
104. The girl in the black

Vidarr twisted on the bed. He took right and left turn and breathed heavily. His breaths were Turing hard by each passing moment.

He looked at the mist where two little birds were flying above in a circle. He tried to look closely at the birds. The mist made it hard for him to have a proper look. He tried to look in the mist where the birds were flying above. There was something in the mist that made the birds circle there. It was strange, he couldn't see himself standing anywhere. He couldn't see his form or himself. It was just the view that he sees. A sound in the mist echoed and the neighing sound of the horses was audible. He tried to look around, to find the source of the sound, all he could see was the thick mist. Another sound occurred, the sound of whispers. As if someone was whispering in his ear. He jerked his head to the right and left there was no one around him.

'Who is it?' He asked. But there was no response.