
Exchange feeling: Every night the iceberg school flower kiss cry

[Super sweet dog food, system, single female master, Shen Hao, female chasing male] and ice Mountain school flower Mu Xin porcelain exchange taste, smell, touch, she took a bath, wear black silk, Ye Fan can feel. The school flower eats expensive salmon, sleeps in the presidential suite, and drives a super car, all of which are enjoyed by Ye Fan. So, a dark night, school flowers directly door wall dong Ye fan. "My big bed, you sleep." "Top food, you eat." "Huge pocket money, you spend!" The whole school was shocked to find that the school flower has always been high and cold

Cz_Cz · Urban
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96 Chs

The school girl broke into the boys 'room

And by everyone's envy of the object, that is, Ye Fan, indifferent.

Small five, fat tiger, brother are startled jaw is about to fall down.

They surrounded Ye Fan in an instant and exclaimed.

"Motherfucker, did you save the galaxy?"

"I said why you were so anxious to move out of the dormitory, it was the school flower who came to pick you up!"

"It's ridiculous, the school flower is chasing you!"

Ye Fan also did not think of himself and the school flower body sense exchange, would be thought of school flower chasing him.

What a ride!

Then he's just gonna make the right mistake.

Ye Fan shrugged his shoulders: "No way, the charm is too big." I've already said no, and she's going to do it again, that's all she can do."

So much hate all at once, the boys want to talk dirty.

Fuck that horse!

That's the flower of the school!

How many boys heart of the white moonlight.

Backtracking Ye Fan, Ye fan is not even cherish!

School flower was rejected, but also the pursuit of Ye Fan.

She loved him!

Ye Fan has gone downstairs, Mu Xin porcelain has been waiting below.

The suitcase has been put in the trunk.

The Mu Xin porcelain sitting in the driver's seat, cast a look at Ye Fan hint: "Get on the car." Are IQ nu g Ε TV. ℃ ǒ Μ

However, her eyes, in the eyes of a bunch of people who do not know the cause and effect of eating melons, are wrong to think that Mu Xin porcelain toward Ye Fan threw a wink.

Still begging him to get in the car.

The crowd was sour.

Yefan's life is too good.

The school flower is true love for him!

Ye Fan in a envious envious eyes, sit on the car and leave.

The people were grieved.

Don't forget the hate of taking your wife!

At the same time, the whole Hua Ching University explodes!

Not only the major teaching buildings and dormitories, but also the campus network and the school post bar all exploded.

About "the school flower broke into men's bed only for Ye Fan to carry the box", thoroughly spread.

"You know, Ye Fan sleeps next door to the school flower home, the original Ye Fan is invisible rich!" Today, Ye Fan moved out, and the school flower personally came to pick him up and climbed the stairs to carry his heavy suitcase!"

One after another, in less than half an hour, the whole school had been made aware.

After many mouths, the message gradually soured.

"You know what? Ye Fan sleeps at the school."

In the back, gradually develop into.

"You know what? Ye Fan slept with the school flower!"

Shock the whole school!

The boy's gonna crack right there.

The beautiful goddess in their mind was defiled by Ye Fan!

Goddess is also willing to send thousands of miles!

Ah, this is the moral decay, or the distortion of human nature!

However, all this, as the hero of the heart of the porcelain but did not know.

Mu Xin porcelain has driven Ye Fan home.

Ye Fan did not think of Mu heart porcelain home is a luxurious five-story villa, even with its own garden and golf course, almost big trenches inhuman.

Such a luxurious villa is actually in the most luxuriant and expensive lot - the Green Town Rose Garden.

An inch of land is worth a penny.

Enough to see that the Mu family is very rich!

[ Ding, detect the host to stay in Mu's house, get 500 points. ]

"Welcome home, Miss." There's a pretty maid standing by the door, welcoming her home.

"This is Ye Fan, a guest in our house. You must treat him well." Mu heart porcelain lightly said.

"Yes." The maids nodded respectfully. "Welcome Mr. IP."

This is nerd heaven!

A maid wearing a maid costume, sweet looking, body proportion is very good, there are sexy and pure.

Ye Fan was excited.

As a child, he had imagined a scene in which the maids would surround him and obey him.

The result was achieved in one day!

However, compared with the beautiful maid, the luxurious decoration of the house is to let Ye Fan bite.

The design style is tall, low-key luxury and connotation, and the oil paintings hanging on the walls all exude the taste of rmb.


He's been living here since today!

That's amazing!!

Mu Xin porcelain sitting on the sofa, but still feel the pain of standing.

She didn't enjoy the softies of the fancy sofas.

So she turned to Ye Fan, with a bit of resentment: "Can't you sit down for a while?"

"Good," said Hermione. Ye Fan agreed.

In fact, Ye Fan has long enjoyed the softness of the sofa, and it is comfortable.

He didn't want to say yes, but she begged him.

What else can we do? Let her do it.

Who made her beautiful!

Ye Fan sat down on a plush leather sofa.

Mu Xin porcelain can also enjoy the softness of the sofa, and the face shows a trace of satisfaction and comfort.

When she is leisurely and comfortable, her beautiful glittering eyes are slightly closed, there are not many cold traces, but some silly.

Ye Fan looked at her closely, the heart was itchy.

It's like a dream, living under the same roof as the school girl.

The system doesn't lie to him.

A hidden benefit!

"Make yourself at home. Eat whatever you want. Use whatever you want." She gave Ye Fan a lazy glance, "When our body sense exchange back, our relationship is also interrupted."


Ye Fan was okay with that.

It's over in two months anyway.

By that time, he has enjoyed everything he should have enjoyed, and the points are in hand.

"Where am I staying tonight?" This is a curious question for Ye Fan.

"Sleep in my room." Love heart porcelain blurted out.

Ye Fan was surprised.

He heard me right!

Mu Xin porcelain said... Sleep in her room!

Round off Isn't it sleeping with her?

Some naughty thoughts came out in a flash.

'That's not good! Ye Fan scratched his head.

Think about it. There's a little excitement.

After noticing that Ye Fan's idea was wrong, Mu Xin porcelain's face was completely red: "You think wrong!" I'll let you sleep in my room. I'll take the bed. I'll sleep in the next room."

"How do you know I'm wrong, or you're wrong too?" " Ye Fan teased.

The thick lashes of the porcelain like a raven blink quickly, obviously a little shy, blushing and excited: "No!"

"I did it for... To dispel your bad thoughts!"

Ye Fan snorted: "I don't think much, just afraid you think too much."

'I never will! Mu Xin porcelain said in a loud voice, but the shame cloud of small face did not retreat.

The topic immediately brought back to her mind what she had come across in the last few days.

Ba-boom --

Her mind was confused.

The little face grew redder.

Not astringent!

What the hell is she thinking?!

Mu heart porcelain calm, began to take Ye fan to see the room.

Ye Fan saw the heart porcelain boudoir, there is some small excitement.

This is the girl's room!

Smells so good!

It belongs to the sweet peach smell of Mu Xin porcelain!

And then he discovered her little secret, that she had such a collection of trinkets!