Ohba was an experienced Commander so Jo didn't worry he just hoped every thing would be alright.

sorry for the delay real life stuff was going on so thanks for reading love the fact that people actually read some of my work hopefully we'll be getting into the first ark. see you guys on the next chapter.

Wysabe_Wysabecreators' thoughts