
Chapter 24

Going over everything I have learnt during this talk, the revelations and the surprises, I can't help but wonder whats going to happen after this, can I still look at the world the same way.

"So you are seven world's fused into one"

So I try to distract myself with another random discussion, I'm probably going to regret this but that future me's problem, present me need a distraction.

"I know what your doing and yes, you will regret this. But yes as far as world's go I'm am very young, infact this is my second cycle. My first ended up in the land of steel. However I have all the memories of experiences of those six who came before me, alone with the memories of those who fused with them. In total I have the memories of 15 different worlds, their lives, their hopes, their fear as their end approached before they built up the courage to fuse. I, I don't want to experience that, that's why when you appeared, I was so happy, you had that magic and you were a genuinely good person. So I made preparation for when you eventually made your way here, what I would say, wear, as well as prepare this for you"

With those words she took out an orb of light. As soon as I saw that, I know what it was, 'Authority'. The power that represents a god.

"I imagine you already know what this is. It's the 'Authority' I have prepared for you. This is the 'Authority' of 'Earth', If you accept you will become the 'God' of earth. You will be able to call on the world and any power associated with the world, both Gaia and Alaya, will be at your disposal, the counterforce and have direct access to the throne"

With her words she lets go of the 'Orb' as it floats between us, easily within reach.

"What will happen if I grab this, what is the significance of me accepting this"

"You will become a God of this world, you will become my God, the absolute supreme being on the planet able to call on all of the power available on this planet, type Earth. You will be in name, my subordinate, however you will in fact be my equal, my partner, my husband"

What did she just say, husband.

"Yes, Husband. Don't worry I am technically 16 people in one, so I'm not bothered by those other girlfriend of yours or any you have in the future. On top of that they will get a share of our immortality along with your family"

"Can I ask you something, what happens if I accept, but use the speed force to, as you said leave this multiverse and travel the Omniverse"

"Simple, nothing. The moment you accept, your soul is bound to me, to here, to this world, weather you stay or leave the connection remains. And if an accident happens and you die your soul will be return here were we can make you a new body"

"What happens if I refuse"

"I don't know. If it were anyone else, I would wait for them to die and take their soul, keep them in a dormant state and create a connection, making them the lowest rank god I can, I would get eternal life and they would remain in a comatose state for the rest of eternity"

Holy crap that's dark, but makes sense if you think about it. She can't do that to me because of my speed, thanks to that I can get away from her, even now, while I can't feel my magic I can feel my speed.

"Yes as you have guessed because of your connection to primordial speed I can't do anything to you. My best bet is to give you the honest truth and hope for the best"

Thinking over everything she has said, our entire conversation, I try to decide what to do. No matter how you look at this it's a win, win. I get immortality, a hot wife and yes she is hot as hell, a respawn point, incredible power, and Incan travel to other world and her more powers.

"I'm curious, if I become a God, would I restrict me if I went to other worlds to get more powers"

"No, it's the opposite actually, divinity is a power that worlds and above level entity's can give lesser beings to bring them to a higher level but divinity was something created by the primal forces. It essentially gives increased comparability to all types of powers. So if you became my god you would have an easier time getting powers from other worlds"

Another win there.

"How common are beings that can travel the Omniverse void. I'd like to know what kind of threats I would face while traveling"

"You seem to underestimate how special you are. Only three types of beings can travel in that area, the first are the multiverse's, that's where they live however only the outer defences can handle the destructive forces. If the outer layer opens up the multiverse will be destroyed, however the outer layer is as I said defensive and has no offensive capabilities. The second are the primal forces, they created it and it's their home. The third are people like you who have made contact with and can harness one of the primal forces. No other entity can survive out there, they will be instantly destroyed. Truthfully you are lucky you made contact with the primal speed before you left the protection of your multiverse"

Man, that's awesome, so multiverse travel is extremely powerful and rare. Wait what does she mean contact the speed force in the protection of my original world. I was outside of my original world, in, omni, versal, space. Wait how did I survive. She said any being would be instantly destroyed. Looking at her shocked look, I can tell she's reading my mind.

" THATS IMPOSSIBLE. Sorry. If what your saying is true you should be gone, like oblivion gone. you must have contacted it in your world"

"No I remember, after the fight of those two beings through me out of my world, I was floating through the void, I remember the pain, like I was in a pool of acid. It was only thanks to. THE BLADE. That's it, it was that blade that first sent me out of my world"

"What blade"

Thinking about it I decide to tell her exactly what happened.

"So that's what happened"


After thinking for a few minutes, she gets up and walks to me.

"Excuse me for this, it will be over in a moment"


Out of nowhere she sticks her hand into my body and I feel like someone is playing with my organs, which I'm pretty sure is what happening. She keep moving her hand all through my body looking for something.

"There it is"

Having found what she's looking for she pulls out her hand and there it see it. The knife that changed my fate.