
Exposing One Piece with QnA

Luke gotten himsel Isekai'd to the One Piece World But instead of waking up in an island surrounded by water, or in a ship... Luke found himself in the Moon, and he was seal in the moon To be unseal Luke need to change the Canon Plot with the help of a QnA System So he expose the story of One Piece with a QnA, to try and free himself... Read ahead only on https://www.patreon.com/goldengaruda

GarudaTranslation · Anime und Comics
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493 Chs

Chapter 160

Even more disturbing thoughts arose in people's minds.

Since the main customers of Amber Lead products were wealthy individuals and royal nobles, some speculated that the World Government's actions were aimed at cutting off the bloodlines of these nobles, making it easier to bring these kingdoms under their control without shedding a drop of blood.

Once this idea was born, it spread like wildfire. The royal families of the affiliated countries were in a panic. After seeing the evidence in the footage, hardly anyone could trust or feel any goodwill towards the World Government. Many people wished for the swift downfall of such a government.

They couldn't bear to let this group of people rule the world and control their lives. They didn't want to become the next victims of Flevance.

And even more tragic events unfolded in the footage.

Due to the rumor about the contagious nature of the Amber Lead Disease, the surrounding countries closed off Flevance.

Royal nobles boarded ships bearing the obvious World Government emblem to leave the island. The remaining people who tried to escape Flevance were shot dead by soldiers from other kingdoms wearing protective gear.

The scene then switched to Law, sitting alone in a junkyard, and his memories began to surface.

On that day, a nun took his classmates away.

"Law, come with everyone! The soldiers said they would let the children go," said the nun, her face covered in white spots, tearfully and smiling as she comforted Law.

But Law refused the nun's kindness. "My sister is struggling on the brink of death; I can't abandon her."

"Little Lamy is... alright, then... you take the next evacuation ship, and I'll come to get you," said the nun.

The term "evacuation ship" seemed to possess some special effect, as the people's faces turned pale, as if they were experiencing PTSD.

They remembered that the last time someone boarded an evacuation ship, everyone on it had perished.

Thinking of Law's fate... they instantly understood what would happen.

At that moment, the words "evacuation ship" became taboo in people's hearts.

Damn evacuation ship!

Don't ever mention the evacuation ship to me again.

Even if God himself came, they wouldn't board that ship!

Is this an evacuation ship? It's basically a death ship; once you board it, you're as good as dead.

In the footage, Law's companions urged him to go with them.

"Law! Aren't you coming with us? Come with us!"

"Lamy will be saved eventually."

"My mom and dad are dead, but they told me to live on! So I won't die like this, absolutely!"


The nun hugged Law's neck and said to him, "Listen to me, Law. There is no despair in this world... The light of redemption, full of compassion, will definitely shine upon us."

Hearing the words of the children and the nun, people fell silent, sinking into deep contemplation.

The light of redemption might exist in this world, but it had not come to shine upon them...

People looked at these individuals whose fates had already been sealed with sympathy and sorrow.

The scene shifted to a hospital where the air was filled with pleas for help.

Law's father was shouting into a den-den Mushi "There must be a way to remove the Amber Lead from the human body, and this disease is not contagious at all. Why doesn't the World Government make this information public?!"

However, his questions remained unanswered. Meanwhile, in another room, Law's sister, Lamy, lay on a hospital bed, crying out in pain, "Waa... Big brother... my whole body hurts! My body is getting paler!"

Law comfortingly held his sister's hand and said, "Hold on a little longer; Dad is the best doctor in the country. He will definitely cure you."

"Why is there so much noise outside?" Law's sister asked.

"Ah... they are holding a festival; Flevance has always been lively," Law replied.

But just then, gunshots rang out outside, and Law was instantly alarmed. He rushed outside and saw his parents lying in a pool of blood. Someone said they had already eliminated two infected individuals.

Helpless, he ran out to find the nun for help, only to discover the lifeless bodies of the nun and the companions who were supposed to board the evacuation ship.

Everyone was dead!

Images of his parents, classmates who said they wouldn't die like this, and the nun's words about the light of redemption flooded Law's mind

He knelt before the lifeless body of the nun, screaming in despair!

When he regained consciousness, Law suddenly remembered his sister. He wiped away his tears and ran towards the hospital. However, what he found upon returning was a raging fire. Law was shattered.


Accompanied by the flames, the scene froze on Law's devastated face.

After watching this footage, no one could remain calm. They felt as though they had experienced Law's despair themselves. Finally, they understood why a ten-year-old like Law was so desperate, twisted, and full of anger, seeking to destroy everything.

When they put themselves in Law's shoes through the footage, they realized that even they themselves were overwhelmed by despair and anger. It was truly an unbearable situation. Parents dying before one's eyes, sister killed, and thinking the nun and classmates, who were supposed to be saved, were all dead. Remembering the words of the nun and the classmates, many couldn't contain themselves, unable to break free from this oppressive atmosphere.

The more they couldn't let go, the angrier they became at the root cause of all this—the World Government and the Flevance Royal Family. They were truly to blame.

Flevance was destroyed, and yet the Flevance Royal Family managed to escape, profiting from Amber Lead and leading a comfortable life. This further fueled people's anger, as they couldn't remain calm.

If these people didn't pay for their crimes, they feared they would be consumed by anger and despair.

The Five Elders' faces turned grim as they watched the tragic events in Flevance. They could already guess the anger people would feel after witnessing this. The role played by the World Government in this tragedy was damaging their reputation.

They had to do something; otherwise, the blow to the World Government would be too severe. The Ohara Incident was understandable; the scholars there had committed illegal acts and were involved in dangerous activities for the world, and while the World Government's actions might have been a bit excessive, the intentions were undoubtedly correct.

However, this was completely different. There was no justification; it was all for money.

Causing the destruction of a country and the deaths of countless people for money was absolutely unforgivable. The World Government's image would undoubtedly be tarnished in the eyes of people worldwide.

This was highly detrimental to their rule, especially with the emergence of the NEO Marine as a competitor. If people leaned towards the NEO Marine, the World Government would be finished.

Their move to Mariejois, abandoning the populace, didn't mean they didn't need the people; they wanted to turn everyone in the world into their subjects.

But once they lost the people, it meant the end of the world.

"We must distance ourselves from this matter; otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable!" : Saint V.Nusjuro

"But what should we do?" : Saint Saturn

"It seems we can only hand over the Flevance Royal Family and let them bear the blame. We can also sacrifice two scapegoats from within the World Government, claiming they acted on their own, unrelated to the World Government." Saint Mars

"Right, that's the only way. We can't let the World Government be associated with this! It's time to put them to use; didn't we keep them for this purpose?" Saint Ju Peter

"The World Government's image must not be tarnished! Absolutely not!" Saint Valcurie

"Then immediately have CP0 handle this matter." Saint Saturday



Meanwhile, the former Flevance Royal Family also watched the events unfolding on the screen with pale faces.

After the destruction of Flevance, they may have lost their kingdom, but they accumulated a vast amount of wealth. With the help of the World Government, they relocated to an affiliated country.

Yet, this life made them regretful, as they now possessed no power except for their wealth. Life was not as comfortable as it used to be as royal nobles.

And the World Government practically abandoned them after bringing them here. In the World Government's eyes, they had no value anymore.

Now they began to regret their past actions of killing the golden goose; they had destroyed their own country, and without a nation, they became commoners, albeit wealthy ones. They lost their most precious status.

As they saw their past deeds exposed on the screen, they had an ominous feeling that this matter wouldn't end there.

As they feared, shortly afterward, CP0, masked and disguised, appeared before them. They were all apprehended, and awaiting them was public execution!

Their previously accumulated wealth was confiscated by CP0. These greedy individuals ultimately had nothing left, not even their lives.