
False Aisle (Test-Revision)

A boy born in the wrong Kingdom and Family. Marvis ‘Furlock’ Asharion was born as a healer Class his family is well-known Warriors around the world. While the Kingdom of Aresian abhorred the healer class for a reason. He was disowned secretly since his a disgrace in the Bloodline of Asharion, but his grandparents secretly took him and took care of him. The boy grew up and as a weak healer and now striving as an adventure and he will prove to his family and his kingdom that he will survive as a healer! But Little did he know that the ‘warrior’ blood still runs in his veins.

Eiffel_Olympus · Fantasie
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8 Chs



Name: Marvis Furlock (Marvis Asharion)

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Class: Healer

Class rank: E


Agility: 19

Dexterity: 15

Strength: 26

Intelligence: 25


Healing wave

-It can target 3 to 4 people (including the caster) and it heal all the bruises and light wounds.

Holy light

-It only healed one person, but it heals all the bruises and wounds and remove temporary status effect on the person body.

Name: Yeoman Oppal

Age: 63

Gender: Male

Class: Navigator (Mage Class)

Class rank: C


Agility: 60

Dexterity: 46

Strength: 45

Intelligence: 81


Mark of the Navigator

- The caser can create 4-5 marks that can be used as a portal. Every mark is connected to each other. Only one person can use the portal in every 5 minutes.

Mass Teleportation

-The caster can teleport multiple people in a maximum of 8 persons. You can only teleport on a place that you where been into.

Delaying Tactics

-The caster can create a 5 kilometers sphere that slow any person who enter it. The caster is the only one who are not affected by the delayed movement effect.

Name: Keida Balfrodoust

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Class: Brawler

Class Rank: C


Agility: 45

Dexterity: 42

Strength: 68

Intelligence: 37


Counterattack (Passive skill)

- You have a chance to predict an enemy attack and counter it with a heavy blow in the body. The longer the battle the higher the chances to counter an attack.

Shockwave blow

-Focus your attack on your left or right hand then deal a heavy damage on the enemy and creating a shockwave that lower their defense.

Multiple punch

- You swiftly punch the enemy three times a row.

Abe Greenfield

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Class: Druid

Class Rank: B


Agility: 53

Dexterity: 68

Strength: 70

Intelligence: 110


Glowing roots

- The caster roots 2 to 3 person disabling them and crushing them slowly.

Natures Touch

- The caster hand will start glowing in lime green and it can restore health, mana, and stamina when it touched on another people. (cannot be used on the caster)

Butterfly Cocoon

- Wrap yourself or another person on a cocoon restoring their health and mana to full and it has a chance to revive a dead person (10%).

Sorry for not updating for a while. Pandemic happens and i need to study in Uni. Thank youu for reading!

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