

It wasn't easy for me to lose weight. I mean being part Asian, everyone expects us to be skinny. But that's not the case, you see my name is Adeline Tan Yen. And, I'm a really fat girl. It was hard for me to make friends, who wouldn't judge me for my weight. My mother is American while my father is Asian. They met in Tokyo, fell in love, got married, and had me. I'm their only child since my mother couldn't have any more kids. I could have had a twin sister but, unfortunately, she didn't make it. But enough of this sad story. I'm here to talk about my first day in America. My mother had a new job in America working for this famous company. My father agreed and we decided to move there. At first, I was looking for a new change since I didn't feel right where I lived. But now that's all going to change when my mother was going to send me into a private school. At first, I didn't think of it much. I didn't think anything could go wrong since in America everyone doesn't look the same. But it didn't go as I thought it was going to turn out.

Reapers_Death101 · Teenager
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6 Chs

The beginning of a new day

I remember that first day of school. My mother was so happy that I was going to the private school that she went, when she was young like me. I remember her giving me money, and preparing me to go to school. "Mom I can prepare myself you know" she insisted "no honey, I want to be there for your first day of school, and what better way than to help you get prepared" she smiled as she placed the bobby pin on my hair. "I want to remember when I first changed you to go to school when you were little, how cute you were in that uniform" she bubbled in excitement. "But mom I'm not 3 years old anymore I'm 16". She insisted once again and told me "You're still my little girl, no matter how older you get, now come on, you need to eat before you go to school... ok". My mother was never the type to say no, she was always so nice, and so cheerful. While my father on the other hand was always a really strict parent. They were two opposites with two different points of view, but I guess that's what made them fall in love.

Anyway, my mother dropped me off at my school, I was nervous and excited at the same time. Looking at the place and seeing it. I realized how small it was. Much more different from my school, where the building was tall and with more space. This seemed like an old building about to break down, and little room inside. My mom gave me a goodbye kiss and sent me off. I walked through the hallway and notice how people were looking at me. We're they judging me? thats the only thing I can think about. I searched through the halls to find the office. After some time being lost, I finally found it. I went inside, and saw how a group of boys was just playing around giggling, and laughing. At some inappropriate jokes thats they made. It was much more different from my school. I went to the lady who was behind the counter, she looked up from her computer and smiled. "Hello, how can I help you" I was kinda nervous and forgot to speak for a while. I found the courage and asked, "I'm new here, and I was hoping to find my schedule here...?".

"oh, your new here...um well...let me finish this quickly and ill get right back to you ok". I gave her a quick nod. I sat where their were open seats, and the boys on the other side. We're looking at me weird and laughing, whispering something. I could only guess they were laughing at me, besides them pointing fingers at me, and criticizing me. But I ignored them and waited for the lady to give me my schedule. The door opened and this handsome boy entered in, the guys quickly stayed quiet. It felt like a library, the man was tall, with brown hair, and brown light skin. He had a cut on his upper lip. But his eyes, are the thing I noticed first. They looked like melted honey, so glossy and shiny, so beautiful. I realized that I stared at him for too long because before I knew. He made eye contact with me, and I quickly looked away, I can feel my heart racing. The other guys left the room and entered into the noisy hallway. I was there alone with this guy. He was told the same thing as me, and he decided to sit right next to me. I quickly tried to make myself smaller for him to have room, but there wasn't any point in doing so. "You don't have to do that I'm ok with the space I have..." he replied, his voice was so deep. My heart was pounding out of my chest when he said that. I tried to keep myself from fricking out but my face was already turning red. And my situation wasn't becoming any easier for me. "um...t-thanks....". "Are you new here?" he responded. "Y-yea I am, I'm from Tokyo and I just barely moved here" ." Hmmm....that's nice to hear, well at least you moved somewhere I just moved houses" he chuckles a little and I giggled. I never had someone be so nice to me. I never had a guy come up to me and make a small conversation with me. The lady called him up, he stood up got his schedule and waves me bye with a smile. I waved back with a smile on my face. I guess this year wouldn't be bad. Maybe here I can start something different.