
vol 1, chapter 6, pots, bows and baskets


thanks for the support sorry if this chapter seems a bit rushed I'm trying to make it seem like a montage. As a lot of time is passing and Jo is trying to get things done sorry for any novice storytelling or grammar errors but I feel like I'm beginning to improve.


Jo needed time to research pottery but fortunately he knew how to make clay pottery so he gathered some people to help him find some clay deposits around the river bed.

fortunately there was a small deposits close by so he had every one gather some clay but unfortunately they didn't have baskets a mistake on Jo's part it seemed he needed to research that as well. he did find it odd that he could make leather but not a basket.

when he arrived he set up a local stockpile for the clay and had them make several trips to gain a decent amount. I took about an hour to together the clay. He then went back to the river to gather smoothing rocks preferably ones with flat sides.

When the clay and rocks were gathered he had the clay set out in the sun to dry and he also had the scholars watch so that they would understand what he was doing hoping this would speed up the process of researching pottery.

he also spent the rest of the day practicing making baskets but didn't get any we're. That night Ohba managed to catch some rabbits and gave them to Jo for his meal. Jo himself wanted to try cooked rabbit but when they were finished cooking and he took a bite out of the rabbit he was shocked on how bland and tasteless was. But when you think about it it made sense as there's no real seasonings on the meat. as someone coming from the 21st century he practically had spices on everything he ate then to eat something without seasonings obviously tasted foreign. Although the grease had some flavor it was mild if not nonexisting. In the end he gave it to those who worked the hard who then ate it happily with Glee.

He then went to bed and the next morning new residents spawned and he gave them professions. Unfortunately again nobody was at E rank or above. He then went to the clay and found it all of it had manage to dry up. With this he gathered some people and the scholars and had them crush the dried clay into powder using the smooth rocks and remove any rocks and debris they found. He also had the leather workers start processing the rabbit hides. Within a few hours the clay had been processed and was ready for the next step.

But before that he had them gather wood he told them to dig a shallow pit thankfully the tool makers made basic digging sticks so it was helpful. when that was done and the wood gathered he had them make a fire using the bow drill method. but another roadblock happened as they didn't have twine. Another short-sighted move on his part.

"Crap we don't even have twine well thankfully we can get this done easy." It was a simple mistake but an easy one to fix he had the scholars stop researching pottery and start researching twine he then gathered some plants from the area and had the scholars watch as he stripped them into small lengths of fiber and then used a method of twisting them to make basic twine. the scholars made an oh face and had a quick discussion among themselves and soon Jo got a pop up from the system.

{Ding}{you have successfully researched how to make twine.} Jo felt relieved at the fact the scholars could use an example to speed up research. This was amazing news manly if he got someone from Earth that knows how to make something like let's say plastic, gasoline, or a steam engine he could catapult his civilization into it's industrial revolution.

Although his happiness didn't last for long as Joben came up and said "Young Majesty if you wanted to make a fire you could have asked someone here for there are those that know how to make a fire." Jo was petrified when hearing these words.

He was so caught up in making pottery he didn't think that he could us the knowledge of the residence to help him but when he gave it a good though he realized that the people did have memories of there past life. So somebody here most likely knows how to make clay pottery and he just wasted an entire day and a half.

Realizing his mistake Jo had Joben go around asking if any one had knowledge of clay pottery and soon Joben came back with three people they were a man and two women. "So you three know how to make clay pottery" all three of them nodded and began to introduce themselves.

The man spoke first " I am Haruta Toshiyuki I was once a skilled Potter in my village but I was executed for theft before I arrived here."

this was surprising for someone to reveal there criminal past so easily. It makes him feel for them as each one of them has there own back story and personalities making them so unique.

but soon he wouldn't have time to understand everyone as more arrived each day but let's cherish these small moments. Then one of the women spoke. "I'm Sone Yu a potter in my village I past away from an infection." although sad this was pretty common for people to die from infection until advancements in medicine became widely available.

the last one was a woman who had a pretty figure "I'm kon chima a potter in my town I was killed in an attack by a neighboring Warlord. please take care of me." kons behavior seemed refined then compared to the other two.

'curious' but that would have to wait as Jo wanted pottery. He had them use the ground clay to make pots for carrying water but without a means of carrying water they moved closer to the river since they only had their hands to transport it. He also had a fire started in the pit that he dug and had it burn until the coals romaine when they were done Jo looked over them and for simple Earth works the where well made especially the ones made from kon she seemed to have an amazing sense of her craft has her simple pot look more like a decorative piece of art.

'not bad if we had better tools she could make pots that could be used for trading or to show off our wealth.' If history has taught us anything its wealth can be expressed in more ways then just coins aanndd also pay your mercenaries, always pay your mercenaries and maybe don't invade Russia especially during winter it never works out.

once the pottery was ready he had them placed into the hot coals of the fire and then cover them up with wood so that they would be covered with hot coals once it burned down after a couple of hours he then had a bunch of sand placed over the fire to smother it. but it would take at least a day for it to cool on its own, so he had the scholars research basket-making and had some of the villagers who could make baskets make some and teach the scholars. by the end of the day he was on his way to making pottery and they also had basket weavers as a profession thanks to there research and hard work.

that night he had some basic food and decided sense they could make twine that they would make bows so that they could hunting game.

before he knew it. It was morning of the next day and they had a lot of work for them, so first Jo assigned professions to the new residents but unlike last time he asked them if they had any skills in crafting anything although he didn't have to. he thought they might have something they could research quickly. And fortunately there was someone that could make cloth and clothing but she needed a loom before she could make anything of here craft.

Disappointed Jo decided to set a goal to have thread and the spindle wheel researched after iron. Although that should be soon Jo had people and the scholars help dig out the pots that were buried and it seemed that all but two pots made it through the hardening process. And Just like before the scholars had a little huddled discussion and music sounded through Jo's ears

{Ding}{You have researched pottery you now have access to pottery makers as a profession.} hearing this sound of music he assigned Kon, Some, and Haruta as pottery makers. and gathered his builders as he would upgrade there pottery production by making a primitive kiln he saw on a video. It was simple and he could make it pretty easy.

the only thing he had to do was to organize his builders to construct it. But before he could someone came running up to him. His name was Sada Kojuro and he was a gather but he looked pale and was breathing heavily. " 'Pant' Your Majesty I found 'pant' a great discovery west of here I 'pant' found a copper deposit we should move to gather the copper for tools and weapons. 'pant' "

Indeed this was a great discovery Jo could feel the excitement he quickly had his builders work on the kiln as he gathered the copper.