
Exposing One Piece with QnA

Luke gotten himsel Isekai'd to the One Piece World But instead of waking up in an island surrounded by water, or in a ship... Luke found himself in the Moon, and he was seal in the moon To be unseal Luke need to change the Canon Plot with the help of a QnA System So he expose the story of One Piece with a QnA, to try and free himself... Read ahead only on https://www.patreon.com/goldengaruda

GarudaTranslation · Anime und Comics
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493 Chs

Chapter 429 Despicable Hody Jones

At Marine Headquarters, the manpower here has been assembled.

The team is led by Marine Admiral Akainu himself, and several Vice Admiral under his command went to The Fishman Island.

After coating the ship, the warship sink to the deep sea, targeting The Fishman Island 10,000 meters deep.

During this period, the video on the screen continued to play.

After seeing the aging Hody Jones and the others, something unexpected happened again.

The Big Mom pirates suddenly came to The Fishman Island.

It is Pekoms and Baron Tamago.

They were ordered by Big Mom to come to The Fishman Island to collect the desserts they agreed to hand in.

This is the condition for The Fishman Island to be protected by the Big Mom pirates.

However, due to the recent civil unrest, the snack factory has been destroyed, and it is impossible to produce what Big Mom wants.

And if they can't pay as agreed, it means offending Big Mom, and Big Mom won't care about the reason they didn't pay in time.

Then The Fishman Island will suffer the wrath of Big Mom.

This worried Neptune, and at this moment, the Straw Hat Crew defeated Caribou and retrieved the treasure stolen by Caribou.

After learning about this, Luffy directly talked to Big Mom, saying that he ate all the snacks, and in exchange he would give her all the treasures for now but in the future, he will go to New World to knock out Big Mom and turn The Fishman Island into his territory.

Seeing this scene, people can understand the origin of the contradiction between the Straw Hat Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates, which originally came from here.

And this guy Luffy actually did what he said. He really went to fight Big Mom. Although they never saw it in the video, but they saw that Luffy still left alive after the confrontation.

The people of The Fishman Island saw this scene, and their affection for the Straw Hat Pirates increased.

These people not only saved The Fishman Island, but also offended Big Mom in order to help them.

They have never seen a human being so kind to them.

The Straw Hat Pirates... For a while, this pirate group that had never been to The Fishman Island became the most favored human pirate group on The Fishman Island, and even many fishmans were looking forward to their arrival.

And as Pekoms and the others left with the treasure, the Straw Hat Pirates' journey on The Fishman Island also came to an end.

So after saying goodbye to Neptune and the others, they embarked on a new journey.

And Jinbei also said goodbye to Neptune. He decided to go to Big Mom. He wanted to leave the Big Mom Pirates to join the Straw Hat Pirates.

In the present, Hody Jones and his party have also arrived at the entrance of Ryugu Palace.

But it's completely closed.

The way Hody Jones used to enter the Ryugu Palace as the soldier of the Neptune Army didn't work either.

This angered Hody Jones.

This is all Luke's fault. If Luke hadn't exposed his story, he would have silently entered the Ryugu Palace and killed that Neptune.

But now he can't even enter the gate of Ryugu Palace.

Ryugu Castle is not on the main island of The Fishman Island, but a small island on the Fishman Island alone, where the royal family of the Ryugu Kingdom lives.

In order to protect the safety of the royal family, this place has been specially fortify, and there is no way to enter it except through the door below Ryugu Castle.

The door is closed, and it is obvious that the Royal did not intend to fight them.

Hody Jones did not expect this to be the case, and Neptune chose to retreat in the face of their attack.

This is really funny enough.

It seemed that Neptune was afraid. After seeing his strength in the video, Neptune is afraid and did not dare to fight.

The members of the New Fish-Man Pirates burst out laughing. With hundreds of them, the Neptune Army is so frightened that they dared not go out, which made them very happy.

They laughed triumphantly, but Hody Jones' face sank.

The longer it drags on, the worse it will be for him.

Neither the Sun Pirates nor Jinbei are in The Fishman Island now.

This is the biggest obstacle to his usurpation.

That apart from Jinbei who is still in the live answering room, the Sun Pirates are now madly rushing to The Fishman Island.

Not sure when they will be back.

Neptune must be killed before they come back

But now Neptune is behind closed doors, clearly delaying time.

This can't be done... Hody Jones glanced gloomily at the closed gate of Ryugu Palace.

Others also felt the unpleasant expression on Hody Jones' face, and the atmosphere suddenly dropped.

"Boss Hody, what if these cowards don't want come out?"

"Don't want come out?!" Hody Jones sneered, "Then we will force them to come out."

Hody Jones looked at his subordinates with a grin on his lips, "Don't they think they are kind and noble? Then I want to see if they are so noble. Go to the island and capture people for me. If they don't come out, we will kill the hostage. Let's see how long they can endure. "

Hearing Hody Jones's speech, the pirates of the new fish men pirates rushed straight towards The Fishman Island below.

The people on the island, who were worried about the safety of Ryugu Castle, all gathered here.

There are people all over the place at the moment.

They were relieved to see that Hody Jones and the others couldn't get in.

Never thought that the pirates of the new fish-man pirates turned around and rushed towards them.

This frightened them.

Some fishmans tried to resist with weapons, but were easily defeated by sea beasts and cadres.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of fishmans were captured.

The pirates of the New Fishmen Pirates tied up the captured Fishmen and gathered together.

Hody Jones then used the Den Den Mushi to contact Neptune.

Neptune also noticed the situation on The Fishman Island.

When he found that Hody Jones turned around and attacked the residents of The Fishman Island, his face was ugly, bad, and the situation he is most worried about appeared.

Seeing the call from Hody Jones, Neptune answered with a sullen face.

The voice of Hody Jones came from the other end of the Den Den Mushi.

"Neptune, I'll give you three minutes to come out and or face the consequences"

Hody Jones laughed cruelly and said: "I have hundreds of hostages in my hands now, if I don't see you in 3 minutes, then all of them will die. It just so happened that these idiots in the Ryugu Kingdom would see whether the king they liked chose to save them at this time, or cherished their dog's life and refused to come out."

"Hody Jones!" Neptune said angrily, ""They are innocent, don't get them involved. "

"Innocent?" Hody Jones sneered, "They are the traitors among the fishmans, and they are enemies who need to be eliminated. But whether they will die or not, the decision is not mine, but yours. If you don't come out, Neptune, they're dead, they're killed by you. 3 minutes, you only have 3 minutes, after 3 minutes I don't see you, my men will kill them all. But don't think that's all there is to it. I will continue capture those traitor and kill them one by one"

Hody Jones laughed.

Neptune's face is as ugly as the bottom of a pot when he heard Hody Jones's words.

In order to force him out, this madman would not hesitate to kill these innocent people!

And what Hody Jones meant is that if he didn't come out, Hody Jones would keep killing them.

At this moment, Hody Jones connected the screens in various places of The Fishman Island.

Hody Jones' face appeared on the screen.

"I'm Hody Jones, the new king of this country, and I'm making an announcement."

As soon as the screen turned, hundreds of captured civilians appeared on the screen.

"Did you see them? They're all Neptune supporters, but I've caught them now. However, Neptune, who they had always believed in, hid in the Ryugu Palace and did not dare to come out. I've just notified Neptune. 3 minutes, after 3 minutes I'll put them all to death. However, if Neptune comes out of Ryugu Castle obediently within 3 minutes, then I won't hurt them. Now their life and death are all in the hands of Neptune. Now let's see if Neptune will let them die just like that, or will he come out to save them. Don't you wonder what it will be like?"

Hody Jones's playful voice is transmitted through the screen to various parts of The Fishman Island.

Then two image appeared on the screen, one is facing the captured fishmans, and the other is facing the closed gate of Ryugu Palace.

The fishfolk watched this scene nervously.

Hody Jones despicableness is beyond their imagination.

This guy even took the lives of hundreds of people to force His Majesty Neptune.

This is so despicable!

They neither want to see His Majesty Neptune come out to save people and be killed by Hody Jones, nor do they want to see these innocent people killed by Hody Jones.

Both of these results they don't want to see force.

But now the lives of hundreds of people are in the hands of Hody Jones.

They had no choice but to watch the screen.