
First Job

[He just kissed my hand.]  Andrea thought as he brought the back of her hand to her face.

She hadn't felt anything like this before. She had a warm feeling inside her stomach. No, Bryan could not make girls pregnant with a kiss. He did not have such power. She was just flustered as that guy had kissed her. 

[Why did I run? What if he thinks I hate him? Wait, What's his name?] Andrea realised her mistake and instantly regretted running away. 

[Should I go back to get his name? No, he will be here again. I will talk to him then.]  She decided to go back to the dorm and find him then.


Bryan was back at his room. Andrea had unknowingly made the right choice in not coming back as Bryan had left at the same time.

[No one wants anything done. I thought I would be rolling in requests.] Bryan looked at his empty email inbox. 

[I should first buy the bitcoins from the 5500 dollars I had.] 

Bryan decided to do that first before thinking about more.

The price was around 200$ and he bought about 28 coins. His 5500 would be around 30,000 after bitcoin breached the 1000 dollar mark.

It was  still a long road ahead for Bryan.

[It can't go on like this. I need to find another source of income. What can I do? I have the bot as well.] 

Bryan thought about all the skills he had.

[Programming jobs. It will take a long time to build a reputation online. No one trusts a newbie.] Bryan had improved his body but earning quick money online was a myth. It would take years to build a reputation. That's why he had not tried setting up accounts on freelance websites. It was not worth it as someone would underbid him at work.

[I am probably stronger than anyone. The same is true for the bot but we can't take part in any of the sporting events. My blood test, I can't even imagine what would happen.] Bryan thought about the future in a lab and shuddered.

[Definitely not. This only leaves money from mom. Fuck, I can only do something not so mainstream then.]

Bryan closed his eyes to browse through the system to find something he could use. 

[This can be useful but I don't have the money to buy it.] Bryan thought after seeing a mask which could change his appearance.

[Should I go home? College seems useless anyway.] He decided not to go out.

Bryan was thinking of a plan when his phone pinged.

Bryan looked at the notification. It was a message on the email he had left on the Facebook group.

[Someone actually found my post. Nice.] Bryan was already thinking of ways to rip, no to maximize his profits. 

He read the message.

"Personal website with password access content. Isn't this like a blog but paid?"

"I can make a blog, it's not very difficult. How much should I charge."

[Let's think about it later.] 

He quickly sent a mail back to set up a meeting to discuss the finer details. 


"Meet up tomorrow. Fine. I can easily complete the basic layout by then."

Bryan did not feel tired even without sleep. He worked through the night and completed a basic website and had chosen different themes. He was ready to gain reputation on the campus so he could have more customers. Each dollar gained right now was worth 5 dollars because of his bitcoin knowledge.

[Still, it's so difficult. Working all night for 200-300$. Let's see how it goes.] 

Bryan changed and got ready for the client meeting. He was hoping for a client just like Kevin. He needed to squeeze him dry.

He reached the burger stand and found a seat under an outdoor table which had an umbrella like there were on beaches.


"I am here." The mail read.

Bryan replied, "Sitting in a white t-shirt opposite the stand."

The client checked the location and blushed. It was Andrea who had seen Bryan sitting on the table in the same t-shirt as described in the mail.

[Is this fate?] She was already making her conclusions. It seemed like a signal  to her.

Bryan looked at Andrea who was walking to him. He extended his hand out for a handshake. Andrea extended her hand and instantly retracted it back and blushed as she remembered what the guy had done to her last time.

"It's not a good time. I am working." Bryan said.

"You are bbest69 at gmail.com?" Anderea said. She blushed a little after realising the digits.

"Is that funny?" Bryan asked.

"Sixty nine"

"I was born on June 9." Bryan said as if not able to see the humour. He was actually born on January 1st.

"Stop teasing me, please." She asked as she sat down on the seat adjacent to Bryan. Bryan listened to her request and changed the topic.

"Oh, you are Andy123? I thought it was a boy." Bryan said as he realised his mistake.

[Fuck! I expected to make money out of this. Now, it seems I can only make babies.] Bryan thought as he smiled.

"Do I look like a boy?" She said proudly puffing out her chest.

"I don't know. Maybe, we can check it later." Bryan said.

She laughed with a wide smile as she played with her hair. Andre said, "I think we forgot to introduce ourselves in the library. I am Andrea Turner and I am a freshman at the ComSci department."

"Bryan Best. We are in the same department."

"Oh, I thought you were lying about the freshmen thing."

"I am not. I don't need to lie. My life is an open book. Speaking of books, look at this."