
Fear the Night

In a dark world, on a mountain lives a crossbreed that tries to survive. Even though he is part goblin, he just doesn't look like one and that makes his life harder then needed. His tribe is hard enough on him but in the outside world it will be only harder. And that he will learn the hard way.

Ro_King · Fantasie
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127 Chs

The village of the Giants (1)

It was a hard way towards the Giant village. They were on their way for almost two days and the way they were on was going upwards most of the time.

At the beginning they were only going upwards lightly, but now it wasnt really a normal walk anymore. They almost climbed up a mountain. They tried more often going around steeper mountains and stayed on the fields, but at the end it was almost a wall they had to over come.

The Giants seemed to live on one of the many mountains on this snowy mountain range.

Rosch and the others had problems with the rarefied atmosphere those high altitudes had.

But to their luck, the Giant Zorkod said to them that they were almost there.

At the end of the long and power consuming climb was a beautiful flat plain. It looked almost as if it was man-made. Or better said probably Giant-made, as if the tip on a smaller mountain was cut off.

On top of the mountain were huge buildings, which shocked Rosch and the rest. They were done mostly out of stone, but there was some wood, too in those structures. But wood only grew far down the mountains. They must have brought it all the way up here, which was insane. There was an entire village, but after looking again, it were just some buildings. And a wall around it. It was just the size that made it look more than there really was.

After walking for a while through the village, they came before the biggest and grandest building of them all. The front door of the building was around 15 meters high and 5 meters wide. The rest looked like a castle of the humans just much bigger, since they almost had only stones for the production it seemed to have fit perfectly as their concept. The other stone houses, looked rather poorly made in comparison to the biggest building, but the ice seemed to hold it all together perfectly.

"This..... Village..... Chief.... Home..... Please..... Inside..... Talk.... Chief... About.... Sickness.", Zorkod looked at Rosch with hope, as he said that. Rosch nodded and went inside. They saw some children of the Giants but almost no adults inside. Zorkod was the only one till now and Roschar had a bad premonition about it.

They went in to the main hall and inside were even more children. They were around a huge female Giant.

She played with the children and had a bright smile on her face. Rosch was shocked, not because she was extremely beautiful, which she was, but more so because her smile was giving of a calming and strengthening feeling, as if everything would become good even in the most dire situations.

They were probably about to face extinction and Rosch could feel it from Zorkod's begging for them to come with him, but she on the other hand seemed to be a calm, collected and strong leader. As if nothing could face her.

Zorkod bowed in front of her, showing his respect. Rosch and the rest didn't, which displeased him a bit, but he couldn't disrespect them, they needed them. He instantly told her who they were. It was in Giant tongue and nobody understood anything. Rosch got a bit nervous, as he didn't like if someone talked about him in another language. They could plan everything, from killing him to enslaving them while he just stood there like an idiot not doing anything.

But as soon as they stopped talking, the Giant female went over and bowed.

"Don't be nervous my friends. My name is Freylinda Gigantia. Thank you for saving Zorkod and those four children of our Giant race. Not only did you help him, you even followed him after hearing his request of help. We truly need a healer. But first come to the table and let us talk while we eat. ", Freylinda said towards Roschar. They were all perplexed, as Freylinda was able to speak in the common tongue without having forgotten it after such a long time. It was truly amazing.

Freylinda Gigantia looked amazingly beautiful. She was even bigger than Zorkod. She was almost 10 meters big, but had a figure that would make anyone go crazy. She was hourglass shaped with a big ass, unbelievable long legs with truly thick thighs a very slim waist and gigantic, massive, enormous breast. Words couldn't describe it. Rosch could probably disappear completely between them if he tried to rest on them. Her hair was a bright orange, just like her eyes. Her hair was long and wavy all the way down to her ass. She wore a white robe that showed all her curves, being skintight. With a cleavage that would compare to the grandest of all canyons. Her lips were cherry red and her skin a bit pale, but still very beautiful.

From behind, Zorkod instantly started to say something seriously, but Freylinda talked back to him and he instantly went silent after looking a bit shocked at Roschar.

His demeanor of before vanished and he seemed to not care anymore that Rosch was a bit disrespectful towards Freylinda at the beginning were he didn't bow.

"Hahaha. You don't have to look surprised. My warrior Zorkod thought that you were a bit disrespectful to me, who is his queen. But I told him that you are probably of royal lineage, too. Or at least a leader of a city. As you have an Alpha aura.", She said smilingly. Rosch was shocked, as she was able to guess it correctly.

" H... How did you know? ", Rosch asked surprised.

" Hahaha you are a young one right? Everyone with an Alpha aura can feel another one. You just have to know the sensation. ", Freylinda said with a smile.

Rosch looked shocked again. He felt her, kind, calm and strong demeanor. So that was her Alpha aura, but why was it so different than his own. Brutal, domineering, lustful was his.

" So you are a young one and don't know anything about it, am I right?", Freylinda asked, while Rosch nodded. She smiled and walked up to the table. The children prepared chairs that they would take seat on themselves normally, but for Rosch and the rest it was the perfect chair to sit in the same table.

After that the food came in and it looked amazing, just that everything they had was meat. Nothing else.

For Rosch it wasn't a problem, but some of his females loved some side dishes.

They started to eat and enjoyed the feast of all kinds of different meats.

"I... I don't know how to thank you. Not only are you saving my subordinates, you now even want to help with our sicknesses. Please enjoy as much food as you want.", Freylinda said, knowing that what they did for her and her subordinates couldn't possibly be enough with just a meal.

" No problem. Please tell me. What are these symptoms of the illness that your race is being plagued with. I need to see if I know of this illness.", Yvonna said with a warm smile. Making Freylinda happy. As soon as she heard from the Giant Zorkod that they needed help because of an illness, she instantly used magic on Roschar and the group to protect them from those. She just hoped that she and the rest didn't get infected at the beginning before they had contact with the Giants at the beginning.

"W.... We are getting different sicknesses. Sometimes we feel weak, have stomach pain, our gums are bleeding, we throw up what we eat or have diarrhea. But for us adults it isn't that bad.

It's.... The children. They don't grow that big anymore and since some years... We are only giving stillbirths or get miscarriages from the get go..... ", Freylinda said almost breaking down in tears.

Everyone was shocked. For such an illness to exist. It truly was an illness aimed to extinct them.

" Is that the reason you are almost extincted? I see no adults anymore and only children, but only older ones. ", Rosch said without holding back.

Freylinda was shocked by his directness, but nodded. If they wanted to wipe them out they already could without her even trying to lie. She just played with open cards now.

" W.... We are still some adults left, but almost all gone. 24 adults to be exact and 65 children. Most are out hunting for the young ones.....

At first we fought normally. Warriors died. Children grew.... And new babies were born. Everything like it should be. But the attacks of the Humans grew stronger and stronger, they had masses of soldiers in which our reproduction couldn't keep up with. They have started to driven us further and further back. All the way from the eastern plains where the Humans live now. ", Freylinda said with a strong melancholic tone.

Rosch and the others were shocked, as Basarilia just nodded as if she slowly remembered it.

" Right there was that time. When ship after ship anchored on this continent, the new found land, they called it. I almost forgot, but your race is indigenous to this continent. It's the humans, who first came to this land seeking out new riches.", Basarilia said, while looking at Freylinda. She nodded with a small tear in her eye.

She closed her eyes and saw green fields as far as her vision could get. But she was someone, who never saw such plains. She pictured it from tales of her ancestors. It was just a dream now.

" Yeah that was what my mother told me. I was born in the snowy mountain range. She was born in the plains, but at the edges of the plains and the snowy mountain range. It was my grandmother and grandfather, who were born, lived and truly experienced that green lands. They fought there, too and slowly lost it centuries after centuries of battle. They got pushed further and further into the north. Some Demons were on the side of the Humans, too. But to be fair, Demons weren't a real faction as they were connected to every race and war at that time. They weren't a unit if I am correct. ", Freylinda said without hate. She knew that they were just some individuals and not really two alliance working together to exterminate the Giants.

Basarilia looked a bit lost for a while, but she couldn't remember much.

" Sorry I can't tell much more either. I was sealed for a millenia by Humans myself. Being sealed for such a long time messes with your mind. I only know that I hate some of them and want revenge.", Basarilia said getting even a bit angry, remembering that it was the royal family she hated the most.

Hearing the history of their continent shocked the rest and they just listened to Freylinda and Basarilia talking, with interest in their eyes.

" Oh right, two parts of you are indigenous to this lands, too, Rosch. Your Goblin and Nightwalker Bloodline. They are indigenous to this continent.", Basarilia said with a smile. Rosch was shocked just like the rest. Nobody of them knew that.

"Wait does that mean... That we Elves aren't from here either?", Yvonna suddenly shouted out surprised.

"Yes, Elves, Humans and the beast-tribes aren't from here. They Human found this continent first and after that came the Elves and as the last faction the beast-tribes. At the east anchored the Humans, at the south the Elven race and from the west came the beast-tribes. ", Basarilia said, remembering some history.

" While I understand the west and east.... Why isn't the south controlled by the Elves? I mean we aren't that many either right? In the forest are probably the last of us!! ", Yvonna asked emotional. But both, Freylinda and Basarilia, shook their heads. Basarilia couldn't answer anything of this as well as Freylinda. Both were out of touch with the outer world for a long time.

Yvonna seemed shocked, a bit confused and lost. But she knew she had to talk with her grandmother or grandfather for more information. The rest were listening interested, learning more about their lineages.

"Those times were filled with war, blood and death. Alpha's weren't rare like nowadays, as ambitiously spirited beings came into this land from all around the world. Just like you and me, Rosch.", Freylinda said.

"But why do you feel so different?", He said, knowing it sounded weird. But he didn't know how to ask her questions about stuff he didn't understand.

She looked at him and started to chuckle.

"Alphas have another name, too. Spiritual leader. That was the name we Giants called it. A being leading others can do it in many ways. Religious beliefs, power through domination, through killing, kindness or being charismatic. A trait in you that makes you a leader and slowly consolidates into your soul. Since ages most thought that only the strongest and most brutal would become Alphas, as most had that trait in them from all those long and bloody battles from the past. But there are many kinds of Alphas out there. I am an example of a different kind of Alpha. ", Freylinda said with a smile.

Rosch looked shocked.

" So that is an Alpha. The traits someone growths up with, which consolidate into your soul. Since mine was fighting and killing most of the time, that got stronger and craved into my soul, but at the same time love to family and friends. The will to protect them. Good that I didn't go on such a murderous way and completely lost myself in it. Is that what Bardoth meant with losing control. Does he knew which Alpha traits were carved into my soul. So his is probably pride? No, all Dragons seem to have that trait carved into their souls from the moment they were born. That is truly interesting. Am I lucky or unlucky. While the murderous trait inside me, probably saved me more than once, it at least more than once brought me into a bad situation, too. ", Rosch thought for a long time. Till he noticed the stares he got from the others.

" Ahemmm. Anyway. We came completely of topic. Yvonna, how can we help Freylinda?", Rosch said shocking the rest as they truly had gone of topic. Talking about history, Alphas and races.

"Right.... Let me think.", Yvonna said, as she started to murmur till she didn't say anything anymore and just thought silently.