

Fate turns its eyes to worlds in darkness. Fate does odd things to the worlds it touches upon. It brings the smallest spark and forms it into a massive beacon for the oppressed and a wild fire for its enemies. What happens in the future is anyones guess with the whims of fate. I do this for enjoyment and practice. I own nothing. Please support the authors and creators by following and supporting the releases. World crossover in the future. 5 laid out as of this moment. More to be determined.

CultivatorDragon · Anime und Comics
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Facing Reality

Within the Reality Marble the four heroes had watched as Jaune proceeded to act as a hero for the first time in this new life. Chiron was the only one able to give out advice at this time due to Alaya's actions with his soul shard being the first to be tied to Jaune's soul. He had access to Jaune's subconscious, allowing him to speak directly to Jaune's mind. Since he had appeared in Jaune's dream the first time, Chiron had started speaking to Jaune in his mind from that point on. Giving Jaune pointers on anything and everything he thought Jaune would need in the future. Preparing him for his future training.

Since the fight, the heroes had come to a decision that it was time to bring Jaune into the Reality Marble to meet them, as well as start his training. The training regimens the heroes had come up with were ones that even Chiron was astonished at. It was something that even the Grecian heroes could barely survive. But after seeing some fights between huntsman at a carnival that Jaune and his family went to, he came to understand that the people of this world were studier than the humans of his old world due to the presence of aura in every human and Faunus. Since everyone could utilize aura it allowed them to do things similar to how magicians did in the old world, while also giving a certain level of protection that the humans of the other world never had, save for the magus. With this knowledge Chiron knew that Jaune would survive the training and receive immense benefits from it.

This training would only be possible with Jaune's large aura reserve as well as the presence of Avalon. With these two things, Jaune would be able to do more than any of the previous heroes Chiron had taught. Though he would need to supplement Jaune's training with herbs that would help his body to become accustomed to the essence of strength and stamina from his past student.

"At least he has the fighting spirit. Now how will we begin his training?" Shirou asked the group as he looked to their leader Chiron.

"I will continue Jaune's physical training as I have already begun the initial stage. We will also have to see how the Arc family will respond after this situation. I believe their family has depths that are not normal." Chiron explained. "Shirou you can teach Jaune some everyday skills that will work well with the medical knowledge he will learn from me. Tama I will need your help in picking out herbs and tubers that will aid Jaune in gaining a magically inclined body, as well as everyday food and survival. He may have magical circuits but they have not been attuned to this world's magic yet. Jaune will have to go through a tempering of his body to be able to utilize aura and magic. Artoria you will start Jaune's studies. Once his body is strong enough, you will be able to begin your sword training as well as leadership training." Artoria only nodded at this.

"That will be interesting to see. I will finally be able to interact with my brother." Shirou said with a wistful gaze.

"Agreed. We will mold him into a great hero and leader." Saber said.

"Yeah, but I want to see one of the maidens soon. If I can I will be able to figure more out about the magic system they have here. I have been able to figure out the life magics but the others are on a different system that will take time to decode." Tama said.

"Yes, but that probably won't happen for a long time. I mean, they keep the maidens secret for a reason right?" Shirou said diplomatically.

"True, but don't we need him trained in magic sooner, so that he can use it when he needs it?" Tama asked.

"Yes, but don't we have enough to train him in now though? How about this, when Jaune is finished with his body foundation then you can start training him in magic. That should only be about three years from now. Once his body has reached that point, he can and should start his magic training." Chiron explained. "With his strong body he will have a strong mind to follow it with the aid of Shirou, Saber and I, and our training. Since that will be the case, he will have an easier time to control your powers. As we need him to have the ability to control the nine tails, that you possess, in the future without too much mental strain."

Tama could only nod her head at the words Chiron spoke. What he said was true. The more tails that she used the more concentration it would take. For Jaune to use the tails he would have to have an exceedingly strong mind to control and focus the powers that each tail would provide Jaune.

For now the heroes prepared to meet their student.

Jaune lay unconscious after the fight with the Beowolf. When the darkness took him, Jaune found himself somewhere else. Jaune looked around his surroundings and found himself in expansive, hilly grasslands. Lakes and ponds dotted the grassland with woodland forests off in the distance. Jaune stood on the side of a hill and looked out upon the majesty he had not seen in his life yet. "This is one amazing dream." Jaune said to himself.

Jaune flinched when he heard a familiar voice speak from behind him, "This is within your soul Jaune. This is your own world you created. It is everything of nature you have seen and experienced so far in your life. Once you go and explore your world more then everything you see and experience will be added to this place." Chiron explained as he walked toward Jaune.

Chiron was a tall man with a warriors build. He had an olive skin tone and equine like features, though this did not make him ugly, rather it made him look majestic. He was clothed in sandals, shin guards, arm guards and a chest piece over top a billowing white shirt with a metal plated kilt. Behind him a tail similar to a horses tail swished back and forth.

This was Jaune's first time actually seeing Chiron, but what he got from his first impression was a steadfast mountain. One that could withstand even the hordes of grimm. Jaune also felt as if wisdom from a very long life was evident in how he held himself, as well as the look of his eyes

After Jaune's face went through a few expressions he recalled his mother words about proper greetings. Jaune stood and bowed towards his first teacher. "Chiron. It is good to put a face to the voice I have always heard in my head. So this is my soul, huh? How is it so big?"

Chiron smiled as he looked at Jaune. "I would not be the one to explain the intricacies of this place. I will leave that to another. You have been brought here so that you will be trained by four great heroes of the past. This is a gift bestowed upon you by the gods of this world. They need a hero who will turn the tide of battle against the grimm. They set many things into motion and one of those things will be you. I have already spoken to you at length about what it means to be a hero, as well as the pain that will follow such a decision. But right now is the turning point for the rest of your life. If you accept this burden then you will be trained by us heroes to lead this world into a new age. You have a great destiny before you. If you are to achieve it, you will need guidance and that is what we are here for. We will do everything in our power to help you in your training to allow you to achieve your goals. Now the question I have for you; will you accept this burden placed upon you by the gods?"

Jaune took a few moments to understand what he was told. Jaune had always wanted to be a hero, a huntsman who would save the people from the grimm and any other threats. After all the stories his mother and sisters had told him when he went to sleep, Jaune had formed a deep seated need to become like those heroes.

Since his run in with the beowolf grimm earlier today Jaune's mind set on becoming a hero had become set in stone. Nothing would diverge him from this path he had chosen for himself. Now that he knew the gods had given him such a chance: a chance to achieve his dreams, as well as theirs. Jaune did not see a problem with this decision, as it was the fruition of his beliefs as well as his dreams. If he did not take this opportunity then wouldn't that be the same as leaving his family to the grimm?

Coming to this realization Jaune looked at Chiron's extended hand and reached for it saying, "I will accept this burden as it is the same as my dream and my beliefs. I will help this world, in any way I can. Should that be as the bastion holding back the grimm, or a leader directing the people to a new era. One way or another, I will become the hero this world needs." Jaune said as he was pulled to his feet.

Chiron looked upon Jaune with pride. "Well said. Now let us meet the others." Chiron led Jaune towards the hilltop. Upon reaching the hilltop, Jaune was met with a sight he could hardly fathom. First there was a marble stand for four weapons at the crown of the hill. The stand was now filled with the four weapons, a sword in an intricate scabbard, a spear giving of the cold of winter, an axe hammer that had electricity and flames pouring off of it, and finally a circular shield with five points equal distant from each other. In the middle of the stand sat a gold sphere that pulsed with light and energy.

Jaune could feel a connection to all of the weapons, as well as the sphere. It was as if these weapons were a part of him but he did not understand this connection enough to feel the weapons fully. It was as if he had just moved a body part that had been sleeping. He could feel pins and needles but nothing past this.

The sphere on the other hand, seemed to pulse in time with his heart. With each beat of his heart, the sphere of light pulsed with light. Jaune could see a blue green liquid in a canal surrounding the marble pedestal. With each heart beat the liquid seemed to flow like a fountain underneath the sphere of light. Each small drop of the liquid, added a little more strength to the pulsing sphere.

Past the weapon stand Jaune saw four different buildings. Each of them was very distinct from each other. If one from the past world were to see it they would see from left to right; a magnificent castle of European design, an ancient Grecian temple, a Shinto style temple, and finally a high-rise skyscraper with mechanical parts evident throughout.

But as Jaune had no knowledge of the past world he could only looked on these buildings in awe at the beautiful designs and construction styles. Out of three of the buildings came three figures, that were slowly making their way towards Jaune and Chiron. The five met at the center point between the buildings and the weapon stand.

"Jaune, let me introduce you to the heroes chosen to help you on your path to becoming the hero this world needs." Chiron said as he held his hand palm up towards the first person with the other behind his back.

She stood close to five feet six inches with golden hair tied into a ponytail with two bangs bracketing her face. She was gorgeous, with the air of royalty, without the over bearing pressure that other leaders give off. She was garbed in a fully body suit of silver armor that covered everything. What was interesting was that the bottoms were instead a long skirt covered in plated metal rather than greaves. She moved with grace and poise, that was a combination of ingrained knowledge and instinct.

"This is Artoria Pendragon. She was once a hero king of her nation. She is a saint class swordsman. Few can face her with a blade and win. She will be your sword master. You will learn everything about the sword from her. She will also teach you in all forms of politics, governance, etiquette, and martial leadership." Chiron said.

"It is good to finally meet you Jaune. I look forward watching you grow into the hero we know you can be. You can call me by my other name, Saber, if you wish." Artoria said to Jaune with a blinding smile.

Jaune just nodded stupidly at the gorgeous woman before him and the regal bearing she held herself with. He regained his wits somewhat and responded, "I appreciate the future teachings I will receive from you Saber. I hope I can meet and exceed your expectations."

Saber just nodded her head as she knew anything else added would only baffle the child more than he already was.

Moving his hand over, Chiron pointed at the next person. Jaune was surprised to see a twenty something fox Faunus staring at him with a smirk on her face. She had two pointed ears on the top of her head as well as an orange tail that swished lazily behind her. She was also a beauty, but to a different degree than Artoria. She was more fox like, with sharper features she gave off a primal feeling similar but different than the grimm Jaune had faced before. This feeling was more focused and directed. Where the grimm's aura was mindless and all encompassing. She held a golden staff topped with multiple rings connected to a single ring on top, each movement of the staff gave off a jingling noise. She was clothed in a ceremonial robe of the east kingdom of Mistral.

"This is Tamamo no Mae, otherwise known as the Nine Tailed Fox, she will be your magic instructor. She will guide you in the use of the magic of this world. She will also show you a way to transform yourself into a Faunus with fox features. She is a legendary beast that transcended her form to become a Faunus. With her backing you will be able to interact with the Faunus much easier than you would as a human." Chiron said.

"You can call me Tama. I will guide you in the intricacies of magic and its uses. As you grow in power you will gain a new tail to show your progression, until you reach nine tails. It will be good to see your growth." Tama said to Jaune with a wide smile. From her back the one tail spun in a clockwise motion and eight tails separated from the first, leaving her with nine tails.

Jaune watched the scene in awe.

Chiron then pointed to the last person. "This is Shirou Emiya. He will be your trainer in the Reality Marble and its special magic. He will also train you in the spear, heavy weapons, and shields. He will also give you some skills in mechanics."

Jaune looked upon this latest hero with some unknown connection vibrating from his heart and his soul. "I'm sorry, but do I know you? I feel as if I should."

The heroes all looked at Jaune slightly stunned. They had thought about the possibility of Jaune having some memories from his past life but they had not seen any indication of this throughout the last five years so it had faded from their minds. But now Jaune seemed on the verge of remembering his past somewhat.

Not knowing what to do, Shirou Emiya shot a look at Chiron with a pained expression looking for guidance. Chiron only nodded his head after he looked between the two.

Shirou knelt down on one knee put a hand on Jaune's shoulder and looked into Jaune's eyes. "I…I was your brother in a past life. That is why you feel as if you should know who I am. You saved me from a horrible fate, allowing me to become a hero in my life."

Jaune's heart stopped at these words. He could not comprehend how this man had been his brother in a past life, as they do not look alike in any way. But Jaune knew that these words were true. He felt it in his heart and his soul. He may not remember, but he knew. Not thinking, Jaune reached out and hugged Shirou as tears started pouring from his eyes. Shirou after a moment returned the hug of his older, now younger brother.

Jaune started laughing as he cried with happiness and said, "I finally have a brother."

The other heroes looked on with smiling and slightly teary-eyed faces at this sweet family scene.

After a while the tears stopped pouring from Jaune's eyes, as he stood back from his brother from another life. He looked him over. Shirou stood tall with a red cloak and black full body armor underneath. Shirou had an eastern heritage with fiery orange hair that faded out into white on the ends. He had a solid build similar to Chiron��s but slightly more compact. He looked like he could be a very dangerous man, save for the wide smile on his face.

"It is good to see you once again Jaune. You can also call me by my handle, Archer, if you prefer. I will be training you on how to utilize your Reality Marble as well as its unique semblance. I will also teach you how to be an A class cook as well." Shirou said as he winked and smiled at Jaune.

Jaune smiled and laughed when he saw Saber's, Tama and even Chiron's mouths drooling, when they heard Shirou say something about his cooking. "It seems you have the others under your thumb with your food. Will it be as good as my moms?"

"Yes I do in fact. And no, no meal is ever as good as a mothers cooking. But it will be a very close second. This skill will also allow you to pick up the ladies when you are older." Shirou said with another wink and smile.

Jaune looked at him with a question on his face, "Why would I need to pick up ladies? Will they be in danger? If your cooking is dangerous I don't want to learn." Jaune said with a child's serious face.

Tama burst out into raucous laughter, while Chiron put a hand over his mouth to cover his laugh as he looked to the side to keep some of his dignity, Artoria followed Chiron's example.

Shirou had an agonized look on his face when he heard his brother's words.

"No, it won't be bad. I just meant…never mind I will explain it to you when you are older." Shirou said exasperatedly.

"Shirou don't teach your brother such bad behavior. It is unbecoming." Saber said trying to look regal, even as she wiped away the drool she had unconsciously let out earlier.

"Yeah, yeah. Keep acting like that and no curry for you, for a month." Shiro said to Saber with a smirk.

Saber hearing this nearly broke down into horrified tears. She could not be kept away from one of her favorite dishes.

After the laughter had calmed down Chiron spoke once again gaining everyone's attention. "You already know me. I am Chiron. I trained heroes of the ancient past. I will teach you archery and marksmanship. The skills I will give you will be training methods that you will be able to share with others, medical mastery and high class battle instincts. Today you will get to know each of us. We will start your training tomorrow. Tonight we will feast as I explain the things you will be learning of each night you fall asleep and join us in the Reality Marble." Hearing these words the heroes cheered, as did Jaune.

They all turned to Shirou who spoke up, "Follow me I will start the food preparations while Chiron explains the training plan for you."

The group followed Shirou towards the skyscraper, the twin doors opened upon the most luxurious apartment Jaune had yet seen. Off to the right was a large living room set up with a massive T.V. and a L shaped couch with a few lounge chairs nearby. To the left was a cozy dinning room with a low table set up with cushions instead of chairs. The whole back of the room was an extensive kitchen of high class restaurant quality. A large freezer set of to the side where ingredient could be pulled out.

"Welcome to my home Jaune. Here I will show you how to cook." Shirou said smiling.

"Wow. This is amazing! If this is just the first floor then what about the other floors?" Jaune asked.

"Those will be your weapons and magic training locations. You can't do anything with them now so they are blocked off. Once you are stronger you will be able to get into them and start your training. Alright you guys sit while I go whip something up." Shirou explained before he went off to start making a feast.

Jaune sat and turned to Chiron, "So what will you be training me in first?"

"I will train you in strengthening your body. Your body is your foundation in this world if it is damaged or is not trained well enough you will not be able to save those you wish to. To aid you I will show you how the body works as well as begin your studies in the medical arts. Tama and Shirou will join in on this training as it connected to their magic and abilities." Chiron explained.

"Strong body, strong mind. Strong mind, strong spirit. Strong spirit, strong aura." Jaune repeated.

Chiron nodded happily. "Yes. You will train your body. To allow for better growth you will consume herbs I and Tama suggest to you in the real world. These herbs will help your body to become the best version of itself by going through what is called a tempering. Just as a forge master must push out the impurities of the metal we must do the same with your body."

"Oh that does make sense." Jaune said as he remembered a time when his father went to the family's smith shop. There his father explained to him why the smith was at the forge, hammering away at a piece of metal.

"Until you are healed you will train in medicinal and everyday skills with Shirou and I. Saber will also begin your education so that you will have a better understanding of what it is we are asking of you to do. When you are awake you will begin searching and learning all you can from your scroll. Once you are healed and able to move around once more we will really begin the physical training. Keep in mind that we will not stop the education training while beginning the physical training." Chiron said.

"Understood." Jaune said. After he finished speaking Shirou brought out a feast. It was as great as Shirou had claimed, but still not as good as Jaune's mother's cooking. As Shirou had said, no food ever tastes as good as one made by a loving mother. But a loving brother was a close second.

Hello Fellow Readers!

Here we are in the Reality Marble and meeting great heroes of the past. It will be interesting to see how our hero shapes up with these mighty servants behind him. I'd like to know what are some other servants you would like to see in the future? Also if you could pair a servant with a character from RWBY I would like to see the possible outcomes. May be fun to think over for the future. We shall see. See you next time on Fate/Remnant!

Thanks for reading Fellow Readers

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