
Fairy Tail : COLD HEART (ENG)

A reboot of Gray Fullbuster's story, Deliora's attack certainly took the lives of Gray's loved ones but also gave him an accidental gift that will make him the most powerful of mages. Gone was Natsu's so-called rival whose fights were rubbish and whose psychology was far from a boy who lost so much in life. No power of friendship and its power will have a completely logical cause in relation to its universe. English is not my first language and I don't have an editor so there will certainly be vocabulary or spelling mistakes. I wish you a good reading and I thank you for the edifying remarks in the comments if there are things to improve in my writing or my narration.

The3Entities · Anime und Comics
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33 Chs

chapter 23 : Ultear

In the large council room, Crowford Sheem the president of the council and the various members were holding a discussion about God Serena's activities as well as some of the others wizard saints .

 They then broached the subject of underground guilds and the three main guilds of the Balam alliance when the captain of the guard entered the room.

 The Captain: Lord Councilors, Gray Fullbuster has responded to the summons and has just arrived.

 Crowford: All right, bring him in.

 Gray walked indifferently into the great hall as Ultear and Siegrain/Jellal looked at him with amusement and interest, he looked at them without emotion before standing calmly in front of them.

 Crowford: Gray Fullbuster, you've already returned from your mission to Kransilvania. I therefore conclude that the mission was a great success, which is a very good thing for our future relations with this small kingdom.


 Siegrain: Master Makarov must have explained to you the reason for your summons...

 Gray: Toma has no valid reason to complain about me, I have always behaved correctly as a mage and especially as citizens . This story is ridiculous.

 Michello: You call the king by his first name?! So do you have no respect ?

 Gray: I respect those who respect me. Wasting my time here for not attending a banquet or reception is an attack on my rights and a lack of respect for me.

 Crowford: Young man, this is the king.

 Gray: I already fulfill all my duties towards the kingdom, I don't see what I'm doing wrong to get summoned in front of grumpy old mages but that excludes you Master Yajima, Master Makarov sends you Best regards and greetings , we hope to see you soon at the guild.

 Michello: You Fairy Tail mages are always so-(interrupted)

 Gray: I only represent myself here old man, leave my guild alone.

 Ultear: No need to be so aggressive Gray, this summons seems to have put you in a bad mood and that's understandable. This matter is trivial but there is another reason why you were summoned.


 Ultear: We never had the chance to have a conversation but we know very well who we are facing each other, don't we?

 Gray: Your name, your face, you are the daughter of my late master, Ur.

 Ultear: That doesn't seem to surprise you. You certainly must-(interrupted)

 Gray: Why am I here?!

 "He's not going to be easy to handle..." She thought before Yajima continued in her place.

 Yajima: Gray my child, the council wanted to ask you to join the order of wizard saints.

 Gray: I refuse.

 Michello: I told you, these Fairy Tail mages are rebels.

 "I don't really like to repeat myself, old man. Leave my guild alone or you'll have a real reason to summon me this time…" Gray released an extremely icy magical pressure that began to freeze the walls and seriously chill the mages present.

 "He's strong..." Ultear and Jellal said to each other with frowns.

 "GRAY THAT'S Enough !!" Yajima shouted at Gray who immediately negated the effects of his magic.

 Gray: Please excuse me (bows). I am not going to integrate the sacred mages and tell Toma that if he insists in his harassment, I will offer my services as a mage and business manager in another kingdom. One last thing, I'm already paying for the damage caused by my guild members so leave us alone. (To Yajima) I apologize again for my attitude, if you need anything, please contact me. You have always been good to us.

 Yajima nodded as Gray turned to leave, he hated these guys terribly.

 They spent their time harassing Fairy Tail without ever taking into account the context of the damage generated even though it was the guild that helped the most.

 He was walking quietly outside a little further when Ultear caught up with him, he knew she was following him.

 Ultear: Gray, wait...


 Ultear: You can talk to me, you know? What happened to my mother, I know it's not your fault.

 Gray: Do you know what happened?

 Ultear: I have my own sources of information. I know you still feel guilty about all this but I don't blame you, (walks closer) we can be close and-(interrupted)


 Gray immediately teleported behind her to hit her in the back of the head to knock her unconscious, he quickly supported her to prevent her from falling.

 "You won't manipulate me you bitch…" He said darkly before teleporting away with her.

 He had only agreed to come this far because it was the conclusion he was looking for and that he had planned knowing that Ultear was on the council.

 Later, much later, Ultear woke up sitting on the floor with her hands bound in anti-magic handcuffs while across from her, Gray was calmly sitting while eating a sandwich.

 She looked at him without saying anything before regaining her composure, she knew her abilities very well and she was not weak.

 The fact that Gray captured her so easily reflected that they had seriously underestimated him and that he was much more dangerous than she thought.

 Ultear: What did you do to me, Gray?

 Gray: I kidnapped you.


 Gray: (eats and wipes the sauce from the corner of his mouth)

 Ultear: How long have I been here?

 Gray: Almost two days, you have to know that I went a little hard. I have trouble controlling my strength when dealing with real trash like you.

 Ultear: You...what are you trying to-(interrupted)

 Gray: Honestly, if it were up to me you'd already be dead for everything you've done. I am aware of all your activities within Grimoire Heart , all your manipulations, the people you have killed directly or indirectly.

 Ultear: I see, there's no point in acting with you then. I really underestimated you, Master Hades didn't lie when he said you had unique potential. He is ready to welcome you if you-(interrupted)

 Gray: I'm not interested in hanging out with thugs like you, your stupid plans have no use for me.

 Ultear: So why haven't you killed me yet?! You know everything I've done and you know I'm a horrible person. I won't give you any information.

 Gray: Are you stupid? I just told you that I already know everything. The only reason you're still alive is my master. Ur is back and she's looking for her daughter. I promised her to find you as I promised myself to bring her back.


 Gray: I hate being yelled at, next time I'm going to slap you...

 Ultear: DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT-(interrupted)


 Gray gave her a hard slap that left a mark on her cheek. Deprived of her magic, Ultear was a normal woman without passive magical defenses and Gray's slap was hard enough to leave her eyes watering.

 Gray: I warned you. Listen, I really wish I could tell you everything that happened when you and your mother were separated just to see your dirty face when you learn that all the bad things you did were the result of your own mistake, but I I'd rather let Ur tell you that herself.

 Ultear: Do you really think I'm going to believe all your nonsense ? You want to manipulate me...

 Gray: For what purpose ? You are useless to me and like I told you, if it were up to me, you would be dead by now. I know everything you know, I have nothing to learn from you.

 Ultear: (irregular breathing)

 Gray snapped his fingers and an ice knight was quickly built to his right with an ice sword.

 He had instilled mindfulness in him so he looked at him calmly.

 Gray: If she does anything suspicious I want you to plunge your sword into her stomach and freeze the wound to prevent her from dying.

 The knight bowed before Gray left the room to teleport outside, this location was Ur's cabin where Gray and Lyon were trained. Where this trouble started and where it will end.