
Fate/illusionary speed

It was just an ordinary day, I took my brother to school, I did a few chores for my parents and while mowing the lawn I'm hit by a car. For most people that would be the end however due to a twist of Fate this is just the beginning of my new life, with a few upgrades.

OmegaDragon · Anime und Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 55

Hello everyone, it's been a while, so to answer everyone's question of what happened, it basically came down to two things. One I lost motivation to write, as simple as that, I didn't know what to write next and how to do it or what was gonna happen.

Second was, as you may have noticed, I suck at writing fight and action scenes, and seeing as the next arc was the grail war, a multi chapter action and fight scene, I kindly of got worried about what I'll write, can I write it, will it be any good.

These negative thoughts along with he first point basically spiralled to the point of, just doing nothing for a long while.

However, seeing this story sitting her for months, unfinished, has really annoyed me, so I have decided to try and get this finished. As I have said , I'm no writer, and I'm honestly worried about how the next arc will go. I really shot myself in the foot with the great grail war.

Anyway, I'll continue working on that to the best of my ability, in my own time. Releases will in no way be steady, I currently have a full time job and other stuff with life so, this will be a side project I work on around everything else.

I have teams sorted, master's and servants set, now just a matter of writing the grail war. Wish me luck and thank you for your patience and sorry about the long hiatus.


It's been a week since my command seals appeared, I'm assuming everyone else's will start popping up soon. I decided to go catalyst hunting, and I have successfully found what I can guarantee to be seven genuine catalysts.

Who will they summon, no idea, but that's the fun of it. I have already prepared the city for the grail war, a second reality texture that all servants can access to fight in without having to worry about witnesses and collateral damage.

You want to shoot and anti-world noble phantasm, go ahead. As an added bonus, the master's themselves will also shift into a seperate layer when the servants are fighting, so they can watch.

I did this so the master's don't fight and it's a purely servant event, after all let's face it, my entire team and in a word broken.

We have a true ancestor Arcuide, a half true ancestor Altrouge, A primordial goddess Tiamat. Magical girl Ilya, not dark dark Sakura, a flawless apostle Satsuki and me. Yep we're a bit broken, so I'm giving them a fighting chance.

Looking over the catalyst, I truly have a varied assortment of things, from ear rings, scales, sword pieces, randoms cloth, and just the most random stuff I could find, and even one that found me. A pair of panties that appeared right in front of me from a portal in space, on top of that they basically reek of mana, and a strangely sweet scent.

"Here you go master"

"Thank you Ikaros"

Drinking the tea Ikaros made for me I look over everything, along with checking everything is ready. The war starts in a year and I want everything to be perfect.

"Hay were home"

I'm pulled from my thoughts when the family gets home.

"Hay Nicholas, check this out"

Illya jumps on to me and shows me her command seals. 'Boing'

"I see you have your seals as well Illya, I have already grabbed some catalysts l, choose which you want, I have no idea who they will summon I want that to be a surprise. Also can you get off me, you not a little girl anymore"

'Especially with that body' I mentally said, not that I can say that out loud, dad would kill me. But I mean, Illya in this world isn't stuck as an eternal lolli, and she has really filled out looking a lot like her mother.


Choosing to ignore me, Ilya looks into the box and grabs a random catalyst. A piece of a broken sword wrapped in a purple fabric.

"I'll take this I guess"

Taking her catalyst she gets off my and walks to her room to drop off her stuff. Irisveil comes and sits next to me.

"Do anything interesting"

"Not really. Oh I finished the systems, and have passed out a few, I am currently using one to torture a guy, he's the worst of the word human scum so that's fun to watch"

"Thats not what I'm asking and you know it"

Before anything else is said everyone else seems to return home all at once. I don't like this, in most stories, this is the part where something is said the basically drops a bomb. No that couldn't happen right. Fu*K, I just jinxed myself didn't I.

"Nicholas, when are you going to give me grandkids"

BOOM. And just like that, she dropped a massive bomb.

"I mean look how many girls are here to give me grandbaby's. I mean, Arcuide, Altrogue, Satsuki, Tiamat, Ilya and Sakura. that's six girls which would make six grandbaby's. So what's taking so long. Ikaros, Nymph and Astraea are angeloids and incapable of having children, on the surface at least. I know you can do something about that, so that makes nine. How long are you going to make me wait"

Silence. Irisveil's rand has rendered the whole room mute, hell I can hear the water from the leaking tap. next door.

Everyone is now looking at me with different looks, Irisveil with annoyance, Tiamat with excited desire, Arcuide and Altrouge with embarrassed curiosity. Sakura with embarrassed hope, Ilya with and excited smile, Satsuki with an embarrassed yet hopefully look.As for the angeloids they honestly have the expected reactions, Ikaros is stoic embarrassed, Nymph is a blushing mess and Astraea thinks we're talking about food. And Kiritsugu is currently loading his guns.

Yeah, nope. I decided to do what anyone in my situation would do, RUN.

"Kay bye"

And with that I'm gone. Going some place they will never find me.

"Let's go visit Axle"

Yes, another multiverse, they'll never find me there, Ill stay at his place for a few months, till that whole thing blows over