
vol 1,chap 5, the calm before the storm.

Jo got ready for work sense it was 6 o'clock and he worked 7 to 12. He worked at a small fast food restaurant and it didn't open until 7 but he liked getting there early to clean and set up before any one else arrived. although he worked at a fast food restaurant he also did copyrighting as a means of getting more side income to pay off his debt and this is when he gets the most done.

Jo quick arrived to work and saw the managers car already parked "that odd she usually gets here 30 minutes from now. why is she here so early." Jo left his vehicle and walked to the back and greeted his manager. "hi there Mrs Rodger." his manager was a older women in her late 40s. She was a head smaller then Joe who was 5 foot 10. she had red hair with a large body but not like you think despite being and her late forties she had a very chiseled muscular body.

"Oh hello Jo your here early like always how is your morning." Mrs Roger was a very polite person and liked people who worked hard.

"I'm good I just got up a little while ago and decided to get here early like I usually do but I didn't expect you to be here so early, did something happen or was it lack of sleep." Jo didn't mind Mrs Roger as she was nice, didn't nag on people to much as long as they did what they were supposed to do. (She would just fire them even if it was their first day if they were too bratty or hard to work with.)

"Oh it's nothing just some trouble sleeping." Mrs Roger had unlocked the back door for the employees so I entered to get some work done before everyone else arrived which was primarily cleaning the stove, counters, equipment, sweeping the floor and preparing ingredients. After about 30 minutes me and Mrs Roger and others that arrived earlier than usual had prepared everything and we're ready to open but there was plenty of time so I started working on my copyrighting draft on my phone using G-docs but over heard some confusions.

"yo Pat I had this weird ass dream last night I was in this white room, like that one from the matrix and I heard this voice and it had me do all this weird shit and after that I was in this large forest all by my self it was so weird and trippy it was like I was in another world."

I was over hearing a conversation by some of the other employees 'hmm this sounds interesting'

"yeah JJ I had a similar dream by I got some kind of thing called a bloodline in mine it was so trippy trippier than the time I took acid and that stuff was gnarly." 'what he did acid' I'm confused should I be shocked as they most likely went into the mystic world or because one of them took acid.

never mind I should work and get back as soon as possible, Jo spend the rest of his time working and paying attention to his Co workers. It seems they thought it was a dream and some of them got unlucky and we're attached by wild animals but sense every one had a similar dream someone will be suspicious on what is going on.

The next few days might be the calm before the storm for as soon as everyone realizes what is happening then people will reveal their true selves. It's similar to playing a video game, as people tend to act as normal or upmost in the public space but when they enter a social space like an MMO were public rules aren't being enforced or upheld as regularly or you can get away with it easier people act like their true selves. Acting in their own interest doing whatever it takes to achieve their goal even if it means eliminating people in front of them especially when death is no longer a concern.

But that's if death in The mystic world doesn't equal death in the real world and by those stories it seems to be true. This was an important fact as if someone died in the mystic world but didn't on Earth then they might respawn and without a worried for death people will become reckless.

Jo understood that fact from playing MMOs when he was younger. he feared that people might decide to treat it as a game instead of taking it seriously. So he decided to increase his cultivation quickly as the mystic world had no laws and people to enforce law and order so it will soon become a chaotic scene.

The main reason was the mystic world would become a place we're the strong rule over the weak. With cultivation being a thing people will gain strength and power and strength and power equal freedom. Freedom allows us to strive for our goals and desires but not everyone will uphold morality and justice. This is the greatest sin of humanity that if enough people are left to their own devices society would crumble that is why we have checks and balances.

Jo didn't want to deal with these people that will arise due to this change but at least he was in a better position to handle it. with his civilization core and people like Joben around him he felt at ease but he still had a lot of work to do before he felt confident.

once he finished his shift Jo got some food and parked somewhere where he wouldn't be Disturbed and entered the mystic world. Once he entered he found that he was inside one of the shelters set up.

As soon as he left the shelter Joben come to greet him " Ah Young Majesty you have returned right on time we have some good news Satake finished the building for our scholars it's simple but it will come in handy also we have 6 new residents they've been helping around but they require professions. lastly we should start researching something as it will boost our power."

Jo was shocked by the amount of information that Joben provided. 'What new residents I've been gone for 5 hours in the real world' "how long was I gone here." Jo was informed that there was a time dilation between Earth and the mystic world but he didn't know the ratio.

"I don't know your Majesty you're gone for a full day you would have been gone for two however you arrived in the morning of this day." although confusing Jo understood and did some quick math in his head 'there's roughly 24 hours in a single day if I was gone for 5 hours but roughly more than 24 hours has passed the ratio should be roughly 1:8' Jo came up with this conclusion however he wasn't completely confident in it.

Satake also finished the building for the scholars Jo was happy to hear this and he wanted to see what it looked like.

Joben escourted Jo to the finish building and it looked simple. It had a grass roof, walls made out of clay and a door way with no door. "Young Majesty this is what we can only do with stone tools we need metal and Carpenters if we wish to make better buildings."

Jo know this but he needed to research it first. So he opened the professions tab and checked to see if he had any one good to become a scholar unfortunately he didn't get any one above E grade so he picked those with the highest intelligence and I signed them scholars.

he made two people scholars and had the others assigned different professions in the end the profession tab looked like this.


Profession tab

Hunter 2

Gather 2

tool maker 1

leatherworker 1

builder 0

scholar 2


Jo knee that he would need a lot of manpower for what he wanted to accomplish. For now he had Joben assemble the scholars to begin researching pottery.

Jo checked before hand if he could make pottery as it could store food especially dry foods because in proper conditions they can last for months. Perfect if they were unable to resupply do to famine or external threats. But they didn't have the tec to make it.

This shows how bare Bones there tec was. many people often over look how important pottery was to humanity as in a sense it was almost as revolutionary to our species as fire. Because for the first time we coud transport large quantities of water from one location to another and could cook food more effectively then on an open fire we could also store food more properly and longer depending on how you store it and bugs and small animals couldn't get to the food stored inside.

Jo wanted to be line straight to iron production and make black powder as fast as possible to be properly prepared for the future but that would take time but in the mystic world one had plenty of time.


author note: I've been doing well getting use to writing every day hopefully my skills will improve and thank you for reading my novice work please comment and read the next chapter when I get to it. thanks
