
Falling For The Ghost Prince

In which Li Yuxi, a young woman awakens a powerful and vengeful ghost. To be free of him, Li Yuxi has to help him avenge his death at all costs. Zhao Ling was once a powerful prince and warlord from hundreds of years ago and had died at the hands of those who wanted to put an end to the Zhao Clan. Zhao Ling will do anything and everything to trace the last lineage of those who ruined the Zhao Clan. But just as he plans with the young woman who had released his soul, feelings that he had buried follow. How can a ghost with a vengeful motive and a woman facing strong marital issues fall in love? _____ Find Falling For The Ghost Prince official playlist on Spotify with the title; Falling For The Ghost Prince Playlist.

IrenKaykay_ · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
35 Chs


Years ago...

"I will drink your blood to quench my thirst!" Zhao Ling said with rage heavy in his voice and swung his sword at his bloodied enemy, who dodged and stood in a weak fighting stance.

Zhao Ling growled and raced toward him and spun around while rotating his sword over his head to strike his enemy, whose sword clashed with his.

"You have gone weak, Zhao Ling," he uttered and laughed.

Zhao Ling clenched his jaw hard at the mocking tone he heard. He hissed and charged toward the man, who sidestepped. He switched positions, meeting his opponent before slashing him across his chest and kicking him away. A smirk appeared on Zhao Ling's lips as he watched the man struggle on the ground. He slowly raised his sword and pointed it at the man.

"Your years of torment ends today," Zhao Ling said and swung the sword sideways, separating his enemy's head from his shoulders.

Zhao Ling took in a deep breath, enjoying the smell of blood and the sounds of cries and chaos happening all around him. He looked around and took in his men fighting their enemies with passion. All around him were dead bodies and smoke filling the air.

He raised his sword in the air and let out a battle cry.


Zhao Ling, with his shoulders, raised high and a stoic expression on his face, rode with his men, on his horse through the brick road leading into the palace walls. The cheers and cries of happiness from the villagers standing on each side of the road gave him a sense of pride.

A familiar face amongst the crowd caught his attention and he nodded in the direction of the young woman, his lover, who flushed and nodded back respectively before he flicked the horse.

Soon after, he stopped the horse before the entrance of the palace and jumped down. He quickly made his way to the entrance where his father, the emperor, and his subjects stood. Once he was close, he stopped and bowed in respect.

"I have returned, father," Zhao Ling said and a round of applause resounded around him.

"Welcome, my son. You have done well and proven to us that you are truly a warrior that will forever bring pride and honor to our kingdom and the Zhao Clan," his father said and Zhao Ling bowed lower.

"I swore to protect and to fight, so shall it be until the day I die," Zhao Ling said passionately.

"Let us celebrate!"

Loud cheers erupted and Zhao Ling stood straight. His father pulled him into a tight hug. Zhao Ling wrapped his arms around him before meeting the eyes of his brother, who was smiling at him. Zhao Ling smiled back and shut his eyes, basking in the warmth of his father's hug.


The melodious music and chants from the guests in the courtyard added to the spirit of the celebration that was ongoing as Zhao Ling sat on a cushion, overlooking the guests and enjoying the nighttime.

As he took a sip of his drink from the small cup he was holding, a maid knelt beside him, ready to refill his cup. He turned his attention to her and smiled when he made eye contact with his lover, Lui Mei. He said nothing and simply traced her small face with his eyes, taking in her beauty. Her long hair was styled in its typical royal staff fashion with a few stray locks hovering around her face that made his fingers twitch to touch them. His eyes drifted to her pouty lips and the urge to kiss her filled his mind.

"Welcome back, Zhao Ling," she said in a low voice while slowly filling his cup. "I am so happy that you returned safely."

Zhao Ling hummed. "It gladdens me too. Lui Mei?"

"Yes?" She shyly responded while making eye contact every two seconds.

It made Zhao Ling happy whenever she acted shy. It added to how attracted he was to her. Her bashfulness made her more enchanting to his eyes.

"Are you busy now?" He asked and she bit her lip.

Zhao Ling felt himself hardening from the look on her face. He was glad that she knew what he wanted. Besides, he had been away from home for almost a year, so he needed her.


"I need to have you now," he said and brushed his fingers against hers.

Lui Mei blushed. "O-okay."

Zhao Ling rose to his feet and held his hands against his lower back. He looked down at Lui Mei and smirked before walking away. He nodded at a few guests until he entered the palace. The music from the celebration was muffled within the halls of the palace as he walked. On hearing light footsteps, he smirked, knowing Lui Mei was behind him.

Once he got to his room, he motioned for the guards to leave before walking inside. He left the door open and started taking off the layers of his attire. When he sensed that Lui Mei was standing directly behind him, he turned around and approached her.

Zhao Ling cupped her chin and made her tilt her head backward so he could look her in the eyes. A blush stained her cheeks and he chuckled before wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her against his body. He craned his head to the side and leaned forward.

"I have missed you, my dear Lui Mei," he whispered and brushed his lips against hers.

"I have missed you too," Lui Mei said in her meek tone.

Zhao Ling smiled slightly before pressing his lips against her own. He moaned at her soft and slightly chapped lips, then cupped her cheeks to deepen the kiss. He started feeling the warmth of his arousal coursing through his body and kissed her harder.

"I missed feeling your beautiful body," he said and kissed her again. "I will enjoy tonight as I make you mine all over again."


A loud bang on his door forced Zhao Ling to wake up. On instinct, he grabbed his sword from the headboard of his bed and looked around his room. He got out of bed and marched straight to the door, which he unlocked before yanking it open. One of his guards stood at the entrance, sweating and stained with blood. His heart skipped a beat at the sight and his mind immediately alerted him of danger.

"What is it?" Zhao Ling asked and tied his robe before walking out of his room.

"Your highness, the emperor, your father is dead."

A cold chill ran through his body as he stopped walking. His ear rang and everything blurred for a few seconds before he came back from his shocked state. He slowly turned to the guard and frowned.

"What joke is this?" He demanded and the guard gulped audibly.

"I do not joke, your highness."

Without wasting any more time, Zhao Ling ran off, heading to the emperor's quarters. But as he ran past the main area of the palace, he saw the royal staff, his mother, and his brother standing in a circle. Dread filled Zhao Ling as he hesitantly walked toward them. He saw his mother crying against his brother's chest and he said a silent prayer, hoping for everything to be a dream.

When the staff parted for him, his eyes immediately landed on his father who was laying on a mattress, unmoving and pale with a white garment covering his body from neck to feet. Zhao Ling dropped his sword and fell to his knees.

"How did this happen?" Zhao Ling asked.

"Your father was assassinated during the celebration," his mother replied.

"And where were the guards?!" Zhao Ling barked and stood. "Where were the guards when this happened?! The palace has the best security and an ordinary assassin took the life of my father?!"

Zhao Ling's eyes pricked from tears but he held himself back from breaking down. He looked at his brother and marched up to him.

"Zhao Feng," he said in a low and dangerous tone. "You were with father, I believe. You are always with father… tell me how he was able to get assassinated without you noticing that something was off!'

Zhao Feng let go of their mother with disbelief written on his face.

"Father is gone and the first thing you do is try to blame me for his death?" Zhao Feng asked in an incredulous tone.

Zhao Ling abruptly grabbed his brother by the neck and pulled him close to his face.

"Father put you in charge as the head of security. Tell me how he ended up dying in the hands of a mere assassin that I could easily end!" He said, splattering spit in the face of Zhao Feng who immediately pushed him away.

"I have had enough of you! I was with father when he was shot in the heart with a poisoned arrow! I was also shot in the arm but survived before him. Father died before me!" Zhao Feng hollered.

Zhao Ling ignored what he said and stared at his father's corpse.

"Who is the assassin?" Zhao Ling asked softly.


As soon as the metal doors groaned while being opened. Zhao Ling walked into the small and dim prison and then swiped his sword against the face of the man sitting on a wooden seat. The man cried out as blood spilled from his face while Zhao Ling glared hatefully at him.

"Did I not send a strong warning to your leader to never set foot in our clan?" Zhao Ling asked and swiped his sword across his thighs, cutting him deep.

The man cried out and pleaded for mercy.

"Mercy is a foreign word for me," Zhao Ling said and chuckled darkly. "You will have to beg for mercy in the hands of my dead father."

Before the assassin could react, Zhao Ling took off his head and left the prison. He motioned for the guard in the corner and he bowed in response.

"Send his head to his leader and let him know I will find him and end all of them," Zhao Ling ordered and continued to walk.


It was midnight and Zhao Ling could barely sleep a wink. He sat in his room, alone and in the dark while mourning his father. He opened his eyes when he felt a presence in his room and quickly grabbed his sword then rolled over before crouching in an attack stance with his sword pointed at the intruder. Upon seeing Lui Mei, he lowered his sword and rose to his feet.

"I am sorry for disturbing your peace. I wanted to—"

Zhao Ling cut her off with a tight hug after dropping his sword. He inhaled the scent of her hair, desperately trying to calm himself from the severe heartache.

"What do I do, Lui Mei?" He asked in a wavering tone.

"Everything is going to be alright," she said and rubbed his back.

Zhao Ling found comfort in the feeling of her hands rubbing his back but furrowed his eyebrows when his sixth sense alerted him of an odd aura. Before he could react to the feeling, he felt a sharp, pin-like pain in his neck. He touched the spot and backed away. He stared at Lui Mei who had a sad smile on her face. His gaze shifted to her hand and in it was a long pin.

In a few seconds, his head felt heavy, followed by dizziness. Zhao Ling found himself falling to the floor. He tried to keep his eyes open but he couldn't. The last thing he saw was a familiar person standing beside Lui Mei.