
Fairy Tail : COLD HEART (ENG)

A reboot of Gray Fullbuster's story, Deliora's attack certainly took the lives of Gray's loved ones but also gave him an accidental gift that will make him the most powerful of mages. Gone was Natsu's so-called rival whose fights were rubbish and whose psychology was far from a boy who lost so much in life. No power of friendship and its power will have a completely logical cause in relation to its universe. English is not my first language and I don't have an editor so there will certainly be vocabulary or spelling mistakes. I wish you a good reading and I thank you for the edifying remarks in the comments if there are things to improve in my writing or my narration.

The3Entities · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

chapter 22 : Gray Wayne

"Hmm, so that was it?" Vampires...! The most learned among us know that this very ancient race existed and has nothing to do with simple fables. They are beings of exceptional power far above S rank but you tell me you killed 4 of them alone…" Makarov said solemnly to Gray in front of him and he just shrugged his shoulders.

 Gray: A fairly powerful and well-used holy light magic could overcome this easily. Master, the abundance of magic causes contradictory spells to be born. As powerful as one magic is, there is bound to be another that will be its weak point. In itself what I accomplished is not that extraordinary, I just used the right magic against the right opponents. 


 Gray: HOLY light magic, master.

 Makarov: When?! Do you even know how complex and rare this magic is?!

 "Not that complex apparently..." Gray said as he generated a wolf and a fox both made of lights and they started playing by running one after the other around the room under the shocked gaze of Makarov who almost had a heart attack. 

 It was strangely much easier to bring full awareness to his light creations than to his ice creations.

 Gray: You will receive payment in the coming days, I will donate it to the guild.

 "GHAAAAAAHH" Makarov almost fell backwards, this bounty was really big but Gray was donating it to the guild, it was really a lot of money.

 Gray: If that's all then I'll leave.

 Makarov: Uh wait child, there is something else.

 Gray: Uh?

 Makarov: There was a complaint against you and the council sent a summons.

 Gray: A complaint against me? I have always done my work cleanly and without any mess.

 Makarov: Believe me, we were as surprised as you were.

 Gray: Who is the plaintif ?

 Makarov: The king himself.

 Gray: Toma is complaining about ME ?!!! My business helps the kingdom's economy and I pay all my taxes.

 Makarov: On the other hand, you never responded to his invitations. You never respond to invitations from other nobles anyway.

 Gray: My research and training take time, I don't have time to waste on banquets and receptions to bond with them. I will respond to this summons. 

 Makarov: Don't cause trouble.

 Gray: I'll do the usual, treat people the way they treat me and that's it.

 He left as Makarov scratched his temple before returning to a dreamy look as he thought about the bounty offered to the guild.

 Gray came down intending to challenge Canna but when he arrived, she wasn't at the counter while Mirajane was cleaning the glasses at the bar.

 Gray: Where did Canna go?

 Mirajane: She left shortly after you, her face was red and she seemed unsettled.

 Gray: An effect of the drink certainly, you have to tell her to slow down in her consumption.

 He was about to leave when Mirajane called out to him.

 Mirajane: Gray?

 Gray: Uh?

 Mirajane: It's been a long time since you and I sat down to talk a little.

 Gray: Sorry, I've been a little busy lately. (Sits down) So, what do you want to discuss? Give me a cold beer at the same time...

 Mirajane: (serves) Well we can discuss anything and everything, tell me about your missions and what it's like to be the most popular boy in the kingdom.

 Gray: Honestly, I don't care. All that matters to me is achieving my goals.

 He started telling her about his recent adventures and laughing with her, Mirajane was a very good comrade and it's not because she rejected him that he was going to avoid her.

 Mirajane or anyone else in his life, it made absolutely no difference because the world was full of women of all kinds. They continued talking when Juvia arrived with a plate.

 Juvia: Gray-sama, Juvia made you delicious apple slices.

 Gray: Always so attentive ! Thank you, beautiful .

 " BEAUTIFUL?!!" Juvia asked in a sentimental outburst.

 "He seems to really like her…" Mirajane wondered as she looked at them.

 Gray: Come on Juvia, sit with us and eat with me like usual.

 Mirajane: You…you usually eat together?!

 Gray: She makes me food all the time so yeah, she's great company too.

 "Aaaaaaah" It was too much for Juvia who definitely traveled in her illusions where she saw herself preparing food for Gray and their thirty children.

 "GRAYYYY" Levy arrived and ran straight to give him a hug, she was actually coming back from her mansion where she was giving some lessons to the children while enjoying the unique or extremely rare books that were in Gray's very large library.

 At first, Juvia saw her as a rival but quickly understood that Gray behaved towards her like an affectionate big brother, he ruffled her hair while on the side, Jett and Droy complained about not having as much charisma to attract Levy's attention.

 Gray: Juvia where is the master?

 Juvia: Lady Ur returned to Gray-sama's domain, she said she had lessons to teach.

 Levy: Oh yes, I saw her on the way. She teaches magic to children in your orphanage who have magical abilities.

 Gray: Um, I know that. I would have liked to do it too but I don't know if I have the teaching instinct. My master on the other hand seems to have made a passion of it with these kids.

 Lucy entered and walked towards them a little shyly.


 Lucy: Hi Levy . Ah…uh hello Gray.

 Gray: Hello. Are you okay, "new girl" ?!

 Lucy: I'm fine, you can call me Lucy, that's my first name.

 Gray: I know, Miss Heartfilia. You caused us a lot of problems...

 Levy: GRAY!!

 Gray: I'm just teasing her, she's always embarrassed to talk to me while she does it without any problem with Natsu. How am I different from him?!

 "He's really asking us this question…" They said to each other while doing a face palm.

 Lucy: Loki gave us tickets for a stay at a vacation hotel near the sea and the team has two tickets left so we'd be quite happy if you came with us.

 "GAAAAAAAAAAH!!! SHE INVITES HIM TO A CHIC HOTEL TO STEAL HIM FROM ME" Juvia immediately put herself on alert with a priority rival in front of her.

 Gray: That's a good idea, thank you. (to Juvia) Are you coming with me?

 Juvia: Gray-sama, do you want Juvia to accompany you?!!

 Gray: Absolutely, you and I are a great duo , right?!

 "Gray-sama…" Juvia said softly grabbing his chest as her eyes grew watery.

 Levy: IT'S NOT FAIR !!

 "That's right...ahahahah" He started laughing while ruffling Levy's hair before looking at the note then an idea popped into his mind before he remembered something.

 Gray put his hand above the lachryma of his bracelet and a magic circle appeared then a few seconds later, The hologram of Kevan his butler appeared to the amazement of the others.

 Kevan: Hello, sir. How can I help you ?

 Gray: What is the status of the "Paradisia" hotel?

 Kevan: We purchased it almost two years ago now and the business is doing quite well, sir.

 The others listening to this were totally shocked, the girls knew that Gray was very rich but whether he could forget what he had or not was too much.

 Gray: Cool, I forgot but luckily you're here. Can you make a reservation for all Fairy Tail members? I want to pay vacation time to the guild.

 Girls: WHAT?!!

 Gray: Levy is right, it wouldn't be fair if a few people took a nice vacation and not everyone, I'm going to buy a vacation for everyone in this hotel. (To Mirajane) Please tell the old man when you have time, I'm going to the council headquarters because I've been summoned.

 He left as if nothing had happened leaving the others in a daze, he summoned a gigantic ice eagle in the sky which shocked everyone before climbing on it.

Romeo, Macao's son wanted to fly with him but he promised to take him later before flying to Era where the council headquarters was.