
vol 1, chapter 8, metal.

Jo went back to the mystic world and began his work for copper now armed with the knowledge thanks to the Internet he was hoping to succeed. It was late in the mystic world and he worked by himself, gathering wood for charcoal burning it in a charcoal furnace and ground up the malachite ore.

This was one of the biggest mistakes he made as he put the chunks of ore he had collected from the cliff straight into the furnace. He instead need to grind then into a fine powder and even though he had high grade ore he would only get small amounts of metal from fist sized pieces.

he worked throughout the night using the light from the settlement core. He even managed to get a large amount of the malachite grounded up and into powder. it was a lengthy process and the time it took him to grind the ore was long enough for the charcoal to finish burning which he retrieved and started the process to refine the ore.

Now having learned from his mistakes from last time he copied to method used in the video the only problem was he didn't have a bag Bello because the leather wasn't ready for crafting. but he made do with the same contraption he used to heat up the previous forge.

Hoping that he was doing things right he continued on moving the fans back and forth on the bow drill. Sweat formed as the labor intensity tested his stamina. Although not hard it was very repetitive. Hours past and Jo didn't know how long it took to smelt copper but he wanted to be sure he didn't fail.

The moon was over head and with the light of the core Jo prepared to retrieve the copper that he melted. dousing the fire in water from a ceramic bowl. Using sticks to grab pink materials that he found from the fire pit. This was the copper he has spent the hole night crafting.

Now having made metal from mineral he wanted iron he knew were to get it but although he made copper the night was late and he was worried for his work in the real world. For the time being he decided to cultivate as since he broke through the first barrier his mental fatigue had lesson he could spend more time awake which was a double-edged sword as everybody around him could not do the same.

He soon found him self in a trance and was walking through a Grove of cherry trees with their pink petals falling. He then saw a woman with long black hair trust and highly decorative Japanese robes similar to that of a kimono. "Amaterasu" Jo remembered her as she gave him his bloodline.

"Welcome young man it seems you have made a huge strive today. Metalworking belongs only to the great four ancient civilizations for you to have acquired it by yourself it's a feat none have yet to claim I'm proud you have claimed my sun goddess bloodline. Come speak I shall answer questions but only those I want to answer." amaterasu spoke sounding in an indifferent tone.

Taken aback Jo understand what was going on he must have achieve something that not many have accomplished but there were people from Earth and it would be only a matter of time before things like steel and comparators became mass-produced.

All it needed was some infrastructure and people who knew how. Jo didn't know how to make steel Mass producible or how to make the old computer components that were revolutionary in the turn of the 20th century. But if he could get his hands on something like that he should be at an extreme tech advantage at least if he got it early enough.

Of course a journey of a thousand Miles begins with a single step. the important questions on his mind can only be answered by the goddess directly. " Who are the great ancient civilizations." Jo needed to know as they obviously seem to have a tech advantage over him.

The goddess than smiled and said "Egypt, Mesopotamia, Indian River valley tribes and Chinese states, these are the ones you must worry as the bloodlines of these ancient formidable civilisations have advanced blacksmithing that can craft bronze and iron tools weapons and armor but only if it was widespread in their time. an example of being if you got the bloodline of the founder of your civilization you could only work with bronze but if you got a bloodline from those near the end then you could work with iron and potentially steel if you're dedicated to acquiring it but it is unlikely at least in large quantities." although slightly cryptic Joe could understand her words.

Basically if the person you got your bloodline from lived in the bronze age where iron wasn't invited or wide spread you can only work with bronze but if it was in the iron age then you can work with iron. then the goddess spoke again. "of course it's only counts with major bloodlines minor bloodlines of lesser kingdoms that were vassals of the greater civilizations will only have basic blacksmithing meaning they are at your level only able to make copper and lighter metals easy to be worked with on an open fire." this was interesting Jo didn't know much about ancient civilizations.

But he did have major rivals and if they can recruit people from Earth they could reverse-engineer Earth's tech and catapult them into at least the industrial age. This was scary to think about but they at least would have to have some level of power to begin with just like himself they probably started with a settlement core and could gather manpower quickly.

"Is there any other beings here in the mystic world or is it just people from Earth doing everything." Jo wondered if there had been any natives to the mystic world or was it uninhabited until they arrived.

but the goddess just sat there looking at him "I guess you don't want to say." she did say she would only answer a question that she wanted to answer. "ha I was just thinking on how to answer your question because it's yes but more than that. other than humanity this world is filled with all kinds of sentient life some you my recognize others you may not."

"Are they hostile or could I communicate with them at all." hearing about sentient life other than humans was exciting but concerning if you ever read a fantasy novel anyone would understand. "Yes and no. Yes you can do it do to you owning a civilization core you can speak with people telepathically but for your average citizen couldn't because they all have unique languages the elves speak elven, orc speak orcish, goblin speak goblish, gnomes speak gnomesh, and other sentient races speaks their respective language." this was shocking so there are elves and goblins and such other races in this world.

To be honest this was a bombshell for Jo he didn't expect to have search fantasy races and there seems to be more than the standard elves, goblins, orcs and dwarves. Now this is exciting he couldn't wait to at least see what they look like.

Of course he would be cautious. Nothing good comes from someone barging into a community and causing a ruckus if they are not invited but he did wonder what other races were there.

"any other questions that I might answer" Jo could tell there time was limited and he wanted one thing " Can you give me the sun goddess cultivation technique you promised when we first met." he thought he was able to get it because he broke through the first barrier but "No you aren't prepared to receive that cultivation technique when you become a cultivator then will talk but until then bye." the goddess waved her hand and Jo woke up from his trance arriving back to the mystic world.

"So it wouldn't be that easy huh." Well she is a God so she can do whatever she wants. Although irritating he couldn't do anyting about it.

It was still night time and Jo could feel fatigue both in his mind and body even though he broke through the first barrier he was still human and needed sleep.

{Ding} {you have received a message to leave the mystic world} being woken up Jo felt himself back in his van this was the second day on earth while several passed in the mystic world. He wondered if there would be any thing on the news about this since everybody would have spent a least several days in the mystic world.

Although curious you decided to get ready and look at it after he was done with his shift and hearing the gossip at his work. Getting changed and starting his car Jo traveled to the fast food restaurant and saw nobody there " so is things back to normal today or?"

thanks for reading I finally figured out how to do the author's thought so this will be a thing. anyway thanks for the support. Comment down in the comment section and if you have any thoughts on the story and I'm going to start another story soon just writing the chapters and building up a small pack log so I can release them more often than this story as I release a chapter every time I finish it and again thanks for reading.

Wysabe_Wysabecreators' thoughts