
Exposing One Piece with QnA

Luke gotten himsel Isekai'd to the One Piece World But instead of waking up in an island surrounded by water, or in a ship... Luke found himself in the Moon, and he was seal in the moon To be unseal Luke need to change the Canon Plot with the help of a QnA System So he expose the story of One Piece with a QnA, to try and free himself... Read ahead only on https://www.patreon.com/goldengaruda

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Chapter 116: Tell them to go to hell

Saul, Aokiji, and Robin looked on in disbelief.

Then, twenty years ago, Akainu appeared in the footage.

"If we're going to act, we have to do it thoroughly. In case any scholars are hiding on that ship, all the sacrifices will be in vain. We must eliminate any possibility of evil!"

Saul looked at Aokiji with a dark expression and asked, "Is this what justice does?"

Saul erupted in anger and struck out at Aokiji.

Saul seemed to be angry with doubts and frustrations, venting his anger.

No one could remain calm after witnessing Akainu sinking the evacuation ship for a mere possibility, sacrificing so many lives.

And what sacrifices are you talking about, Akainu?

Throughout this operation in Ohara, it was only the scholars and civilians of Ohara who were unilaterally killed. Is that the sacrifice you're talking about?

Using the sacrifice of others to kill even more people? Or is Akainu lamenting the ammunition consumed by the Buster Call?

The sacrifice of the shells?

Such absurd ideas stirred people's anger.

Many young Marines at Marineford, who held justice in their hearts, were also deeply affected by this scene. Was this the execution of justice that the Marines had carried out in Ohara?

Is this really what justice does?

Sengoku, Aokiji, and Akainu all had grim expressions. Sengoku regretted his choice of Akainu as the Vice Admiral responsible for executing the Buster Call back then. Aokiji recalled the shock and anger he felt when he witnessed this scene years ago, while Akainu's anger was now exposed in this scene. Some things can only be done but not seen!


In the footage, Aokiji was greatly affected by Akainu's actions. Saul took the opportunity to escape with Robin but was eventually caught up by Aokiji.

Seeing Saul still trying to save Robin even in the face of death, Aokiji was moved and refrained from attacking Robin.

When Robin reached the spot where Saul had prepared a small boat, Aokiji was already waiting there.

He didn't make a move but sat there with a solemn face and said, "Absolute justice can sometimes drive people mad. So, I intend to let you escape from this island. The seed protected by Saul, what will it grow into...?"

"You're free to hate whoever you want, but be thankful that you're still alive. From now on, try to hide and survive as much as possible... Also, remember that I am not your ally. If you commit a crime, I will be the first enemy to capture you."

Robin cried out, "My mother is still on the island..."

Aokiji shook his head and said, "We can't save anyone now..."

Robin recalled the bits and pieces of the past, her mother's last words, and the comforting smile Saul had given her.

In the end, Robin wiped away her tears, forced out a smile just like Saul's, and with tears and a smile, she sailed the boat along the icy path arranged by Aokiji, slowly heading towards the sea.

As the footage switched, the Buster Call had come to an end, leaving Ohara in ruins. Before the inspecting Marines, there lay a lake filled with books, the Poneglyph that the scholars had saved from the gunfire before their deaths.

Afterward, Robin was officially wanted by the Marines, becoming the Demon Child with a bounty of 79 million berries.

Several images of Robin during her escape flashed by, finally culminating in her encounter with Crocodile.


After watching Robin's previous experiences, especially witnessing her putting on a brave smile and the difficult scenes of her hiding and surviving between betrayal and being betrayed, it deeply touched their hearts.

What a tragic life she had. If they had experienced such hardships, even if they managed to survive, they would likely become twisted because of these experiences.

Even though they were not Robin herself, seeing the plight of Ohara and Robin's past, a feeling of wanting to destroy and seek revenge arose from within them.

However, Robin managed to maintain her sense of self and was not overwhelmed by anger and hatred. This was truly commendable.

Those who had previously felt anger and dissatisfaction towards Robin for working under Crocodile in Alabasta gradually began to admire and sympathize with her. They hoped that this girl, who had always faced tragedies, would be able to escape from this sadness. These experiences would be enough for an ordinary person in a lifetime, let alone for her.

The release of this footage also slightly changed people's perception of Aokiji. Perhaps they could understand why Aokiji was so lenient towards Robin. Anyone who saw the scene with the evacuation ship and their former comrades in front of them couldn't help but be moved. After all, not everyone is Akainu.

However, they still couldn't forgive Aokiji for his abuse of power.

After the footage related to Ohara ended, the footage shifted to Alabasta.

Compared to the events in Ohara, the Alabasta incident was more scattered, and the title itself was the biggest piece of information

After Robin met Crocodile, Crocodile took her in because he heard that she could read the Poneglyph. Subsequently, Crocodile appeared in Alabasta, defeated attacking pirates, and became a hero in Alabasta.

The scene then switched to a room where Crocodile met with the members of Baroque Works and revealed his ideal kingdom plan.

The people of Alabasta saw Crocodile's true nature and were filled with anger, wishing to kill this mastermind behind the scenes.

Next, the Straw Hat Pirates arrived in Alabasta in response to Princess Vivi's plea and encountered Captain Smoker, who was also chasing after the Straw Hat group.

They reached Rainbase, Crocodile's hideout, but fell into his trap and were locked in a cage made of Seastone.

Seeing this scene, Tashigi's face darkened. She thought Smoker had a plan, but it turned out to be caught in a trap and then they were captured.

Tashigi couldn't do anything about the Straw Hat Pirates, but as a Captain the Marines, it was embarrassing for Smoker to be captured like this. He made the Marines lose it reputation.

Although Akainu and Aokiji's portrayal in the footage so far had been somewhat negative, there was no doubt about their strength. Smoker, on the other hand, had made such a blunder this time, and it was embarrassing.

It seemed that he had stayed in Loguetown for too long. Otherwise, how could he not even catch a newly set sail pirate?

Soon, Crocodile began to fill the room with seawater, intending to drown everyone inside, while he himself went out to deal with the disturbance outside. However, he fell into a trap and was let go by Luffy and the others.

Smoker abandoned his pursuit of the Straw Hat group because of this and turned his attention to Crocodile.

The scene then shifted to Yuba, where the rebel army and the royal army were at a standoff. Cobra, the rebel leader, was impersonated by Mr. 2.

Mr. 2, disguised as King Cobra, continuously provoked the rebel army, while at the same time, the members of Baroque Works planted seeds of discord from both sides, intensifying the conflict.

When the rebel leader, Koza, was injured by a member of Baroque Works disguised as a royal army soldier, it completely escalated the conflict between the two sides, and they started fighting. The civil war officially broke out.

After watching this scene, the people of Alabasta and the rebel army had a grim expression on their faces. They clenched their teeth, and for a moment, they were on the verge of turning against each other, just like what was happening in the footage.

At this point, Crocodile's plan had reached its final stage. Crocodile engaged in a battle with Luffy, while Robin headed to the Royal Tomb.

Here, people also saw the piece of Poneglyph preserved by the Nefertari royal family. Everyone widened their eyes, eager to see what was written on it. After all, it contained the history of the whereabouts of the Pluton.

However, the words on the screen were somewhat blurry, and even if they could see them clearly, they couldn't decipher the mysterious language. They could only sigh in frustration.

Robin stood in front of the Poneglyph and began reading it. Soon, Crocodile also appeared in the tomb, blood dripping from his mouth, indicating that his victory wasn't easy.

"Now, tell me what's written there," Crocodile said excitedly.

Robin glanced at Crocodile and continued reciting, but she only mentioned the history of Alabasta. This angered Crocodile, who was eager to know the whereabouts of the world's strongest military power on this continent.

"The history of this country is none of my concern! I want to know where the most powerful military force in the world is on this continent!" Crocodile angrily interrupted her.

"The text doesn't mention that. The stone tablet only records history," Robin replied.

She didn't reveal the truth to Crocodile... those who were watching this footage thought to themselves.

Outside the footage, Crocodile's eyes turned cold. That damn Robin had betrayed him at a crucial moment!

"Traitor... die..." Crocodile glared at the image of Robin with murderous intent. If he couldn't use her, then he would kill her.


In the footage, Crocodile heard Robin's words and remained surprisingly calm. "Is that so? What a shame. You used to be an excellent partner to me, but I still have to kill you. Our agreement from four years ago ends here. We agreed that I would take you to the location of the Poneglyph, and you would provide me with weapon location. Now, you have broken our agreement."

"The Poneglyph of this country doesn't contain anything related to Pluton," Robin tried to explain, but Crocodile struck her, causing her to fall to the ground.

Crocodile sneered at Robin. "But I'm not angry with you. Do you know why, Nico Robin? We've been working together for four years. How could I not know what actions you would take against me?"

As he spoke, Crocodile dodged the water bottle that Robin threw at him. However, to his surprise, a hand grew from his neck, catching the water bottle before it reached him.

But at that moment, Crocodile turned into sand and disappeared from his original position. The next second, a golden hook pierced through Robin, and she was thrown to the ground, gravely injured.

"I can forgive everything you've done, Nico Robin, because from the very beginning, I never trusted you."

As Robin's reaction showed, they now realized that the existence of Pluton was indeed real. Even without relying on the Poneglyph, Crocodile believed he could find it himself. If Nico Robin didn't cooperate, he would search for it on his own.

However, this also revealed an important piece of information: Pluton was highly likely to be in Alabasta. Those who were planning to go to Alabasta couldn't hide their excitement.

But Crocodile, unlike in the footage, became anxious. He had this idea as a double insurance. However, the situation was different now. People from all over the world knew that Pluton was in Alabasta, and it wouldn't be long before countless individuals would come to try and claim it. Among them, there were certainly powerful figures that he couldn't handle.

Time was running out for him.

His only option now was to find out the whereabouts of Pluton from Nico Robin's mouth. If he couldn't find Pluton before the Marines, the Yonko, or CP, who would undoubtedly flock to this land, he wouldn't be able to get even a small share of the pie.

Crocodile stared at the footage, silently praying for it to end quickly...


In the footage, Crocodile was waiting for the predetermined bomb to explode and eliminate all those who stood in his way, waiting to take over the kingdom. However, to his surprise, Luffy, the person he had already defeated several times, appeared before him again.

Crocodile, who had been repeatedly irritated by Luffy, became furious. Everyone watching couldn't help but be amazed by Luffy's resilience. His vitality was incredibly tenacious, as they had witnessed during the Summit War. They didn't expect Crocodile to also be a victim of Luffy's relentless will to survive.

The two sides clashed once again

After an unknown amount of time, the scene changed. Crocodile was sent flying into the sky by Luffy, breaking through the ground. As he landed on the ground, a miraculous event occurred—the sky started raining.

Seeing Crocodile's defeat, both the Royal Army and the Rebel Army stopped their fighting. Shortly after, Mr. 2, disguised as King Cobra, stepped forward and revealed the truth. With Crocodile's plan exposed, the war came to an end.

Crocodile was then arrested by the Marines.

The scene shifted to a warship, where Smoker was on the phone with someone.

"This is Marineford! Is this Captain Smoker?" the voice on the other end asked.

"Yes, it's me," Smoker replied.

"Regarding the operation to subdue Crocodile, as a commendation for your and Petty Officer Tashigi's actions, the higher-ups have decided to award both of you medals!"

"Subdue? Wait a minute, it wasn't us who defeated Crocodile. Didn't I report this already?" Smoker responded.

However, the person on the other end of the line continued, seemingly ignoring his words, "In addition, the government has decided to promote both of your ranks by one level. Therefore... we request your presence at the ceremony..."

Upon hearing this, Smoker became furious. "Hey! Listen up! It was the Straw Hat crew who fought against Crocodile!"

"It's useless, Smoker. The government intends to cover up the truth!" Captain Hina interjected. "If the world finds out that the crisis in Alabasta was saved by pirates, do you think the government will reveal such information? Disobeying the orders of the higher-ups will have unimaginable consequences."

However, Smoker remained defiant. With a cold expression, he said, "Did we defeat Crocodile? What a joke! My subordinates were dying because we couldn't. Hey, help me tell those old men in the government!"

Captain Hina seemed to sense what Smoker was about to say and hastily interrupted, "Smoker!"

But Smoker still said it, "Tell them to go to hell!"

After saying those words, he hung up the phone. The scene lingered on Smoker's rebellious and angry face.