
Exposing One Piece with QnA

Luke gotten himsel Isekai'd to the One Piece World But instead of waking up in an island surrounded by water, or in a ship... Luke found himself in the Moon, and he was seal in the moon To be unseal Luke need to change the Canon Plot with the help of a QnA System So he expose the story of One Piece with a QnA, to try and free himself... Read ahead only on https://www.patreon.com/goldengaruda

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581 Chs

Chapter 82 Question: Who killed Whitebeard?

"Akainu, damn guy!"

"Why these Marines only think about conspiracies and tricks all day long, it's almost the same as Teach."

"No, there is still a difference. Sengoku and Akainu are both played around by Teach in terms of conspiracy."

"Don't these Marines have any shame? Obviously we are fighting head-on. They always have these tricks. They don't even have the courage to face the old man. The so-called Marine Admiral, but that's it."

"In the future, we should be careful when confronting Marine's people. Who knows what tricks these cunning guys will make."

The words of the Whitebeard Pirates group spread to all parts of the world along with the live broadcast.

Those who heard these words really felt that the strategy Marine used in this Summit War was indeed powerful.

But this also refreshed everyone's impression of Marine. They had always thought that Marine was an upright. After all, justice sounds pretty positive.

But now it seems that people are not in appearance, and the sea is incomparable. If you regard the justice of others as innocence, then you are a fool.

As the people of the Whitebeard Pirates said, it's better to be careful, who knows what conspiracy they will make.


Sengoku, Akainu and many other Marine generals frowned and looked unhappy as they heard the curse of the Whitebeard Pirates, but the more angry the enemy, the more victory they won.

It's nothing, but it's unpleasant to discredit Marine in front of people all over the world.

What makes Sengoku and Akainu even more unhappy is that they were trick by Teach in Summit War. This is the key to their irritation.

Even this alone is enough to wipe out Marine's victory in defeating the Whitebeard Pirates in Summit War.

Marine paid such a big price, and even the Marinford was destroy. but, Blackbeard Teach picked up a bargain and was completely manipulated others. This is not a victory, it can be said to be a complete failure.

Marine's face is not pretty. It can be said that in the normal Summit War, except for the Blackbeard accident, they and the Whitebeard Pirates are all losers.

On the other side, Squard burst into tears when he knew the truth.

When he knew that Ace was Roger's son, he did complain about Whitebeard, but without Akainu's instigation, he didn't want to betray Whitebeard.

However, after hearing Luke said that he stabbed his father, his father gave him a hug and forgave him regardless of previous attack.

This made him both moved and hated his previous thoughts, and if he hadn't complained, Akainu's strategy would not succeed.

Now that the truth has emerged, he feels that he has to apologize to his father, and to clear up his hatred with Ace, no matter what they were before, they are now son of Whitebeard. This is the only important thing.

Just as the people of the Whitebeard Pirates were scolding Akainu for being a manipulator, Whitebeard was angry that Akainu used his son as a breakthrough point for attacking him.

Luke asked the fifth question.

"Question: Who killed Whitebeard in Summit War?

There are four options here

A. Marine Admiral Akainu,

B. Blackbeard Pirates Marshall D Teach,

C. Former Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile,

D. Beasts Pirates Four Emperors Kaido. "


Hearing this question, the whole world was shocked!

Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates group opened their eyes wide, and they were horrified.

Marinford Sengoku stood up directly from his seat. Although he had already expected this result, he didn't fully anticipate this.

Alabasta, Crocodile took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, defeating and killing Whitebeard is his ambition, but when he heard that it was possible

Kaido's laughter came from the Onigashima of New World Wanokuni.

"Will I kill Whitebeard? It's really interesting, if Whitebeard really died in my hands, then I should have a good drink today! Ha ha.."

People all over the world are shocked by the death of Whitebeard, did the world's strongest pirate really fall in the Summit War?

Did Marine win?

Everyone stared at the live broadcast, desperate to know the answer.

At the same time, the Moby Dick.

The atmosphere of the Whitebeard Pirates is deathly silent.

Although they had been mentally prepared for a long time, after all they had seen it before, and Whitebeard finally decided to stay for them.

When they saw this, they already had bad guesses, but at the moment they knew what happened, they still couldn't accept the result.

Is Summit War so tragic?

Ace is dead!

Pop is dead!

Most of the Whitebeard Pirates were killed and injured!

The Whitebeard Pirates can be said to have broken up and finished…

They couldn't accept this ending, and they couldn't imagine it.

In this decisive battle with Marine, they eventually lost. They lost miserably…

Compared with the heavy heart of the people in the Whitebeard Pirates group because of Whitebeard's death, Whitebeard did not pay much attention to his death.

Because when he saw the video, he saw that he pushed the Moby Dick out of the ice and stayed at the end

He understood his eyes and thoughts at that time.

He understood this idea instantly as he was himself.

At that time, he realized that he did not intend to leave Marinford alive. In order for his sons to survive and escape the pursuit of Marine, he was willing to die there …

So when he heard this question, his mood was very calm, and he was more concerned about another thing, that is, what will happen to the Whitebeard Pirates after his death.

He have to say that the ending of this Summit War is really terrible.

If this is what happened without Luke will happen, then this is the doomed reality.

How would the Whitebeard Pirates do without him? How would they survive in the murderous seas of New World?

How should they deal with the offensives of other Four Emperors?

All of this is his heart knot.

The current Whitebeard is extremely grateful that Luke has exposed all of this.

He knew about the future, prevented Ace from being caught, found out Teach, the unfilial son in advance, and the killing of Thatch was also avoided.

Summit War does not seem to happen now, and the Whitebeard Pirates will not be in danger of being annihilated.

All in all, this is the change brought by Luke, and Whitebeard is very grateful for this, and forgets all the unpleasant past that happened during the first meeting.

The current Luke can be said to be the great benefactor of the Whitebeard Pirates, and this kindness he remembers in his heart.

Whitebeard looked at Marco and said:

"Since this hasn't happened yet, you don't have to be too sad. Now that I'm still alive, I won't let this happen. Compared with these, now it is more important to find out the answer to this question. As long as we know the answer, we will know who it is. Marco, what do you think?"

Marcos shook his head for a while, "I don't have a good answer to this question. The first option is Akainu. If it is him, there is no doubt that he wants to kill the old man in his dreams, but if he did it. I'm not sure.

As for the second option, Teach, if he appeared in Marinford, it should have come out of Impel down, but why did he come to Marinford specifically, this is a problem.

He attacked Impel down and released so many prisoners. It stands to reason that he has become an enemy of Marine. It is not a smart choice to come to Marinford.


"Unless what?"

Unless "He wants the take advantage of the situation, killing both of the Whitebeard Pirate and Marine at the same time."

This analysis caused everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates to take a breath.

And Marinford, Sengoku and other Marines also showed solemn expressions. Could it be that their casualties with the Whitebeard Pirates in the Summit War were so heavy that Teach, who had just formed the Blackbeard Pirates, was so bold?

This is too bold.

Isn't Blackbeard Teach afraid of being too greedy and throwing himself to death?

Or is it that Teach's true strength after eating Dark Dark Fruit is enough for him to crush Marine Admiral?

Wait, if Whitebeard's dying fight severely injured Marine 3 Admiral, Blackbeard Teach ran over to take advantege then this is not impossible.

This thought made Sengoku more uncomfortable, because it meant that he completely failed in Summit War.