
Exposing One Piece with QnA

Luke gotten himsel Isekai'd to the One Piece World But instead of waking up in an island surrounded by water, or in a ship... Luke found himself in the Moon, and he was seal in the moon To be unseal Luke need to change the Canon Plot with the help of a QnA System So he expose the story of One Piece with a QnA, to try and free himself... Read ahead only on https://www.patreon.com/goldengaruda

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581 Chs

Chapter 405 5 Elders Proposal

And this matter is made public by Luke.

This, as with the previous Pluton incident, only took a turn for the worse.

It will definitely attract a large number of ambitious people to come and grab things as before.

This is definitely not a good thing.

This kind of thing falls into the hands of anyone other than them, and it is not a good thing for them.

They will never allow such weapons to be used by others.

"Poseidon must be in our hand now!"

The Five Elders immediately came to a unified conclusion.

Pluton has been lost, and in the hands of their worst enemy, Poseidon must be taken.

But... The Five Elders fixed their eyes on Shirahoshi on the screen.

But, the deadliest situation occurred, that is, if they guessed correctly, the one on the screen should be Poseidon.

As the Five Elders, they know a lot of information that others don't.

Like Poseidon.

Poseidon is not a battleship like Pluton, it is alive and a mermaid.

Every few hundred years Poseidon is revived in merfolk.

The blood of a person who can become a king must be extraordinary.

The Poseidon from 800 years ago is the princess of the mermaid tribe.

In contrast, Pluton is a battleship that has been hidden, but there is still a silver lining to find it.

Now that Poseidon has been resurrected in this era.

And the current mermaid princess is Shirahoshi, so it is self-evident who Poseidon is.

right before their eyes.

Five Elders looked very ugly

Luke's ability really makes them too disadvantageous.

Luke always knew the information before them, and they had to wait for Luke to expose it before they knew it.

as it is now.

The last thing they want is for Poseidon to be approached by other forces.

As a result, Poseidon appeared in front of their nemesis Luke.

This is exactly the same situation as Franky with the Pluton blueprint last time.

Now Pluton's blueprint is still hanging on the wall in the room on the screen as a display.

Luke got such a rare thing and then put it so casually, it really made their teeth itch.

But they were helpless, because not only did Luke has the blueprints, but even Pluton is in his hands.

This means that if Luke wants to, he can have more than one.

Facing Luke with two or more Ancient Weapons, the World government will be at a complete disadvantage.

The Five Elders looked ugly and pale.

What kind of guy did they mess with in the first place.

The Five Elders looked at each other, and there is nothing they could do for a while, but they could only aim for Shirahoshi.

They remembered the decision just now.

Agree with the fishmans to move to the surface and let the fishmans join Marine to work for the World government.

Perhaps this will be the key to their turnaround.

Use this chip to pull Poseidon to their side.

This is the best way.

Letting them voluntarily move closer to the World government is the best policy.

This is extremely detrimental to them.

The Five Elders made an instant decision and immediately contacted Neptune to make the deal.

Pull the Ryugu Kingdom to their side first, agree to any conditions first, and then pull them over.

As long as they get Neptune first, then Shirahoshi will be easy to deal with.

As for how to deal with this Poseidon in the future, it depends on the situation.

But that something will happen in the future.

Now in front of Shirahoshi is Luke.

This guy never gave them peace of mind.

Will there be no more surprises?

The Five Elders looked nervously at the screen.

At this moment, the atmosphere of The Fishman Island is extremely complicated.

They were both excited and very nervous.

Excited that their Ryugu Kingdom actually gave birth to Poseidon, the king who can command the Sea Kings.

Maybe they fishmans and mermaid can stand up.

Never be bullied by others again.

But with that comes worry.

Such a powerful force will probably lead to a lot of trouble.

Poseidon's power is strong, but the power of this world's terrifying powerhouse can't be counted on one hand.

Not to mention the behemoth World government.

The Ryugu Kingdom has such a powerful force, how will the World Government treat them?

The Fishman Island is too close to Mariejois. If there is any trouble here, Mariejois will surely face a formidable enemy.

If a war breaks out, it may be a disaster for the fishmans.

The fishmans and mermaid have speculated that maybe Poseidon is the king Neptune or one of the three princes. They are the royal family, and their strength is also the best in the Ryugu Kingdom, and only they can take on the heavy responsibility of the Ryugu Kingdom.

Just when they were guessing, Neptune and other became a little flustered because of the exposure of this incident.

Others don't know who Poseidon is, but they do.

When Otohime was killed eight years ago, Shirahoshi brought in the Sea Kings to make them realize that Shirahoshi is Poseidon.

That's why they protected Shirahoshi very well afterwards, but they were worried that someone would covet Shirahoshi's power against her.

However, all this is about to be exposed today.

How can they not panic.

Shirahoshi was only 14 years old now and is completely unarmed and has no fighting ability.

Apart from having the power of Poseidon to summon Sea Kings, she doesn't even have the ability to protect herself.

Now Shirahoshi's abilities are about to be revealed.

This also means that the things they have been worried about before will become more serious.

There are so many ambitious people and so many strong people in the world now.

How should they face the next situation.

This time The Fishman Island may really be doomed.

What should they do, now Neptune is not even in the mood to deal with Hody Jones.

The first question now is how to solve the impending dilemma.

At this moment, Neptune's entourage hurried over with a Den Den Mushi in hand.

"Your Majesty, it's the Five Elders."

Neptune was shocked when he heard the words, and he didn't expect that the Five Elders had called him as soon as the matter is exposed.

Neptune picked up the phone quickly, and then learned the purpose of the Five Elders' contact.

The Five Elders have made a promise to Neptune that the World Government will fully support the relocation plan for residents of The Fishman Island.

Marine will provide them with protection and support throughout.

It will also vigorously crack down on human traffickers who sell mermaids.

Guarantee the legal rights of fishmans and mermaid.

At the same time, in order to help fishmans and mermaid integrate into human society and eliminate the gap between the two races.

The Five Elders also offered to recruit fishmans to join Marine.

believe that when Marine has fishmans, it will be better for fishmans to integrate into human society, and some fishmans are at the top of Marine, which will not be a bad thing for the fishmans.

The World government will also withdraw the bounty on the Sun Pirates, and the Tenryuubito will also give up every fishman and mermaid they own, from now on they are innocent and free.

At the same time, the World government will help the Ryugu Kingdom through this crisis, and provide assistance for the Ryugu Kingdom.

The only requirement is that Poseidon is not used by evil people. Poseidon stay in the Ryugu Kingdom, but he must accept the supervision of the World Government, and the World Government will also provide necessary protection to Poseidon, Princess Shirahoshi.

This is all for world peace and stability.

Hearing the plan proposed by the Five Elders, to be honest, Neptune was immediately moved.

This condition is unexpectedly generous, and he had no reason to refuse.

Not to mention that the World government proposed by the Five Elders will fully support the plan of the residents of The Fishman Island to move to land.

This is something Otohime had been working hard on during her lifetime, and he did not expect to get the consent of the Five Elders today in a way that she never thought of.

You must know that the Five Elders are the highest rulers of the World government, they are not only the Tenryuubito, but also the top of the Tenryuubito' power.

The decisions they made, even the Tenryuubito had to abide by.

With their support, it's almost a done deal.

And the Five Elders also promised Marine to provide shelter for the Ryugu Kingdom, and to crack down on mermaid trafficking...

These are things that they fishmans and mermaid have hoped for in the past but could not achieve.

Now there is a chance to achieve it.

In particular, the fact that the fishmans joined Marine made Neptune even more excited.

In the past, fishmans were in danger of being caught as slaves even when they went ashore, let alone become marines.

If in the future Marine can produce a fishman Marine Admiral, or even a Fleet Admiral, then they will never have to worry about being bullied again.

This condition is something he had never dared to think about before, and he had no reason to refuse at all.

And the reality they are now facing is that after Shirahoshi Poseidon's identity is exposed, they can't protect Shirahoshi at all.

Sea Kings are powerful, but there are more than one or two people in this world that are stronger than Sea Kings

After this incident, the Ryugu Kingdom is bound to be in danger, and it will even lead to the crisis of destruction.

At this time, the Five Elders proposed to let them emigrate to land, and at the same time let the fishmans integrate into human society and join the Marine, and the most crucial point is that Neptune is worried that the Five Elders said so much to take away Shirahoshi.

But to his surprise, the Five Elders didn't do that.

It's just that Shirahoshi can stay by his side, but he must be supervised and protected by the people of the World government.

If this is the only condition, it is not impossible to agree.

As long as Shirahoshi can stay with them, their family cannot be separated, so he doesn't have to worry about Shirahoshi being hurt.

And he also had to take into account a situation.

That is, if the World Government's proposal is rejected, will the World Government take any countermeasures.

When it comes to the power of Poseidon, which has the power to destroy the world, that even the World Government cannot calm down.

This must make him cautious.