
The village of the Giants (2)

Yvonna looked darkly, as she pondered for over 10 minutes. Dead silence was dominating the room, where they had dinner.

"W.... We are doomed, right? Just say the truth, you don't have to try and break your head over it.", Freylinda said, while her voice cracked at the end. Her hope ignited again when Zorkod came back home with a healer, but seeing Yvonna ponder for such a long time meant that even a healer from outside probably never heard of such an illness.

" To be honest with you.... I don't have the slightest idea. So many symptoms and probably many more were overlooked. It could mean everything. Since no adults are here, I can't ask around for more clues. I can't examine the dead bodies, as you probably burned them already... If just Silvana was here. She probably would knew it instantly. ", Yvonna voice sounded, while her hand went through her silver and golden hair. Her eyes are casted down almost watering a bit.

" Wait..... The dead bodies of the victims could help? We.... We... We didn't burn them. We buried them, as wood was to precious for us getting it all the way up the mountain. And with such freezing temperatures they should be still pretty much untouched from decay. I hate the idea of breaking their resting in the after life, but if they knew that they could help us they would instantly agree. I am sure of it. ", Freylinda said, her hope getting to an all tien high since ages.

Yvonna's eyes lighted up again, as she had now new leads to find a cure and help the Giants.

All of them chatted and how the next steps would be. After eating they all went on with doing almost nothing, as only Yvonna had work to do now. The rest was playing with the kids or training. Rosch wasn't really doing anything either, as he relaxed in front of the fireplace.

He gazed into the fire and started to yawn.

"Such days aren't bad either. Just relaxing without getting annoyed by any work, problems or even war. At home, my holiday will be over. Huuuhhhhhhhh.", Rosch thought, while his eyelids were getting heavier from the warmth.

But his attempt to falling asleep was interrupted by Freylinda.

" Hi, I hope I don't interrupt your quality time. ", Freylinda said with a charming smile.

Rosch shook his head sideways to try and get the drowsiness away.

"Naa. It's okay. I would love to have your company. But is it really okay to start a fire? You said wood is hard to transport all the way up here.", Rosch said, while looking into Freylinda's eyes. He didn't want to make their lives harder than it is.

" Don't worry. It is just a little bit, for such important guests like you guys, it is the least we could do. To be honest, I don't know what I could give you or your females as thanks for saving us. It... It... It... It is just we don't really have anything of value. At least let us make your stay here as comfortable as possible. ", Freylinda said, as her voice got weaker. It seemed to be a bit embarrassing for a leader like her, to not being able to give anything in return. Rosch saved here subordinates and now his female tries to save the Giants. She couldn't think of anything he would need or like. They had meat, some clothes and old furniture. That's it. Most valuables were traded decades ago.

" You don't have to. We are doing it for selfish reasons anyway. ", Rosch said with a smile.

Freylinda was surprised and asked more. Rosch started to tell her about his journey since he left the village, to go towards the western plains, Thulpina's home, but ended up all the way up here in the north.

" U.... U... Unbelievable. Wow. So interesting tell me more about you and what you saw, experienced and maybe... More about... You know....", Freylinda mumbled at the end. Her face went red. She was on her knees and looked at Rosch pretty closely, as Rosch told his stories. It seemed the stories were to good, as she came closer and closer towards him, while listening. She was maybe 20 or 30 centimeters away from Rosch at the end of the story. It almost looked as if she was trying her hardest to apologize with her body bend down all the way to Roschar's eye level.

Rosch looked at her beautiful face and then something else. Her enormous mounts, which was a cleavage from another world.

It was full, huge and never ending. Just impossible to ignore.

"Y... Y.. You didn't have sex before? I mean what do you wanna know about our bedroom stories?", Rosch rapidly threw out those words from his mouth, trying to overplay his staring, as that was the topic she wanted to know most about.

But it seemed Freylinda didn't realize where Rosch looked at.

"I had sex before.... Just..... your times with your females sounds so much more..... full of love, lust and fun. I married my two husbands, because they were the biggest of our race at that time. It's tradition that my royal family is marrying the biggest being of the opposite sex of our race. That's how our family always ensures to be the biggest. There was no love in that. Only duty. Both my husbands were the biggest of their time, but died or never came back, which probably means they died when gathering some resources. ", Freylinda told Rosch about herself a bit. She became quieter by the moment, but it didn't seem to be because of her husbands. It felt as if there was something else.

" I am sorry to hear that. But why don't you have any chil..... Ummmmmmm.... ", Rosch threw his hands over his mouth to shut himself up. "I am truly stupid. Why did I ask? What if her children died of that sickness.", Rosch thought, his face becoming pale.

"It's okay, I wasn't blessed with children. I think wanting to be the biggest of our race came with a price that we have to pay now. If the other adults were here, you would see what I mean. I... I.... Am the biggest of our race, just look at Zorkod. He is 7 meters tall, while I am 10. My two husbands were a bit over 8 and a half meters. I.... Believe they were to small

.... Down there...", Freylinda told Rosch while getting redder and redder, as well as quieter.

Rosch looked surprised.

" Hmmmm. Is that really what it was? There are always females who are harder to get pregnant, can't get pregnant at all or males who can't get any females pregnant. But just because of the hight. I am much smaller than most my females and was even smaller when I got some of them pregnant. I will ask Yvonna later. Maybe I can help her make her wish come true. Wait was that why she looked depressed? The husbands didn't come back and that meant no children. They were her only chance to get children..... Thats hard. For her but her husband's, too. But that is life for royal lineages it seems. Would I have been forced to mate with females I don't know or even like, if I hadn't thrown father out the village? .....He even tried to send a spy into my harem..... ", Rosch sat there while holding his chin, even shaking a bit after remembering Gretrua. He looked into the fireplace, forgetting Freylinda.

Freylinda looked at Rosch, becoming a bit mesmerized by him. The stories, his demeanor and personality. Everything sounded so carefree even though he is a leader like her.

They talked for a long time and Rosch tried his best at looking everywhere except her enormous mounts. But Freylinda didn't seem to realize how attracted Rosch was to her, as she teased him all night long with her body, unintentionally.

Two days went past and Rosch met two other Giants. And just like Freylinda said, these two were around Zorkods height.

In all this time, Rosch only saw Yvonna when they ate together. She looked more and more exhausted, but didn't seem to find a solution.

Rosch followed Yvonna after lunch this time.

She had a room for herself. In that room everything was enormous, but luckily they had children furniture in masses, as there were more children than adults. It was more than enough for her. The corpse of a Giant was lying on the ground and she on top of it. Searching almost every millimeter of the body to find some clues.

"So how is it going?", Rosch asked, while looking around the room.

"Not optimally. Nah who am I kidding. I.... I.... Don't know. Rosch.... We should go home and ask Silvana. We can help them more like that. I.... Am still to inexperienced.", Yvonna looked down at the ground, while saying that. But especially at the leg of Rosch.

" So there really was more. ", Rosch thought, while seeing where Yvonna looked at.

" You know that the reason I am not a cripple, is thanks to you. Why are you giving yourself blame for doing such a good job?",Rosch asked her with a smile while walking closer. He touched her cheeks gently.

"B.... B.... But I..... I am not as strong as Basarilia... I am not as helpful as Ziriana ..... I am not as knowledgeable as Silvana..... I really thought I would be of use to you....", Yvonna told Rosch meekly, as she rubbed her face into his palm.

"Didn't you just compare yourself to females that have much more experience. Yvonna, you were treated as a child just two or three years ago. You learned everything in such a short amount of time. You weren't able to heal my foot entirely, but you were able to heal it to a degree that it won't rot away. We just needed to get home and that you accomplished astonishingly. Silvana will reconnect veins, nerves and so on. You did a fantastic job. Listen Yvonna, the only thing you are missing is a bit more confidence. Everything else you will get easily with time and with how things progressed till now, it won't be that long either. That's what Silvana told me. You have so much potential. ", Rosch picked her up and went to a chair, while telling her as kindly as possible. They were on a corpse and it felt weird touching his female, while a rotting corpse was beneath them.

Yvonna buried her face in Roschar's neck, trying to hide her tears.

" You.... You shouldn't spy on me or talk about me when I am not around.", She said even weaker than before. Her face became completely red, but a huge smile was on that pretty face.

"Why shouldn't I do that? You are my love. I want to know everything about you. How I can help you when needed or when I am in the way. If I know those things you will be more happy and I, too will be happy. Let's go to another room. You can relax and get your mind some rest. At least till the next meal.

Even though meat again. I really love meat, but I would love something else, too. Fruits, vegetables and so on..... I miss the variety. ", Rosch said to Yvonna, while carrying her towards another room.

Yvonna, who looked happy, embarrassed and even a bit sad, which was a weird combination, suddenly jumped out of Roschar's arms.

She looked him deep in the eyes and gave him a french kiss. It was for a long time and wild. Yvonna couldn't hold herself back, she almost ripped Roschar's clothes to pieces.

" Yv... Yvonna let's go to a room. I don't mind others watching, but you will probably regret it.", Rosch said to her, while trying to get her mouth away from his. He didn't mind getting watched. It even turned him on a bit, as it would show others who the Alpha in the room would be. But Yvonna would regret it, if she realized all those children of the Giant race were watching her with such interest.

"Y... Y... YOU DUMMY. I don't want to do that. You just made me slove the mystery about the sickness. I have to look again, but I know what they have.", Yvonna yelled at first, but started to shine right after. It really seemed she found out what that sickness would be.

She instantly ran away after giving Rosch some more kisses.

" Seems I will be alone. Huuuuuhhhh. What now? ", Rosch thought, as he looked down and a huge tent was rising between his legs.

He wandered around not minding that others could see his rising friend, as he was called out.

"R.. R... Rosch!!! Th... Th.. There are children here!!!", Freylinda said with force, but at the same time it still sounded sweet. She was truly weird.

She ran up to him, while going down to his level again. She wanted to say it as quietly and quickly as possible, but Rosch was the first one to talk to her.

" You don't have to got down like that, when talking to me. You can stand normally and just talk.", Rosch said with a smile.

"B... But that would be rude. We are both leaders....Wait I have an idea!",Freylinda quickly blurted out, as she picked him up and hold him on her palms. Rosch was as big as both her palms together. It was an amazing experience being picked up by such a feminine Giantess. She was a Giantess, who had strength from birth, but her body shape or demeanor was that of a kind, beautiful and elegant flower. It just felt weird for such a being to do anything effortless. Rosch felt more like he needed to pick her up and protect her not the other way around.

She was holding him right before her eyes, as Rosch looked into those clear, beautiful and bright orange eyes.

Just seeing her up so close and feeling her breath made his dick twitch. It was getting harder and bigger to the surprise of Freylinda.

She saw the small Rosch, with a dick that couldn't be compared to his size. If a Giant was there with Roschar's dick to body ratio, the Giantesses of their race would be impregnated easily.

"I.... I.... I wish you were a Giant.", Freylinda murmured out, but since Rosch was in front of her, he could easily hear her.

Freylinda instantly went red, because she knew Rosch heard it as his dick twitched as a respond.

"A... Aaaa..... Anyway. You can't show that thing around. There are children. Wh.... What are you doing?", Freylinda blurted out as fast as she could. Her face burning red.

"Sorry. Yvonna made me like that. She kissed and grabbed me all around and suddenly ran off, saying she now knows what the sickness could be.", Rosch said with a loud sigh at the end. It truly wasn't his fault, his eyes tried to convey to Freylinda.

But she just jumped up with Rosch in her hands and started to run towards the room Yvonna was at. She couldn't hide her happiness.

" Co.... Could it..... Could it really be?", She thought with tears in her eyes, as she became faster and faster.