
Fate/Dragon Ball Wars

A god was playing with some 'beads' when he had an idea. Why don't we start a Holy Grail War, but instead of the Holy Grail, the Servants and Masters have to compete for Dragon Balls? BOOM! Fuyuki City, 1994. The stage is set, and each Master receives one Dragon Ball and summons a random Servant. Saber: Yeah, it’s the usual cute King Arthur. Archer: It's the same usual arrogant prick wearing golden armor. But who the hell are these other Servants who don’t appear in human history?! Lancer: This Lancer is a 14-year-old magical girl with red hair. Rider: He is a certain prince of the Holy Britannian Empire who is extremely intelligent and rides a giant Gundam. Caster: He is a blond teenager who wants to duel with cards and has extremely high luck. Assassin: With a cross scar and red hair, he is the man-slayer. Berserker: No one can understand his origin since he could be in any class. He doesn’t speak, but his strength is no joke. --- English isn’t my first language, and I don’t own this story. If you have any complaints, please reach out in the comments or provide a review. I will be providing the necessary information since this fic includes many anime mixes. Anime so far: Fate franchise, Rurouni Kenshin, Code Geass, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Final Fantasy Read advance chapters here: www.patreon.com/OberonLA

OberonLA · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 11: Kirei’s Plan

"Things are really lively, Rider. Lancer and Caster's battle isn't completely over yet, and now Saber and Assassin have started."

Waver observed through his familiars, having grown accustomed to this daily routine. These heroic spirits were each more restless than the next.

"These Heroic Spirits are a tempestuous lot, aren't they, Rider? Should we intervene?"

Having become somewhat inured to the daily pandemonium, Waver let out a resigned sigh.

A beat of silence followed his question. Waver darted a glance at Lelouch, a sliver of apprehension snaking through him. Since Lelouch's strategic mind had become his primary compass, Waver was adrift without clear direction.

"For the moment, our familiars provide adequate observation. Direct engagement hinges on your safety, Waver. Reckless charges only tip the scales against us."

Lelouch, as a composed figure, set his teacup down with a gentle clink.

Initially taken aback by Lelouch's bluntness, Waver found an unexpected reassurance in his words. This Servant, initially cloaked in an aura of aloofness, possessed a surprising well of pragmatism.

"Right, of course,"

Waver stammered, scratching his head in a sheepish gesture. He recognized Lelouch's trust in entrusting the decision to him, a subtle act that sparked a surge of warmth within him.

It signified a burgeoning respect and trust between Master and Servant.

However, as Waver pondered the situation, a new concern surfaced. Rider's gundam The Nightmare, while undeniably formidable, came with the potential for devastating collateral damage.

The hail of bullets unleashed by its machine guns could rip through entire streets, and the uncharged magic cannon, a weapon of immense destructive power, could level entire city blocks.

Though the battlefield wasn't in the heart of Fuyuki City, it wasn't exactly on the outskirts either. The possibility of innocent lives caught in the crossfire gnawed at Waver's conscience.

As a mage, he couldn't stomach the thought of his Servant's actions causing civilian casualties.

"Let's head towards Saber and Assassin's location, Rider."

With a newfound determination hardening his gaze, Waver declared.


Lelouch's lips quirked into a faint smile at Waver's decision. Regardless of Waver's choice, it wouldn't significantly alter his overarching plan.

He'd already formulated potential strategies to counter each of the currently active Servants – Saber, Lancer, Caster, and Assassin.

"We need to stir things up, at least draw out Archer and Berserker."

He understood the inherent threat posed by those who remained shrouded in secrecy. Their invisibility injected a potent dose of unpredictability into the equation.

Currently, the engaged Servants provide a degree of clarity, prompting them to act more openly.

Lelouch, on the other hand, reveled in the shadows. With a well-placed provocation, he could lure out the remaining two Servants without compromising his own hidden position.

Therefore, Archer and Berserker remained the sole lingering enigmas demanding Lelouch's full attention. Their motives and allegiances were shrouded in mystery, making them the true wild cards in this deadly strategy game.



Bang bang bang!!

The clang of steel echoed through the air, punctuated by the staccato bursts of Assassin's broken blade – a desperate counterpoint to Saber's relentless assault.

"Dragon's Nest Flash!"

With a guttural roar, Assassin unleashed a furious flurry of attacks, but Saber deflected them all with practiced ease. Her movements were measured, controlled, yet exuded a raw power that began to overwhelm her opponent.

"As an assassin, you're indeed strong!"

Saber remarked straightforwardly, gazing directly at his opponent. Assassin's superior swordsmanship and agile movements allowed him to face Saber despite being in the weakest class. Not every Heroic Spirit could achieve this.

Assassin, his crimson eyes narrowed, gritted his teeth. He knew she was right. His agility and superior swordsmanship were what allowed him to stand toe-to-toe with a Servant of Saber's caliber, even while disadvantaged by his class. But those advantages were fading fast.

'His swordsmanship, every move is filled with lethal intent. If not avoided, they would cause tremendous damage. But now that your blade is broken, it's not as threatening.'

Saber thought, maintaining unwavering vigilance.

With only a broken blade, Assassin posed no real threat of injuring her. No matter how skilled a swordsman, a broken blade was akin to having an injured hand.

Although she didn't know why Assassin's blade was broken, she wouldn't hold back at this moment.


A surge of adrenaline coursed through Assassin. He couldn't allow himself to be captured. There was no time for his Master to prepare a replacement weapon. He was alone, forced to fight at his absolute best against an opponent who had arrived at the most inopportune moment.


Saber launched another attack, her blade a blur of silver in the sunlight. Assassin reacted instinctively, launching himself into the air, his body twisting in a desperate evasion.

"Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu: Dragon Tornado Flash!"

He twisted the broken blade mid-air, using the momentum to thrust it towards Saber's head in a surprise attack.


The broken shard met a resounding clang against her armored gauntlet, deflecting harmlessly away. Assassin landed with a roll, putting immediate distance between them.

'Dammit! Fighting her with a broken blade will get me nowhere,' he thought, frowning with urgency. Even with a broken blade, he could usually kill his enemies. But not this time.

These were Heroic Spirits – warriors of legend, each a master of their craft. A single mistake, a moment of hesitation, and he would be cut down.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The crackle of gunfire filled the air, punctuated by the metallic ring of Kirei Kotomine's Black Keys deflecting the hail of bullets. That near-failure had made him break out in a sweat, but fortunately, Assassin had arrived just in time.


Sweat beaded on Kiritsugu Emiya's brow as he desperately backpedaled. Kirei's enhanced reflexes and agility made close combat a suicidal proposition.


Dodging the incoming Black Keys, Kiritsugu immediately raised his gun and fired rapidly at the approaching figure.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of shots successfully froze Kirei's movements in place.

[Kiritsugu. I found the lady. There were no obstacles apart from some magical seals along the way.]

A glimmer of relief flickered across Kiritsugu's face, only to be eclipsed by a gnawing unease.

[She's unharmed, but I heard the scabbard has been taken by Kirei.]

"I see. Be careful, Maiya."

The news of Irisviel's safety should have been a balm to his soul, yet a sense of dread coiled in his gut.

"Did your little helper find the woman, then?"

Kirei's voice, laced with a chilling calmness, shattered the tense silence.

"It seems, even the great Kiritsugu Emiya has a chink in his armor. A wife and an assistant, perhaps the only things you truly care for."


Kiritsugu's unease morphed into a suffocating dread. Each word from Kirei felt like a shard of ice piercing his heart.

"If you lose them... I wonder what kind of face you would make."

And then, it happened.


A deafening explosion ripped through the air, a plume of fire erupting behind the priest.

Kiritsugu's eyes widened in horror. Finally, the source of his gut-wrenching unease became terrifyingly clear.

Kiritsugu's pupils widened as he finally understood the source of his unease.

[There were no obstacles apart from some magical seals along the way.]

Maiya's words still echoed in his ears, now sounding incredibly harsh.

The weight of his failure settled on Kiritsugu's shoulders like a leaden shroud. He could have prevented this. He should have known.

Kiritsugu's grip on his weapon tightened so much his knuckles turned white. Bombs. The horrifying truth settled in his gut.

"This unconventional fighting method is certainly convenient. In that situation, neither of them could have survived unless it was you."

A sliver of satisfaction flickered in Kirei's eyes. This emotional turmoil, this vulnerability – it confirmed his suspicions. This stoic Magus Killer wasn't as devoid of feeling as he pretended to be.

Kirei's elaborate plan, it seemed, had borne fruit. When Assassin retrieved the woman, it wasn't just about capturing Irisviel. It was a test, a cruel experiment to gauge the depths of Kiritsugu's devotion – to his wife and the hidden scabbard she carried.

Kiritsugu, his mind a whirlwind of emotions, pieced together the horrific truth. Irisviel used as bait, a trap meticulously laid to lure him into a desperate rescue attempt.

He was forced into a no-win scenario. Saber needed to be guarded against Assassin, leaving only Maiya to attempt the rescue. Kirei had anticipated this, had orchestrated the entire situation to ensure her demise.

The true purpose of the explosion became agonizingly clear – to eliminate Maiya alongside Irisviel. Kirei had coldly calculated everything, using their lives as pawns in his twisted game.

"I just wanted to know... If the so-called Magus Killer would grieve over the loss of others. From the results, it seems you would. Your heart is crying, Kiritsugu Emiya."

Kirei's words struck a deep chord, resonating with the raw grief and self-loathing churning within Kiritsugu.

Read advance chapters here:

www.patr eon.com/OberonLA

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