

I turned my face away, but he didn’t break contact. My heart hammered against my ribs, fear coursing through my veins. It was just as toxic as it had been the night Mathew kidnapped me. Only, this man wasn’t reassuring me that he would take me to Nicola and keep me safe.

He traced the line of my jaw before picking up a lock of my hair. He lifted it to his nose and inhaled deeply. I shuddered, feeling more violated than I had when he’d touched my face.

“You’re very pretty,” he told me. “I can see why Nicola likes you. I’m sure he’d be heartbroken if anything happened to you.”

A soft knock sounded against the door. “Emily?”

“Nicola!” I gasped out his name, too breathless to scream for him.

A loud bang echoed through the bathroom as the door flew open, the wood splintering around the broken lock. Nicola slammed into the man who’d been threatening me, his momentum taking them both to the floor.

I shrieked when strong arms grabbed me.

“It’s me,” Mathew said. “I’ve got you.”