
Farming Villains and Heros to become Immortal

I jinxed myself and was hit by a truck. When I thought that it was all over and i would be sent to enjoy the afterlife I was told that i was going to the Reincarnation Well to live a new life. Even that was denied from me as I accidently transmigrated to the immortal realm. Join me as I farm the vilains and sons of destiny to become immortal.

BlueBone · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter-4 Questions Everywhere

4 Days later…

The seven rainbow coloured suns were shining brightly in the sky, Fang Ryuu finally arrived in front of a 'large city' that was shining as bright as a star. The city was so large that he could not even completely scan it with his divine sense.

The city was filled with tall buildings and large mansions made out of lustrous gold. If one were to see the city from far away they would think that the yellow sun of the seven suns had landed on the land.

Wow! Even though I've already seen the city in the memories, really seeing the Fang city is totally different than seeing it in someone else's memories. This place will be my new home. A place where I can always return to. My home.

Fang Ryuu thought with excitement and hope, as he flew towards a small teleportation platform, then he took out a jade seal from his spacial ring and placed it the center of the teleport array.


A bright white light flashed and Fang Ryuu's body disappeared. A second later Fang Ryuu appeared in the middle of Fang city with a flash of white light.

This all feels like a dream

Scanning around him he saw that he was now standing in front of a majestic white mansion that was surrounded by guards.

"Welcome back young master" All the guards bowed down in respct.

Fang Ryuu nodded his head then went straight towards the big white mansion. Entering the mansion he followed his newly assimilated memories and entered a white room which had a big white mat in the center, white candles lit the room spreading the fragrance of white sandalwood. Finally he sat cross legged on the mat and closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again his previous excited gaze was now gone, it was replaced with a complex gaze.

'Now that the initial excitement of getting to live again is gone, i have so many question but no answers. I have rechecked the previous Fang Ryuu's memories and found some inconsistencies in his memories. It's like his memory has been tempered with. Why does he not have any memories about his parents? Why was he so infatuated with this Mei Lei?

'All this idiot knew was cultivation, Mei Lei and some basic knowledge about Laniakea galaxy. How can one have cultivated for more than 1000 years and have no curiosity about the world they live in? From the memories of the previous owner of this body, that old fucker is the one who taught this idiot everything. I'm 99% sure that there is some scheme going on and that old fucker is the one responsible for this.

'Looks like i will have to meet that old fucker soon. Well leaving all this aside, this idiot's cultivation is quite powerful' Fang Ryuu thought as he exerted the power of his cultivation.

Qi Refining Realm

Peak of Qi Refining Realm


Foundation Establishment Realm


Golden Core Realm

~BOOM~ Nascent Soul Realm

~BOOM~Void Sensing Realm

~BOOm~ Void Shattering Realm

~BOOM~ Peak of Void Shattering Realm.

Whole mansion and the surrounding 500 Kilometers area was surrounded by a powerful aura. All the people within 500 kilometers radius kneeled down and some even coughed out a mouthful of blood.

' Oh the previous owner of this body reached peak of void shattering realm at the age of 900 and is stuck at this cultivation for more than 200 years. Why didn't he go out to seek the opportunity for breaking through to Ascendant Realm. ~sigh~ while the previous owner had a great talent and potential, in the end he was somewhat lacking in the brain department or maybe it's that old man's fault.'


" A sheltered young master of the wealthiest family in the galaxy, missing parents and a mysterious stern old man as a grandfather who values some bullshit family tradition and is probably scheming against his own grandson, a fiancée who loves someone else. What kind of messed up setting is this? Am I a hero or a villain?? Maybe the man that Mei Lei loves is probably a son of destiny and I'm the villain. While this missing parents make me feel like I possessed the body of a son of destiny, but on the other side I'm a sheltered young master with a powerful family."

Fang Ryuu's eyes shone brightly as he clenched his fists "I need to get some answers and make a plan to make sure that I survive to enjoy my new life."


* In the depths of Fang clan's property, inside a dimly lit room sat a stern looking old man.

"Ryuu has been stuck at the peak of Void Shattering realm for about 200 years. When I proposed the engagement, it was to motivate Ryuu to cultivate with more speed but now Mei Lei has become his obsession. I think I need to wipe his memories and make him focus on cultivation again." Said the old man while stroking his long white beard.


'Ryuu don't blame this old man. You are the hope of Fang Family and this old man can't afford you to be focusing on anything other than cultivation. Especially after I had to exile your father along with that bitch named Long Muwan. You are our ticket to the three super galaxies.'

"Number 2, Go and bring Fang Ryuu over here" The old man ordered and a man dressed completely in a black dress appeared out of nowhere and bowed towards the old man.

"As you wish, master Fang Wu." Number two said ah he disappeared into the shadows.

Inside the white mansion where the Fang Ryuu was analysing his current situation, a black shadow appeared in front of him.

"Young master Ryuu, Master has summoned you to his immortal abode" Said the black shadow as he grabbed Fang Ryuu and disappeared and appeared again in the dimly lit room.

"Master Fang Wu, I have brought the young master"

"Good, good! You can go now number two" said Fang Wu and Number two vanished once again.

"You wanted to see me grandpa?"

'This old fucker! thinking that the world revolves around him. Hah! Who does he think he is? Abducting me just because he wants to see me. Just let me gain control of this family and see how I deal with you. Well I also wanted to see him and make sure that this old man is not scheming against me.'

"How was your date with Mei Lei?" The old man asked with some tenderness in his eyes.

Fang Ryuu's eyes contracted slightly as he said with a complicated expression "It went well grandpa, but after returning home I have thought for some time and realised that I want to focus on cultivating and I want to work hard for the family as you have told me. So can we please push the date of the ceremony further? Please grandpa, please!"

The old man's eyes started shining at Fang Ryuu's response but the expression on his face didn't change

"Good! Good! That's how the future of Fang clan should be. I also think that you should focus on cultivating. How about this as you need to gain experience, I will talk to Mei Lei's master and ask him to arrange a mission for her to go with you. That way the ceremony will be delayed without any party being at fault." When the old man saw that Fang Ryuu's eyes didn't have the hint of obsession about Mei Lei, he thought that it will be a good opportunity for the couple to gain some experience and cultivate their feeling further.

Fang Ryuu didn't know that he dodged a bullet by sheer luck otherwise he would have had his memories wiped clean and reconstructed by the old fucker.

"No grandpa. I want to go alone and experience the world by myself" said Fang Ryuu as he thought about how cold the beauty named Mei Lei was to the previous owner of the body.

The old man raised an eyebrow and stared at Ryuu for a long time "You know that my words are final. If I said that you will go with her then you will go with her."

"Fine I will go with her but you need to tell me about my parents. Why do you always send me back when I try to ask you about them." Fang Ryuu replied in a stubborn tone that implied that he wouldn't take no for the answer.

~sigh~" Ok Fine, but what I'm about to tell you is the top secret of Fang clan and no one other than me knows about this. All the people who knew of this matter are dead."