
Farming Villains and Heros to become Immortal

I jinxed myself and was hit by a truck. When I thought that it was all over and i would be sent to enjoy the afterlife I was told that i was going to the Reincarnation Well to live a new life. Even that was denied from me as I accidently transmigrated to the immortal realm. Join me as I farm the vilains and sons of destiny to become immortal.

BlueBone · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Chapter-5 Answers

"Many eons ago there used to be a clan, so powerful that all the forces of the whole universe would rather offend the whole universe rather than offending that clan. That clan ruled the whole universe. Its headquarters the whole of 3 super galaxies.

"The clan ruled the universe for 50 eons, during their rule they were tyrannical through and through. This tyranny was what caused the fall of this so called greatest clan in the history. As they continued to abuse people and their natural resources, the people started rebelling against the clan. Slowly the whole universe was standing against them and they called themselves 'the Uprising'. Every one of the world's most powerful cultivator joined the Uprising and rallied towards 3 super galaxies, located at the center of the universe.

"Then began the Great War. The universe against the top power of the world. The war went on for 10 eons. Many top experts died during that period and many more top cultivators were born during the war. The Uprising finally reached the pocket realm of the clan where only the main descendants were allowed to live. This commotion caused the clan ancestor who was in a closed door cultivation to wake up and fight for the survival of the clan. The clan ancestor fought against all the immortals of the universe.

"The ancestor bravely fought against the Uprising for 10 years. The ancestor had a very strong foundation as he was able to fight the Uprising for 10 years. The Uprising had lost many immortals. One immortal vs 10,000s of immortal and that one immortal was still at an advantage.

"Seeing this, all of top cultivators of Uprising communicated via immortal sense and came to a hard thought decision. ~Booooom~ an explosion so loud that it audible in the entire universe. Half of the immortals self-destructed their cultivation base to take down the clan ancestor, leaving the other half to contain the explosion within the pocket realm.

"Dust from the explosion soon cleared and what the remaining immortals saw left them aghast. The pocket realm was the same as it was before the explosion, the ancestor was still standing with blood leaking from the corners of his mouth. This caused the spirits of the immortals to be crushed.

"At that time it one immortal shouted 'We can't let the sacrifices made by our brothers and sisters to go to waste. Even if it costs our life we will take him down. With that he self-exploded. Following his example all other immortals also sacrificed themselves causing another loud bang to resound throughout the universe. The pocket realm was blown to bits but just before the explosion could hit the descendants, the ancestor used last bit of his remaining powers to teleport them away to a safe place while sacrificing himself in the process. It is said that not all the immortals self-exploded, some teleported themselves far away from the source of the explosion. The Great War led to collateral damage for both sides."

"You mean to say that we are the descendants of that powerful clan?" Fang Ryuu asked with shining eyes.

"No" Fang Wu stared at

"So we are the intellects who ran away? Fair enough, I would also choose the same. Life is precious"

"No! While those immortals from uprising were fighting for control over the center of universe, the 3 super galaxies, our founding ancestor used this time to gain control of the Laniakea galaxy and established the Fang clan as the wealthiest clan in all of the inner circle of the universe. While the whole universe was fighting, our ancestor was busy collecting treasures left and right. This is where our tradition of profit over anything else comes from."

"So what does it all have to do with my parents have to do with this?"

"Just shut up and listen

"Our family always married for profit and the future of the clan. The head of the clan chooses the most talented female/male to marry the heir/heiress of our clan to produce an even more talented offspring. Your grandmother, the matriarch of Flying Phoenix sect was married to me for this reason. Your father married your mother for this reason.

"Your mother died giving birth to you, this caused your father to despise you. He left the family and came back after 300 years with a bitch surnamed Long or something. That Long bitch belonged to that once powerful clan and even after this long time, people still hate Ling clan. This caused a lot of pressure on our clan, so I did what I had to. I exiled your father and that bitch from the clan for 1400 years.

"So you are the next in line. Either you pass the test to go to one of the 3 super galaxies or you marry Mei Lei and follow our long tradition of marrying for profit." Fang Wu said in his usual stern and cold voice.

"Grandpa you have never explained about the universe, you have always said that you want me to enter the 3 super galaxies but how?" Fang Ryuu asked.

"Well its simple, the universe is divided into three circles based on the density of q/energy: the outer circle- where all the low realms are, the inner circle- where all mid-level and quasi top level forces reside, and the center where the 3 super galaxies are located. It is said that after both of the large scale explosions of the Great War, each circle of universe was divided by a barrier that stops people from freely entering the next circle. If one wants to go to the next circle, he/she has to have a sufficient cultivation or a senior helping him/her. What I want from you is to enter one of the top forces of 3 super galaxies."

"Why don't you go and migrate the Fang clan in one of the 3 super galaxies yourself?"

"While I can cross the barrier with my cultivation, it's difficult to get a foothold without any backup from one of the top forces of the super galaxies. Now this should suffice your doubts, now go and prepare for your expedition with Mei Lei. You will depart in 10 days."

"Yes grandpa." Fang Ryuu bowed towards that old fucker before leaving.


After leaving that dimly lit room, instead of directly heading to his mansion, Fang Ryuu wandered around the Fang clan property aimlessly, while thinking about something.

~sigh~ I don't know what to feel towards this Mei Lei, while on one hand I'm thankful to her for helping me have this life even if by accident, on the other hand I hate her for misleading the previous owner and not making it clear that she loves someone else.

~pang~ his heart started throbbing very violently as he thought about Mei Lei.

'You have to get her. She is ours. She can only be ours.' A voice echoed in his head.

What is this? Is the previous owner still alive? No it can't be. Is this a heart demon? The memories say that a heart demon is an obsession that comes to life and starts eating the person from inside out. I just can't believe how much the previous Fang Ryuu loved her. He climbed the roof of a random mansion, closed his eyes and sat down cross legged. With his cultivation at Void Shattering realm no one could see sense him climbing the rooftop.

Soon the day turned into night as the moon started shining. Fang Ryuu who was still sitting on the rooftop opened his eyes and started at the moon.

"I gave you my heart,

And you teared it apart,

Now it hurts like hell,

I'm crying tears of sorrow

Feeling like I have no tomorrow" Fang Ryuu whispered towards the night sky, not knowing that a person at the early Ascendant realm was watching him his their Divine sense. When the person heard what Fang Ryuu was saying, their eyes showed a complex look.


"LeiLei I have chased you for more than 500 years and now I'm giving up.

"Your chapter in my book is over, it will forever be one of my favourites, but I can't keep rereading it… hoping for a different end. I will give up, after this trip to gain experience I will help you unite with the one you love. This will be my FIRST and LAST promise to you as your fiancé." Fang Ryuu roared towards the night sky and finally got rid of the heart demon.

Hearing this the person who was listening to Fang Ryuu with their divine sense lost control of his divine sense for a moment due to shock.
