
Exposing One Piece with QnA

Luke gotten himsel Isekai'd to the One Piece World But instead of waking up in an island surrounded by water, or in a ship... Luke found himself in the Moon, and he was seal in the moon To be unseal Luke need to change the Canon Plot with the help of a QnA System So he expose the story of One Piece with a QnA, to try and free himself... Read ahead only on https://www.patreon.com/goldengaruda

GarudaTranslation · Anime und Comics
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493 Chs

Chapter 410 Fisher Tiger and Princess Otohime

Hody Jones almost got what he dream of

And this resistance is mainly made by Zoro of the Straw Hat Pirates.

If there is no Zoro to make trouble, it will not be difficult at all.

Facts have proved that even if the Straw Hat Pirates did not came, it is a sure thing for Hody Jones to take Neptune.

So the question is, why did Hody Jones have to wait so many years.

He has the method to sneak into the Ryugu Palace, and also has the strength to defeat Neptune. What is he playing here?

Could it be that he is waiting for Luffy and the others to come, he won't do it if they don't come, and he do it as soon as they come?

People can't help but feel a little funny. It's a very simple thing, but it's complicated by Hody Jones. I really don't know whether to say that this guy is scheming or fighting with the air.

Not even Hody Jones himself thought things would go so well.

Neptune just fell into his hands?

Hody Jones looked at the captured Neptune in the video with an ugly face, which is so simple that he doubted what he had been doing all these years.

If he knew it waas so simple, he would directly break into the Ryugu Palace, capture Neptune to control the Neptune Army, and then take the entire Ryugu Kingdom into his own hands.

As for Jinbei and the Sun Pirates, these guys should not be too easy to deal with. Neptunes in his hands are all hostages, do they dare to attack?

It could have been so simple, but he took the most time-consuming one.

Hody Jones looked a little ugly. If he knew it would turn into today's situation, he might as well get up early and capture Neptune before things are exposed.

In the video, after Hody Jones took control of Ryugu Castle, the screen turned to Luffy and Shirahoshi.

They took the Megallo to the Sea Forest.

Shirahoshi finally paid homage to her mother for the first time after ten years.

And here they also meet Jinbei, who has been waiting for them here.

After Shirahoshi prayed to her dead mother, Nami told Luffy and Jinbei about what happened at Ryugu Castle.

Hearing this, Jinbei and Shirahoshi's expressions changed greatly.

Neptune was taken prisoner by Hody Jones, and Zoro, who failed to escape, is probably too injured.

After listening to Nami's words, Jinbei first apologized to Luffy and the others for involving them in this incident.

Then he talked about his intention to bring them to the Forest of the Sea.

"This should have been said long ago, but when I met Luffy two years ago, I is in a situation where I couldn't tell it. I'm so thankful for you guys, for stopping Arlong is east blue, Thank you, but at the same time, I also want to apologize to you. I am the one who free Arlong 11 years ago"

Jinbei's words changed Nami's face in front of her, and she instantly recalled the unbearable past.

The adoptive mother was killed, and she is forced to join the Arlong Pirates for the sake of her village.

Draw a nautical chart for the enemy.

In order to raise the 100 million Berry to redeem his village, she became a thief.

However, although Nami's face was gloomy for a short time, it quickly returned to calm.

Jinbei looked at Nami and said apologetically, "You seem to have suffered a lot too."

"Yeah, for whatever reason, I'm not going to take pity on Arlong now, but... "Nami said here with a slight pause, "I realize now the fishman also experience what I experience, seeing what happen in saobody two year ago, with Camie realize the horror you guys also suffer"

"Nami, I'm not saying this to ask you to forgive us, Arlong hates human beings very much, and have gone too far. We have been hating on to the human world since we were young. It's an indisputable fact."

jinbe said with a face of reminiscence: "Until two hundred years ago, it is said that both fishmans and mermaids were in chaois. Two hundred years ago, the Ryugu Kingdom became a member of the World Government and improved relations with humans, but humans still hate fishmans. In my life, the worst era is when the Great Pirates began. I still remember very clearly the horror caused by the arrival of human pirates to this island."

Jinbei continued: "The one who saved us in the end is the late Whitebeard. Peace is restored to the island. "

Jinbei's tone is even more serious, "But humans still hate fishmans. You have seen that reality in the Sabaody Archipelago. At this time, two characters who want to change this corrupt history appear on The Fishman Island. One is Princess Otohime, who has been advocating with the people on the island to live together with human beings, and is also the mother of Princess Shirahoshi. The other is Fisher Tiger, a hero who liberated slaves. violated the taboos of the world, and went to attack the Holy Land Mariejois alone to free the slaves. Me, Arlong and Hachi were once members of the Sun Pirates. However, the fishman pirates who fiercely rebelled against the World Government were active at sea, and at the same time hurt Princess Otohime who wanted to remain friendly with humans. Princess Otohime thinks that it is time to endure now and change the future, but on the other hand, Fisher Tiger abandons the future and saves the suffering slaves. It is impossible to say who is right..."

Following Jinbei's words, another scene appeared on the screen.

The moment he saw this scene, Jinbei in front of the screen had tears in his eyes.

Not only him, but the residents of the whole The Fishman Island couldn't hide their excitement, sadness, respect, memory....

Even the new fish-man pirates, many of them were shocked when they saw this scene.

Because it is their fishman hero, Fisher Tiger, who appears in the video.

On both sides of him are the young Jinbei and Arlong

This is fifteen years ago, that is, just after Fisher Tiger made a scene of Mariejois freeing the slaves, Fisher Tiger brought the recovered fishmans, Jinbei, and Arlong to form the Sun Pirates, and formed a group to deal with Marine's pursuit. .

And soon the screen is switched again, and it came to sixteen years ago.

What appeared in the video this time is the scene on The Fishman Island.

A fishman is robbing the island with his face covered, when a woman suddenly rushed over and knocked the robber to the ground.

When Shirahoshi in front of the screen saw this woman, she couldn't help but called her mother.

Neptune's hands trembled a little, and he stared blankly at the woman in the video who had beaten the robber but shouted that her hand is hurting.

This is his wife, Otohime.

Since Otohime was killed eight years ago, he hadn't seen her again.

What frightened him even more is that as time passed, the memory of her began to blur in his mind.

Seeing Otohime's vivid figure again today, the memories of the past flooded in like a tide.

The others were also staring blankly at Otohime like him. They had grown up and couldn't control their tears at the moment when they saw their mother.

Two successive heroes of The Fishman Island appear in the video, instantly filling the whole The Fishman Island with an atmosphere of sadness and remembrance of the deceased.

Seeing Fisher Tiger and Otohime alive in the video, people wish they could do the same in reality, but all this is doomed to be impossible.

They were killed, Fisher Tiger was killed by Marine, Princess Otohime was killed by Hody Jones, and at the moment of their deaths, the whole The Fishman Island came to a standstill with them.

At this moment, people all over the world have their eyes wide open and want to remember these two legendary characters, especially Fisher Tiger, the world's first man who dared to set fire to Mariejois and free the slaves of Tenryuubito.

He has done things that even human beings would not dare to do, and he is a true hero.

Countless people looked at Fisher Tiger with admiration.

And in the crowd around the world, there are many people who are full of tears, and they are constantly chanting thanks in their mouths or in their minds.

They are the slaves that Fisher Tiger rescued from Mariejois.

If it wasn't for Fisher Tiger's life-saving rescue, they would not be able to be alive, they may still be tortured by Tenryuubito, and they may have died under the torture of Tenryuubito.

This kindness is by no means enough to say thank you.

However, before their kindness could be repaid, the benefactor had already been killed for saving them.

This is the regret and pain in their hearts forever.

After the scene of defeating the robbers, Princess Otohime continued to deliver her speech to the crowd.

She advocated that they should not wait for humans to approach them, but should take the initiative to approach and understand humans, eliminate the gap between the two sides, and increase mutual understanding. For this reason, the Ryugu Kingdom should be moved to the surface

Only in this way can the distance between fishmans and humans be shortened, and the previous estrangement will not continue. For this reason, she hopes that the public can sign the petition. At the World Summit, she will submit this joint name to fight for the Ryugu Kingdom better future.

However, people are not very positive about the proposition of Princess Otohime, just as humans do not understand fishmans, fishmans do not understand humans.

But despite this, Princess Otohime continued to give speeches everywhere, hoping to get people's support.

On the other side, a man came back from outside The Fishman Island.

As soon as he came back, he went to Ryugu Palace.


[More Chapter available at p@treon.com/goldengaruda]
