
Meeting The Maknae Line

You wake up. It's another day. "Good morning!" You say to yourself and stand up, heading downstairs to the dining room wherein you see breakfast already made. "Good morning Jen. Did you sleep well?" Your mother asks. "Yes, mom." "That's nice to hear." You sit down and eat.

10 minutes later...

"Thank you for the food, mom." Just then, you remember you had to go to your friend, Rebecca's house. "Uhm mom I need to go." As your mom gets your plate she asks "Is there something wrong, sweetie?" "I just remembered I had to go to Rebecca's place. We're doing a project for school." Your mom smiles and gives you a hug. "Okay, dear. Come home before dinner."

You smile and hug her back. "I will, mom." You let go and go upstairs to take a bath and change. You go downstairs and give your mom one more hug. "Remember, dear, go home before dinner." You nod and step outside.

As you step outside the front door, someone rushes by you. His phone fall down and you notice. You grab the phone and run to him. "Hey, mister!" As he hears you, he runs faster. "Sir you dropped something!" He stops running. "Oh." He turns around.

As he turns around, you look at him and stare at him. 'He... looks so cute...' you say to yourself. "Uhm.... I dropped something, right? Uh... hello?" You slowly nod. "H-here.. uhm..." You give his phone. "Jungkook. My name is Jungkook." He smiles at you. "Hi... I'm.. Jen..."

Suddenly.. "Yah Jungkook c'mon we're gonna be late!" "Ok ok hyung. I got to go, bye Jen!" He waves at you and leaves. "Oh my God he's so cute." You say to yourself. Moments later, you shake your head. "What am I saying... Well he is cute but- I should get going now... hmm... they're walking to Rebecca's street. Sweet- no shut up me.." You walk to their direction.

You stare at him talking with someone else. "Jimin hyung I almost lost my phone." Jimin sighs. "Be careful Jungkook-ssi! Your phone is important. But you're more important, arasso?" You smile while looking at them talking and notice you reach Rebecca's place.

You walk to Rebecca's front door and look at Jungkook again. Then you look at the front door and knock. "Rebecca, I'm here!" Rebecca opens the door and welcomes you. "Jen! Come in." You nod and go inside.

"So uh.. Rebecca. Where's our project?" "It's in my room. I'll get it." You nod while looking outside, staring at Jungkook. "Hey Jen~ What'cha looking at?" You point at Jungkook. "I'm looking at that cute guy."

She screams. "You know BTS?" "Wait wha-" "Why have you never told me?" You look confused. "BTS...?" She nods quickly. "That cute guy is Jungkook! Don't tell me you just bumped into him!" 'But... that was what happened...' you say to yourself.

You slightly nod to her reaction. "That's cute and funny. Well, I'll get our project now." She goes upstairs. You keep staring at Jungkook, wondering how that even happened.

"I could just go outside and tell him how much I.. no.. what are you saying Jen.... you just bumped into him because of his keys. Just pretend it didn't happen...." You say to yourself. "But, he's so cute.... but I don't even know how old he is... but... urgh why did this happen..."

Rebecca goes downstairs with the project. "Jen here's the project." You look at it. "Wait... Our project's a book...?" "Weren't you listening to our music teacher?" You shake your head. She giggles. "She said to make a book containing all our favorite music artists. My favorite is BTS."

"So he's really a member of BTS... cute- uh- that's nice. So I guess you finished some of it...?" "Actually no. I wanted to start it with you." "Ok..." Rebecca looks at you smirking. "I'm guessing you'll just put in BTS here now because of him... riiiiighttttt?" Your eyes widen. "Whaaaat no! I still like..." "Mhm...??" You sigh. "Fine we're doing the BTS only." Rebecca smiles and say "I mean it isn't like the music teacher said for us to have different artists. Let's get started then!"

You and Rebecca start making your project. "So Rebecca, how long have you known BTS?" "How long have I known them? Since their debut of No More Dream! Jimin looked so hot... then Namjoon's hair... I just." Rebecca laughs. "What's so wrong about his hair?" She shows you a photo of Namjoon.

"Holy- that is..." 'Don't laugh, don't laugh...' you keep saying to yourself. Eventually, you burst into laughter. "See?" You then wonder what Jungkook looked like back then. "What about Jungkook?" She shows you a photo of Jungkook. "So cute- I mean so cool." Rebecca giggles.

"Why don't you want to say he's cute?" 'Because I'll fall in love with him more...' You think. "Because I don't want to...?" "Sureeee.... we'll see where that ends." "Anyways... who do you like in BTS?" Rebecca holds your shoulder. "Girl, it's bias. And my bias is... J-hope!"

"J-hope? Who's that?" "Well, he's Jung Hoseok or-" "OH WAIT is he the guy you kept screaming during Valentine's-" She pushes her finger to your lips "Shh shh shh shhh.... no~" You pull her hand away. "Yeahhhh sureee.... why is he your bias?"

"Hey hey hey hey! I should be the one asking." "Nah Rebecca, it's really me. I mean, I have no knowledge in BTS so I'm asking you." "Makes sense... hey what if we go to BTS? I mean, if they're still out there." You nod and smile. 'I'll see him again... in person...~'

"Dad can me and Jen go hunt for BTS?" You whisper to her ear. "What do you mean hunt..." She whispers back to your ear. "Well we're looking for them now." "Sure, dear. Just don't get lost." Rebecca's dad chuckles. "Be safe dear." Rebecca hugs her dad. "We will."

You and Rebecca go outside to see that he isn't there anymore. "Oww he isn't here anymore. Let's-" Rebecca grabs your hand. "No, he's here. Don't you remember his face?" You look around and see a guy that looks like him. "Is that him?" "Well, that's technically Taehyung... but hey... you're a new ARMY. Let's go."

You and Rebecca walk to Taehyung. "Hi. Have you seen a guy a bit taller than me and is cute and... his name is Jungkook?" You ask then Taehyung giggles. "Of course...! And have you seen someone shorter than me and is hot... and his name is Park Jimin?" He says while still giggling.

"Okay I'm joking around. Who are you two?" He asks. "Well I'm Rebecca and this is Jen-" "Jen? As in, the Jen who found Jungkook's phone and gave it back to him?" You nod. "So have you seen him?" Rebecca whispers in your ear. "You know, Taehyung is a member of BTS too."

Taehyung holds your hand. "I'll lead you to him." You smile and nod. The three of you walk to a mall. "Hey Taehyung, why would you guys go to a mall?" Rebecca looks at you. "They're BTS. They can go anywhere. Ok?"

You nod. "So Taehyung-" "Hyung. Add hyung." Taehyung says to you. "Ok-" "Unless you're older than me." He laughs.

"How old are you guys?" "Well, I could chant our names from oldest to youngest." You smile and say "Sure Tae-hyung." You laugh. "Gosh.. well here I go! Kim Seokjin! Min Yoongi! Jung Hoseok! Kim Namjoon! Park Jimin! Kim Taehyung! Jeon Jungkook!"

"Jungkook hyung is the youngest? How old is he?" "He's 21." Rebecca whispers in your ear. "You're a year younger, hee~" "Shut up Rebecca..." As you three enter the mall, you see a BT21 Store. "Hey Jen, have you ever went to one of these stores?" You shake your head. "Oww well I'll show you!"