

He must have felt my gaze on him, because he blinked once and looked back at me. The fierce expression was gone in an instant. He didn’t smile at me, but he wasn’t scowling, either. I realized that the neutral expression he usually wore must be his default. I’d thought he was trying to be intimidating when his face was carefully blank. But I’d just seen his actual intimidating expression, and the neutral one was practically a silly grin in comparison.

I fiddled with the napkin in my lap to hide my trembling fingers beneath the table. Mathew was even scarier than I’d imagined.

The server came by to take our order. Before I could look at the menu, Mathew barked out a list of dishes that could probably feed five people.

“That’s a lot of food,” I remarked when the server left.

He shrugged. “I’m hungry. And this way, you can try some of everything.”