
045 Spider III

Arc watches as the Shadow Unit takes action. They begin their assault in the outer perimeter and unlike before where they are moving in a group of 3 this time they only move in pairs that's because the main headquarters of The Spider is simply too big just the outer perimeter is several kilometers, the main headquarters of The Spider is surrounded by thick vegetation and tall trees, and tall grasses. It looks like a virgin forest where man never ventures.

One may think it looks like it's an easy place to hide, but it's not, there are countless advanced CCTV cameras and many combat drones patrolling the area 24/7 not to mention many enhanced patrol dogs and highly armed guards.

Bero is the head of security. He has a strong build like one bodybuilder has, scars can be seen on his face, and many more hides behind his clothes. And in the headquarters of The Spider, his job is to make sure the headquarters is always protected at all times.

"Don't miss anything, nothing is overlooked, no matter how small it is understood!" he gave the order to the Captains of the guards.

"Yes sir!". All of them replied.

The security at the headquarters has more than doubled in the last few days, especially since the news about Morgan Family activities, even more so since all the top members of The Spider are gatherings in the headquarters for an emergency meeting. So they have to stay extra vigilant...

Bero has been under a lot of pressure in the past few days, he needed to prepare for all kinds of possible attacks on the headquarters, he's been checking and checking to make sure nothing is overlooked because the stake is too high for him to fail.

Bero is in the security command center of the headquarters, it has been his home for the last few days. He watches the many monitors displaying everything happening outside and inside. Except for a few places in the headquarters, everything is under watch.

"Any abnormalities?" Bero asked, he couldn't remember how many times he asks this question in the last few days.

"No sir!"

"Good, keep vigilant, don't overlook anything," Bero said, looking both vigilant and tired.

"Of course sir!"

Arc watched as one by one the guards were killed, Eve took care of the drones to make sure they remain undetected. The dogs, however, are a different story this was not your normal security canine, no these were genetically engineered security dogs their sense of smell is several times more powerful, not to mention their strength and speed are also enhanced, a single bite can sever limbs.

So they have made special medicine to block the dog's smell and sight. The medicine also makes the dog docile.

The Shadow Units move swiftly but carefully, according to Eve there is a blind spot to the CCTV camera, but that also become Eve's blind spot, Ruby and Jem are like a ghost, everywhere they went the guards fall one by one.

"Hmm, something is amiss," Bero said suspiciously

"Sir there's no abnormality, everything checks out," one of the guards replied.

"Check again! I have a bad feeling like there's something coming, my senses have never failed me before something is not right I can feel it" said Bero nervously, he looked at the CCTV one after another.

The guards become busy they trust their commander, they know Beru's senses defy common sense.

"G1 check!"

"G2 check!"

"G3 check!"

"All clear sir! Everything checks out all guards have been cleared the drone reports no abnormalities, all monitor is clear... no sign of problem sir" the guard reported.

Bero didn't bother to reply for some reason he felt like death is coming like it is coming for him all his senses are telling him there is danger, but everything was checked out.

"Am I being paranoid? I never felt like this in a long time, like I was in war again, and I felt powerless what the hell is happening to me?" Bero said in his mind.

"Call Shiro right now!" shouted Bero.

"Yes sir!"

A few minutes later.

"Sir Bero, what's up?" asked Shiro

"Go to your nest Shiro I have a bad feeling like something is coming, go and check things out. For some reason I feel like we are blind." said, Bero feeling restless

Shiro didn't question it's not his job to question he used to be a sniper in HFV special forces, but he offended some guy that had a connection to the top, and he was set up, in the end, he was dishonorably discharged, in his anger he killed the guys who set him up and went on the run.

The spider organization took him in, so now he becomes a sniper for The Spider, never in his dreams did he think he would be a criminal someday. But life happens and there's nothing he could do about it, so he just accepted it.

Shiro went to his nest as they call it, it's in one of the tallest trees in the courtyard from there he has a 360-degree view of about 500 meters or so, it was already dark, so he turns to night vision he looks around and everything looks normal.

Shiro's com beep, Shiro how's the situation up there Bero's voice can be heard in his com

"So far everything is clear, I don't see any problem around the courtyard," said Shiro

"Alright stay there, for now, I'll check up on you later," said Bero

"roger that!" said Shiro.

He fishes the cigarette box from his pocket, he pulls 1 stick of cigarette and lights it up but as he was about to take a puff he saw a flash then everything turns dark.

Bero was restless, he keeps pacing back and forth.

"Send Jiro's team to take another round, and ask Shiro again for an update," said, Bero, looking very serious. He was very nervous but as a leader, he won't show it.

"Yes sir."

"Sir Jiro's team is going out."

"And Shiro?" asked Bero.

"He just check in sir"

"Hmm, ok, is it really just my imagination?" Bero said in his mind.

He took a deep breath and sit back on his chair, he pulls out a cigarette and lit it up.

"Sir, one of the patrols who was supposed to come back didn't come back yet." one of the guard reported

Bero stood up. "Did you call them?"

"Yes, sir, he said he took another round and will be back after"

"Did anyone ask him to do that?" asked Bero suspiciously

"No sir."

"Pull him up on the screen."

"Right away sir. That's them sir" pointing at one of the monitors.

Bero look at the monitor and it looks normal, he saw a group taking a round patrolling like usual. But for some reason, he felt something is not right

"What is it?", Bero ask himself

"Call him!" said, Bero

"he's on sir..."

"check-in.." said, Bero

"This is unit G2 code number 273..."

"He checks out," said Bero in his mind.

"Why did you take another round?" asks Bero looking very skeptical.

"Sir Barry ask us to be extra vigilant sir, so I took another round just to be sure."

"Who is Berry?" ask Bero

"Sir, he's the captain of the northeast outer perimeter"

"Oh him, ok stop your round and come back immediately then come and see me." said, Bero.

"Yes, sir."

"Bero can't really shake the feeling of danger this is the first abnormality so far. I hope I'm not right, and I'm just being paranoid" said Bero in his mind.

Discord: GraveDagger#6135

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