
Long Awaited Arrival

Lex did exactly as he had planned and placed a Spacial Mark a few days before the expected arrival of the demonic cultivation master.

He chose the 1st Unit Master as the fox beast to take on the task, because it was the most understanding and intelligent fox beast, while it was also the fox beast with the sharpest senses, allowing it to sense the disturbance in energy caused by the arrival of the demonic cultivation master.

"You will head towards the centre of the continent where you will find a large country that will be heavily guarded. Burrow underground and get inside the country, making sure not to be seen or caught, then wait until there is a massive disturbance and a large amount of evil energy, which is energy similar to the one I had when I fought the giant ant beasts" instructed Lex to the red fox beast.

The red fox beast nodded its head in understanding and acceptance as it headed out to complete its task without wasting any time.