
Fantasy Travel

Darius wakes up to find he is dead. He lucks out and gets a wish, and also gets put into the Harry Potter universe. Everything is fine, until he learns that even in a fantasy world there is also darkness. Darius will he come to regret the choices and things that he does or will be overcome it. This is novel will take you into the darker parts of the Harry Potter world. **Disclaimer** I do NOT own the cover image for this web novel I do NOT own Harry Potter, that credit goes to J. K. Rowling I do NOT own The Lord of the Mysteries that credit goes to Cuttlefish.

ninjapanda · Bücher und Literatur
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24 Chs

misunderstanding (Chapter 9)

I was going to put my foot down on this one. I did not want to leave, nor did I want to deal with adults. For all, I know this woman could be a kidnapper or something. She looked like a nice person but looks can be very deceiving. I mean look at me, my total age is 34 and I am in the body of an 8-year-old.

Sarah started to get a little upset about me not wanting to hang out with her and the woman. I just wish she would understand that I like to be in here to get AWAY from the adults that come in to look for kids to adopt.

"Husband, You never play with me you always run and read your stupid books. I HATE YOU." Said Sarah as she ran away from me. It hurt a little knowing that I made her feel upset, but at the same time you got to look out for yourself. I know selfish, but here is the thing; if I can not help myself, how the fuck am I suppose to help you? Right now I am helping myself from this woman, possibly trying to learn something from me.

It was just me and her in the room now. To say that there was an awkward silence in the room was an understatement. I just want to tell the bitch to fucking get the hell out of my space, but that would give away a couple of things. One that I was smarter than what I was leading people to believe and two it would be rude.

"I think you should go and apologize to her," She said to me, but I did not want to leave my spot

"No, I do not feel safe."

"Is that so, you know there is a lot of people that want to meet you. I think that they could give you a better home than this one. A home that you will not have to worry about money or clothes or-

"STOP, what do you want," I said narrowing my eyes at her. I had enough of this situation and to be completely honest I did not like her at all. I did not know her, she seemed to be playing at something that I did not know. There were a lot of things that I did not know and I was not happy about it.

"Sigh I do not want anything I jus-"

"Bullcrap, tell me what you want. If you did not want anything from me you would have left. There are too many things about this situation that does not add up. Now tell me"

She looked at me in shock before she calmed down and said

"Grace was right about you. Fine, I was actually hoping to adopt Sarah, my husband and I wanted a daughter and I knew Grace from her time at the ministry. Sarah would not come with you just so you know. Grace was my mentor back when she worked at the Ministry and told me a little about you. If I am going to be completely honest I did not believe her, Anyway, she told me you ran into some trouble with some purebloods and wanted me to help cover for you as we did 7 years ago with the muggle papers. The wizarding world will start to get curious about you and to be honest I am too."

I became more focused as she continued to talk to me. I could not help but feel stupid that I did not put a disguise on or something. I mean I had natural grey, which looked like silver, hair, and violet eyes. It was very easy for me to stand out in a crowd.

"What do you mean I went there yesterday and did not do anything."

"That is the thing you went there by yourself, and from the reports that we got you knew about Diagon Alley. Do you see where this is going?" She asked me

"The only thing I see is a bunch of Fucking idiots in a society that will and hopefully collapse on itself with the thoughts and ideas that they have currently. I mean come on, an investigation on me not wanting to go with them, you got to be fucking joking. They probably said that I was a dangerous person in disguise or that I assault them. Tell me am I close?"

She stared at me for a few seconds before she sighed and said "When Grace told me you were smart, I did not believe it was to this degree. The fact that you understand our society without even being a part of it, and knowing about the possible reasons that the investigation started is...terrifying. I honestly do not know what to do with you. You are a genius, know too much about the wizard world, and from my understanding is immune to Obliviate."

"Your point," I said to her.

Her face twitched when she heard me say that. I could tell that she was a little upset at my comment, but I did not care. It took about a minute before she calmed down and said

"My point is that you are a very special individual and regardless if you are a wizard or not are still a genius."

"And pray tell what will you do with the information you have right now? Will you tell however is in charge of that stupid ministry, will you tell the purebloods to maybe get some points with them or will you speak to Dumbledore about the situation. There are a lot of choices you can make." I said to her.

"You speak like a demon in fairy tales, tell me Darius...are you truly human?"

She reached into her back pocket and was about to pull out her wand when she realized it was not there. She seemed to have panicked only slightly, before calming down.

"HA...am I human, I will have you know that I am probably the most human person you will ever see. I talk like a demon, be more creative about it, will you. Oh and don't put your weapon into your back pocket it is such an easy thing to steal you know. Wizards...I swear without magic you are probably the weakest thing in the world. You can not do anything without it, hell I bet that if someone were to take magic from you you would last a year maybe less."

She was looking at me like I was an enemy that needed to be defeated. It was not my intention to make her think that way, however, I am upset that she said I was not human. I AM HUMAN DAMNIT. I fucking wished for it.

Rolling my eyes at her I continue and said "What do you take me for, someone that would hurt you. You must either be new to combat or are too paranoid. I mean look at you, your posture and stance are all wrong. Do not get me started on your comment, you have no backup, and from what I can see have no other weapons. Let me guess you are thinking that you can use wandless magic right? Let me tell you now...NO...stop thinking about magic being your only weapon. You have arms do you not?" I was about to continue my rant when I realized that I just said a lot of things that probably should not be said. I was kind of in the moment and now I have someone who had just witness me speak WAY above what I should know or possibly know. Not only that but I realized that she is probably right in considering me...hmm not human your her point of view.

It was quiet for a few minutes before I said "Hmm...I think there was a misunderstanding, please forgot about what I said."

She looked at me completely shocked that I had just said that after bringing up the conversation. It is not my fault okay...I was too much 'in' the situation and, for once wanted to act my ACTUAL age. Acting like a little kid is fucking annoying. This is going to be a long day or trying to clear this.

[A/N: All the chapter before I have to go to work in an hour so haha haha. I will never stop HAHAHA.]