
Diary Entries

It had been three years since Henry had shot himself in front of Ezra. Ezra was almost ten, but still remembered Henry with every detail.

She remembered he seemed like a hobo at first, but once you got use to his appearance and first looks he wasn't so bad. She remembered his genuine smile and how he looked when he realized what he had been doing to her was wrong. Ezra knee he was bad, but she wished he never killed himself.

David and Kelly believed Ezra would forget the whole event happened after a year, but that was far from happening. They didn't realize she remembered, but they knew she took her locket he gave her everywhere. It was a keepsake to Ezra and if anyone touched it she'd yelled or if it got lost she'd freak out.

It was the only item she had left of Henry so she wanted to keep it safe. Anyone else would call her crazy for keeping her abductors gift, but Ezra felt it was normal. She looked at Henry as more of someone who boosted her up and made her not so afraid of the dark.

Every few days Ezra wrote in her diary and most of the time it was about Henry. Other times it was about school, or how she felt different. She always hid her diary because her parents worried way too much. The last thing she needed was for them to find it and freak out.

One particular morning she had forgot she had left it out the night before on her desk and she had went to school. David Heller went to set up a new laptop on her desk so she could do school at home and he saw the diary.

David Heller was a busy man, but he wanted to know his daughter. David and Kelly had raised her since she was young, but Ezra didn't speak much about anything that had happened to her so that worried them.

Kelly Heller walked into Ezra's room briefly and saw David reading Ezra's diary.

"Dave what is that?" Kelly said with confusion.

David waited a few minutes then glanced up, "Our daughter is obsessed with Henry!"

Kelly looked around the room, "How? She was young when that happened. How would it even be possible for her to remember him?"

David shook his head then passed her the diary.

The page it was flipped to read:

Dear diary,

My parents were so much about everything little thing but I'm not worried. Henry taught me to be brave and made me feel like an animal! I feel like I can walk the streets of craziness and never have to worry! He was a crazy man and I miss him so much. If I had one wish I would wish for him back! He didn't have to go... my parents think he's such a monster, but he honestly wasn't so bad. He went through a lot and I remember hearing him on his drinking nights mumbling to himself about his problems. I didn't realize adults had it so rough.

Kelly started to cry, "David what are we going to do?"

Kelly dropped the diary and placed her hands over her face and sat down as she sobbed. David rubbed her back and comforted her.

"It's not easy raising kids you know Kelly. Maybe she needs counseling."

Kelly shook her head, "Then they'll make her more crazy with medications and labels and so much mental health conditions that we don't even understand!"

David sat beside Kelly on Ezra's bed and wrapped his arm around Kelly's shoulders and back, then said, "Honey, we are doing everything we can. Ezra has been traumatized half of her life. All we can do is hope we give her the right answers."

Ezra stood in the doorway as David looked up in shock.

Ezra rolled her eyes and threw her backpack on the floor, "I can't believe you read my diary! What happened to space?"

Kelly tried to get up and hold Ezra but she shoved her away.

"Baby, we're just worried is all!" Kelly tried to say, but felt no matter how she worded it it would come out wrong.

Ezra crosses her arms then shouted, "Get out of my room!"

David scratched the back of his head, "Ezra we just want to help you. Henry is not a good influence for you and I'm sorry but he's not here anymore. We don't want you obsessing over a man that practically tried to kill you."

Kelly smacked David's shoulder, "Don't say that!"

Ezra laughed, "You guys are jokes! You're my parents not leashes! I should be able to write how I feel without my mother or father reading it behind my back! Just leave me alone because obviously I need to hide my things better!"

Kelly and David left silently because they didn't want to argue with Ezra any longer. They loved Ezra but they wished she understood where they came from. They figured Ezra would be distraught or hate the man, but it seemed to be the complete opposite.

Ezra played with her locket as she starred at the ceiling. Was she wrong for admiring Henry and his crazy ways or thinking deep down he might be good? It was all so much to process, but her parents had to understand she was slowly processing it on her own and Ezra was lucky enough not to have to see a therapist to ask her everyday was she afraid of Henry coming back from the dead or his mafia buddies coming after her.

Ezra's life had been hell, but she tried to make any situation positive everywhere she went. She was mad at her parents, but she also knew they were the best thing that ever happened to her. If it wasn't for them she would still be going from home to home wishing for answers.