
Fate Grand Order: Corruption

The lives of two siblings are interrupted when something happens to their Grand Order games. Zelretch presents them with a once in a lifetime opportunity: to become masters of Chaldea. Now they must travel through the singularities to rescue the servants who have been corrupted for a strange reason and continue the story. Can they do it?

I_Am_Not_A_Writer · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

A pair of gambling addicts

In the streets of Tokyo, Japan you can find tranquility, the typical movement of big cities is always present, mostly in those times when students move straight to their institutes to study, nothing strange happens and everything is quiet as it has been since then.

The alarm echoed in a room, with a hand emerging from a pile of sheets to turn it off, he mumbled reluctantly without resisting to get up, just moving as if he were a worm.

"Just a little longer..." Was all he said before continuing with his sleep, something that didn't last long when his door was suddenly opened, generating a loud noise that made him jump.

"It's time to wake up nii-san" exclaimed a girl with reddish hair and amber eyes, wearing a peacock blue school uniform. The one who was hiding among so much sheet finally came out, a black-haired, blue-eyed boy poked his head out.

"Rika... don't make so much noise in the morning..."

"If I didn't you were going to fall asleep again." She put her hands to her hips. "Besides, remember that we're going back to school today and we shouldn't be late."

"I know that... " He finally shook it all off to get up, but not before letting out a yawn. "You should be a little nicer to your brother in the morning."

"Correction, stepbrother, besides I don't have a choice." She folded her arms. "You should be more active, as well as me."

"Unlike you, I don't have muscles for brains and I appreciate my time better on other things, thank you."

The girl puffed out her cheeks in annoyance.

"You're a fool." She turned to leave, the young man could only let out a sigh before putting on his glasses.

Haji and Rika Shimamura, a pair of siblings who have been living together for 12 years now, are from different parents and these ended up meeting and marrying when they were young, for that reason they have a bit of a dysfunctional sibling relationship, although it wasn't like that at first. Haji finally went downstairs to go to the dining room, Rika was already there and just washing the dishes was his mother.

"Good morning Haji." He was greeted by his mother, originally she is his real mother, while his father is Rika's father, despite that they have a good relationship as if they were a real family.

"Good morning..." He sat already at the table, looking at his plate of scrambled eggs with miso soup, Rika was already eating eagerly. "Dad left early?"

"He's got a big job, apparently he'll get paid well if he manages to finish it!" Mother exclaimed cheerfully. His father is into web and mobile application development, as the demand is quite high in current times, he always looks very busy but earns well. "By evening he should be back."

"Understood." He started eating calmly, while Rika was already done with her plate.

"Thank you for the food." She finally went to the door to put on her shoes. "See you."

"Have a good one." Dismissed her mother, the girl hurried off. "You should finish quickly to catch up with her."

"No need... it's not like we have to go together all the time, she needs her space, so do I."

"I understand..." The mother's voice trailed off. "You used to be pretty close...like real siblings."

"Everyone ends up changing mom, she and I realized how different we are, she likes sports and moving around, I'm more quiet about reading books and playing chess, that's just the way it is."

"I know, but it's just that you used to be so cute together, how she would follow you everywhere and calling you onii-chan, she was pretty cute." She let out a small laugh.

"Those are bygone times, now she has friends and she's always hanging around helping sports clubs to fill positions... it's not something we can get back." She finally finished eating, getting ready to leave. "See you later."

"Understood, take care Haji."

Already out the door, he walked leisurely on the route to his high school. Rika was already halfway there, several other students wearing her uniform were passing by, she greeted everyone as normal and they responded to her. Due to the fact that she helped clubs, it became public knowledge how she excelled quite a bit in sports, there was not one she couldn't dominate, it was a small but noticeable popularity. Finally she could see her friends, approaching them to greet them.

"Good morning girls."

"Good morning." They all greeted, Rika was happy, despite having run all that stretch, she wasn't tired at all.

"You came running again? You don't know tiredness apparently." Spoke a blonde-haired one.

"It's not for nothing that he's the secret ace of the sports clubs!" Exclaimed another one with black hair, Rika let out a small nervous laugh.

"It's no big deal, I just like to help, that's all." She continued chatting with her friends all the way. From behind Haji was approaching, he was going alone checking his cell phone, he had many apps and games installed, mostly gacha, his eyes fell specifically on one: the Fate Grand/Order.

"... I guess it won't hurt to check a bit." He opened it to play for a while, he really liked mobile games, ever since he learned about Fate, he's been playing it for several hours, mostly hoping to get the best Servants. It wasn't long before he arrived at the institute, he closed the application to attend his classes, Rika was already in her respective classroom.

The hours passed, lunch came, a time that Haji could take advantage of to be able to play, mostly he shared the game with a select group of students who are dedicated to research and share their achievements in the game, at that moment he was alone.

"Today it should come out to me... " He was staring at the screen, apparently he was about to accomplish something.

"What are you doing?" a voice surprised him, it was Rika who was looking over his phone. "Oh... I see." a smirk formed on her face. "You haven't been able to get it have you?"

"Today I'm sure I'll be able to! It came many attempts already, Kingprotea just resists, that's all."

"So you say, but well you claimed me when I was able to get it at three tickets." Haji began to grunt as the girl laughed. Gambling was at least a pastime the two shared, both had their accounts at high levels and with many Servants, and likewise they helped each other, though there were always favors involved. "You should give up, you won't be able to keep buying quartz forever."

"I know that... but now this is the good one, you'll see."

"Very well, as you say, I should keep leveling up my servant in the meantime." She exclaimed happily sitting next to him and mumbling a song, while her brother just stared at the screen waiting for the miracle.

"Come on... please come out..." So far she was having no luck, only getting pure Craft Essences and three star Servants, that was until... "Oh, here it is!" a rainbow glow signaled the arrival of a five star Servant, Rika watched out of the corner of her eye, "Come on, KingProtea, you're mine."

As he was finally about to reveal the servant, something happened, his cell phone screen started to go dark, something that surprised him.

"What?" he couldn't believe it. "No, my Kingprotea!" he claimed painfully.

"That's not important now, my cell phone has the same thing happening to it." Rika looked at her screen, it was going through the same process, suddenly it looked like mist reflecting on both of their screens, the red-haired girl looked at her surroundings. "No one seems to notice."

"My servant..." Haji started to cry, at that moment his cell phone glowed brightly. "Ehh!"

"Haji!" the same thing happened with Rika's cell phone, at that moment several lights came out of the screens, as if they were bullets, scattering everywhere "What's going on!"

"I don't know!" The two turned away from their cell phones, watching those rays of light were coming out in droves, the strangest thing is that no one in their surroundings could see it, as if they were ignoring it or it was invisible. "What are we going to do!"

"And you're asking me!!!" Rika angrily claimed. Already at a certain point the lightning stopped, only smoke coming out of their phones, the two carefully approached to see. "Be careful..."

"I know..." The red-haired man picked up his phone with his fingers, despite what happened, it wasn't hot at all. "It looks normal... but now I was shut out of the game... and since I finally had Kingprotea."

"How weird..." She looked at her screen, now everything was normal, she checked and nothing was missing, at that moment she noticed something. "Look, the game icon is blurry."

"How?" Haji checked it on his own cell phone, the Fate Grand/Order icon now looked like blurred in a dark haze. "Could it be some kind of bug?"

"I don't think so, you saw what happened and everyone ignored it... it must be something supernatural."

"Don't talk nonsense, things like that don't exist." Claimed the boy.

"Then what other option is there? I don't know what to think of all this." Now it was Rika who was angry.

"I might answer that." A third voice chimed in, causing both siblings to look everywhere. At that moment the entire room disappeared before them, they were now in a dark space to the surprise of both siblings.