
What just happened???

[System? Aren't those novels that come from the Mortal World also depicting some kind of weird system?]

Ji Chen thought.

Novels usually circulated from The Mortal World. They were rare, but the content was enough to interest many nobles and merchants of the Heavens. Novels that came from The Mortal World were EXTREMELY rare. Even Ji Chen only had around 7-8. He had read about stories of 'Martial Artists' that had travelled to a realm beyond The Heavens, some even became the supreme sovereign of The Universe! This was all because he was blessed with something called a System!

Ji Chen may have a childish persona, but he wasn't a dead brain. He didn't believe that what was happening was a System transmigration.

[This system clarifies that what you are seeing is real]

-This thing can talk? Am I going to go crazy? No! I need to go back to the Ji Family to get a wife and have a few children before I die!

{Author: Because of the system, - will be the thoughts and [ and ] will be system brackets}

[Brat, don't think just because you are a Peak Divine that I can't damage you!]

-What? I thought that systems don't have thoughts. This is fraud! Fraud I say! How can you even damage me? Hahahaha, I am a mighty Divine that is only mentioned in the legends.

[System is not a fraud. Novels that you read are in the wrong...]

The second half of the sentence, the System was almost ashamed that Ji Chen would mention being a mighty Divine. Experts would usually be sincere about their realms. Never did the System to have transmigrated into such a shameless host!

[Reading memories...]

Ji Chen clutched his head between his arms. His head had started to hurt.

"Hey, don't read those, they are personal!"

Ji Chen had said that out loud.

The women and The Greats started to frown. Mu Lu who was laughing before had long stopped. He knew that the pain Ji Chen was facing was a lot, after all, he had to through it too. He looked up at the women and smiled at them.

"I am free."

There was still silence after he had said that. He couldn't help but start chuckling.

"HAHAHAHHA, I am free from that wretched Evil God!"

Rose, Lavender and Lily didn't know what had happened but Mu Lu's Cultivation had started dropping. It had stooped to Heaven's Passage realm. It was enough to bear the pressure of the Heavens, but it he could barely run a few miles before he would fall on the ground because of the First Heaven's pressure.

"Just shut up and die. Say you're sorry in Hell."

One of the women from the Elders of Dark Reality couldn't take it anymore and thought that Mu Lu was being a hypocrite and decided to kill him for the better. It seemed as if the others really didn't care anymore. A Heaven's Passage was an ant in the eyes of the people standing here. Heaven's Passage would be the ruler of Billions of Trillions of people in the lower Heavens. To ascend from one Heaven to another requires intense stress and training for millennia, those that were born in the First Heaven experience riches unimaginable to the Lower Heavens.

Mu Lu stood there waiting for death. He had closed his eyes. He regretted not having a family and raising a successor.

He sighed. There was really no medicine for regret.

Just when the attack that the woman had sent was about to hit Mu Lu, it started collapsing from the inside. When it hit Mu Lu, it had caused a tiny puff of smoke. It basically did no damage. Ji Chen who was having an intense headache looked at the women who had just launched the attack.

His head was drenched with sweat. This only made him look more handsome. Unlike his usual childish persona, he had a serious face. He looked as if he had just gone through hell.

"Don't attack my friend in my presence!"

He couldn't tolerate that this woman had just launched an attack on his fellow perverted friend.

Hearing what was said, Mu Lu couldn't help but open his eyes.

The chill that Ji Chen gave out was enough to frighten the opposing party. His pupils, torque, were like burning hot knives stabbing into them. Yet, these torque eyes were charming enough to entice them.

Ji Chen had the highest realm in this room. Just by speaking, he could shake this whole Stronghold! In fact, even his pinky finger was enough to destroy everything and everyone in this room. The 'sixth sense' these cultivators had a feeling that Ji Chen was not someone they could mess with.

Ji Chen looked towards Rose, Lavender and Lily and spoke quite hurriedly:

"Sis Rose, Lavender and Lily, I will go back the Thirty-Third Heaven. I swear I will return in a year or more! I will pay a visit Granny Gu."

The second he said that, he grabbed Mu Lu and Ji Chen's figure instantly disappeared.

-What just happened?

Was what everyone was thinking.

It was as if everyone in the Stronghold was stuck to the ground when Ji Chen and Mu Lu disappeared.

"We let him get away! Damnit! It was all because we brought him communicate with others! This is all your fault Rose."

Lily, who usually had a cold and indifferent face, had an angry face and almost a heartbroken voice.

"I didn't think that he would really get away. He really is slippery. For the 7 years we've known him, he only told us that he was a resident of the Thirty-Third Heaven."

Lavender sighed as she spoke.

Rose was the one who was the most blamed. She had reccomended that they should just bring Ji Chen to have some expereince by interacting with other people. She had never expected that Ji Chen would start considering Mu Lu his sworn brother.

"He really is an idiot. We don't even have the seed that he has with him!"

{Author: Don't be dirty minded when you read this novel, you will be disappointed. Think outside the box}

When the Elders of Dark Reality heard 'seed' they all nodded their head. The 'seed' that the two parties were talking about were two different sprites.

Don't worry, I won't make it so cliche that Mu Lu a female.

(shameless sponsor mode)

If we hit 5 power stones within twelve hours, I will give you guys a bonus chapter.

Goal: 5 power stones

time limit: twelve hours

Reward: A bonus chapter

(Failed horribly, well, they only work on those fan-fic novels anyway)

BrightestStar666creators' thoughts
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