

[Fuck! Is every girl so shameless?] Bryan judged her.

"It was not that difficult. Anyone can do it."


Bryan stopped her from continuing. She looked at the "senior" sitting next to them.

[He must have seen it that someone else solved the question.] She blushed as she had been caught red handed.

She did not just come to talk to the senior studying what looked like international relations books.

[He looks like a humanities student. It shouldn't be him. He can't be smart enough.] She thought.

It was common knowledge that one did not choose humanities until it was the only choice left.

"Andrea, I am going back, you want to?" The girl next to the legal loli spoke.

Bryan was waiting for this. 

[Don't, don't, don't] he started to cheer inside his mind. 

"No, You go on. I go straight home after this." The legal loli called "Andre" replied.

Bryan saw her friend "Kelly" packing up the books. He was now alone with Andrea. He was about to speak but Andrea took the lead.

"Cough! Hi, I wanted to ask you something."

Bryan acted like he was really busy and nodded without any interest. It was time to play cool. Nice guys did not get the girls, it was King's vast experience that was helping him here.

He nodded as he looked at her. She picked up her books and came to sit next to Bryan. She did not want to talk loudly at the library. 

"Thanks. I was wondering if you saw someone coming to my desk?"

It was Bryan who had gone there so he did not know how to reply. He wanted her to continue to lie so he could embarrass her more.

"Yeah!" Bryan did not say anything else.

Andrea felt a little weird. Guys usually went to great lengths to strike a conversation and this 'foreign relations' senior did not even continue to elaborate. So, she was a little curious.

"Someone helped me with my assignment. I just wanted to thank them." 

"You can do it then." Bryan smiled.

"You? I thought seniors weren't supposed to help with assignments."

"Who is a senior? I am in a freshmen year." Bryan made it clear to end this confusion.

This only made Andrea more curious.

"Freshmen?" She asked looking at the books, he was studying and did not believe him as she spoke again as she brought her hand onto his book., "it's was a programming assignment and you are studying international relations."

"This is for my world domination plan." Bryan replied.

Andrea blushed at the reply.

[This guy is definitely lying. Which foreign major quotes. Oh, it might be a minor.] Andrea thought.

"So, you are doing a minor?" She asked.

"I am too old for doing minors." Bryan replied without a trace of hesitation. He did not want to be associated with the Hollywood celebrities, yet.

She showed a stern face.

[He looks good. Does he do this to every girl?] Andrea thought.

She was curious about this guy so she introduced herself.

She extended her hand for a handshake but Bryan was a gentleman. He knew what girls said meant another thing. So his strategy was simple. 

Do the unexpected. 

Everyone girl wanted to be a queen so he took her hand and kissed the back of it. Andrea was shocked.

She covered her mouth with her free hand to hide her shocked expression. Her body had gone a little soft. She had never been kissed before. She always stayed away from boys who were aggressive and the nice guys in her class were too scared to take the initiative. 

This is how she had stayed single for so long despite her good looks.

Bryan did not just kiss the air over the back of her hand. He directly planted his lips over her hand.

[Aaah!] She wanted to take back her hand but her hand had gone soft. She had no control over it.

Bryan knew he would get away with it. It was all governed by the two sacred laws of dating.

The first law was Be Attractive while the Second law was Follow law one. Bryan was on the right side of the law this time as Andrea was too dumbstruck to do anything.

Bryan left her hand waiting to see her reaction. He wanted to see how his trick had worked.

He was hoping for a long session of group study in one of those library cubicles.

He smiled at her as he leaned back into his chair to see her reaction.

She did the unexpected as well as she grabbed her stuff and ran away with a huge reddish tinge. 

Bryan saw her bubble butt as she walked out with a flustered look, almost tripping along the way.

[I made quite an impression it seems.] He thought.

He wanted to study for more but he felt like he was not gaining much. The history was written from the point of view of the winners and it showed a biased view. 

He dropped the books away as he decided to start working on the more important things.