
Exposing One Piece with QnA

Luke gotten himsel Isekai'd to the One Piece World But instead of waking up in an island surrounded by water, or in a ship... Luke found himself in the Moon, and he was seal in the moon To be unseal Luke need to change the Canon Plot with the help of a QnA System So he expose the story of One Piece with a QnA, to try and free himself... Read ahead only on https://www.patreon.com/goldengaruda

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581 Chs

Chapter 152

The reason for choosing the fourth option is that it aligns somewhat with his thoughts.

If he wants to deal with Doflamingo, he cannot ignore his identity of the Shichibukai.

Being an enemy of the Shichibukai would mean fighting against the World Government.

If he couldn't become a Shichibukai, many things would be hindered by the World Government.

On the contrary, if he became one, everything he did would be permitted. For example, after Blackbeard became a Shichibukai, he was able to go to Impel Down without worrying about being pursued by the Marines. This would make his plan to defeat Doflamingo more convenient.

However, Law was curious about how he became a Shichibukai. Becoming a Shichibukai should have been just a part of his plan. What did he do next?

Where did he go at that time?

Law was very curious.

At this point, Luke said, "Correct answer: Trafalgar D. Water Law is a user of the Ope Ope no Mi. In his Room, he can freely cut, split, and manipulate everything, including people's bodies. Even if they are cut into pieces, they won't die. He can even switch the heads, bodies, and souls of two individuals. After the Summit War, he used his Ope Ope no Mi ability to extract the hearts of one hundred pirates who were still alive and handed them over to the World Government, thereby gaining the title of Shichibukai.

What fun, let's continue this with the next Question.

After becoming a Shichibukai, Trafalgar D. Water Law went to an island in the New World called Punk Hazard, which is where Akainu and Aokiji had their final battle after the Summit War. 7th Question: What was Trafalgar D. Water Law's purpose in going to Punk Hazard? Here are four options:

A. Punk Hazard used to be a research base for the Marines, and Law wanted to come here to investigate research data about the World Government.

B. Law wanted to establish this island as his territory in the New World.

C. Law heard that the mad scientist Caesar Clown was conducting inhumane experiments here, so he specifically came to stop him.

D. Caesar Clown is an important collaborator of Doflamingo, and Law wanted to capture Caesar and use him to deal with Doflamingo.

You have one minute to think, and the time start now."

Luke's words instantly made everyone's faces freeze.

He extracted the hearts of one hundred pirates... This guy was a bit terrifying!

And when they heard Luke's description of Law's Ope Ope no Mi ability, they were all amazed. Was it really worth 5 billion berries? It was truly terrifying.

Being able to switch bodies and souls... What kind of ability was that?

However, before they could recover from the shock of Law's terrifying Ope Ope no Mi ability, the following question surprised them even more.

Law went to Punk Hazard, the island that had been turned into Ice and Fire by Akainu and Aokiji.

From Luke's options, they could extract several pieces of information.

Punk Hazard used to be a research base for the Marines, where they conducted experiments, but they later abandoned it.

And then there was a mad scientist named Caesar Clown who came here to conduct inhumane experiments.

This furrowed their brows. Inhumane experiments... What had this guy done?

Many people remembered who Caesar was upon hearing his name.

He was the mad scientist with a bounty of 300 million berries, formerly a member of the Marine Science Unit. He was arrested because of causing an explosion, escaped, and had a bounty placed on him for 300 million berries.

That incident had even made it into the newspapers.

If that was the case, then Punk Hazard should be the ruins after that explosion. They didn't expect that Caesar had returned there to continue his experiments.

Why didn't Akainu and Aokiji, who fought on this island, notice this guy?

People were already too tired to comment on the incompetence of the Marines. Their attention focused on the fourth option: Caesar Clown was an important collaborator of Doflamingo, and Law wanted to capture Caesar to deal with Doflamingo?!

They seemed to have discovered a shocking secret, which was no less significant than what Crocodile had done in Alabasta.

Caesar conducted inhumane experiments on Punk Hazard, and Doflamingo had a share in it.

This immediately caused an uproar.

What kind of creatures were these Shichibukai?

Crocodile made Alabasta suffer, Blackbeard brought the notorious pirates to Marineford, and now Doflamingo was involved in inhumane experiments...

What kind of individuals did the World Government recruit as Shichibukai? Were they sure these people were being "reformed"?

Or were they even more lawless under the guise of the World Government?

The citizens who were already dissatisfied with the Shichibukai became even more furious. They wanted to see what Doflamingo was up to.

At this moment, Doflamingo's face turned pale, and he stood up abruptly from the sofa.

However, this time, his reaction was much more intense than when he heard about Vergo's exposure.

Because Caesar is someone crucial to his plans. Unlike Vergo, who was just a pawn he had lost after more than ten years of grooming.

Caesar's involvement was tied to Doflamingo's collaboration with Kaido. His entire underground business in the New World relied on it.

If something happened to Caesar, all these plans would go down the drain. It would be difficult for him to explain it to Kaido alone.

This was not comparable to Vergo's undercover identity being exposed.

Doflamingo quickly took out a Den Den Mushi and contacted Caesar, who was in Punk Hazard.

At the same time, on Punk Hazard, Caesar Clown was also watching the live broadcast of the QnA.

Two years ago, the gas released during Caesar's experiment had spread across Punk Hazard, turning it into a dead island. As a result, he was wanted by the Marines.

However, a year ago, he returned to the island and discovered that some people were still alive after the failed experiment and the release of poisonous gas. These were the prisoners captured by the World Government for their experiments, most of whom were pirates. Due to the poisoning, they had lost sensation in their lower limbs.

So after returning, Caesar created mechanical prosthetic legs for these prisoners to help them walk, and in return, he recruited them as his subordinates to assist him in his experiments.

But these prisoners didn't know that the one who had caused them to lose their legs was their new boss, Caesar Clown.

At this moment, these prisoners were also gathered together, watching the live broadcast of the QnA.

When they heard the option stating that their master, Caesar, was conducting inhumane experiments, disbelief filled their faces.

How could this be possible?!

Caesar was their savior. He saved them from the poison gas caused by Vegapunk and gave them the chance to walk again...

Caesar couldn't possibly be doing these things. The one responsible for their current state was the evil scientist Vegapunk.

They immediately ruled out the third option.

However, their trusted master, Caesar, was panicking like an ant on a hot pan.

Oh no, his secret was about to be exposed. His experiments here in Punk Hazard would be revealed.

What should he do now?

Caesar was in a panic. His experiment was at a critical stage after a year of progress, but now it was being exposed. It meant that continuing his experiment was impossible!

Damn it!!

And what was even more serious than that was the imminent pursuit after the exposure.

The idea of fleeing immediately crossed Caesar's mind.

At that moment, Doflamingo's call came, urging him to leave Punk Hazard immediately, without worrying about anything else.

It was too late. The Marines were coming straight to his door.

Caesar heard Doflamingo's warning and quickly packed his belongings in preparation to leave. However, he couldn't just leave like that. He had important experimental data and materials that he needed to take with him. These were the results of over a year's worth of work, and he couldn't simply abandon them.

At this moment, Caesar's subordinates also noticed his preparations to leave and hurriedly approached him, asking what he was doing and if they could assist him.

When the opportunity presents itself, one must take advantage of it.

Caesar skillfully manipulated his subordinates, persuading them to help him transport his materials and data onto the ship. He used the excuse that their presence in Punk Hazard had been exposed, and the Marines would be coming after them. It wasn't safe to stay any longer, and they had to leave quickly.

His subordinates didn't doubt his words. Upon hearing Caesar's command, they immediately began assisting him. Meanwhile, in the air, Luke's live QnA broadcast continued.

On the screen, Law fell into deep thought upon hearing the question.

This was another future-oriented question.

He had indeed become one of the Shichibukai and went to Punk Hazard. When he heard the options earlier, he was still unsure which one to choose.

However, when he heard the fourth option, the answer became clear to him immediately.

Out of the first three options, he wasn't interested in the World Government. He's only concerned is Doflamingo. The second option, Punk Hazard, had been devastated by the battle between Admirals, and only someone with a problem in their head would choose it as their base. As for the third option, he wasn't a Marine, so why should he care about those matters? With so much time, it would be better to deal with Doflamingo.

Therefore, when he saw the fourth option, "Caesar is an important collaborator of Doflamingo," he immediately understood the answer.

Caesar was conducting research on inhumane experiments, and he was a crucial collaborator of Doflamingo, someone who could be used to deal with him.

A strong curiosity arose in Law's mind. What exactly was it that could be used to confront Doflamingo?

Law looked up at Luke with curiosity in his eyes and answered, "Answer: D."