
Exchange feeling: Every night the iceberg school flower kiss cry

[Super sweet dog food, system, single female master, Shen Hao, female chasing male] and ice Mountain school flower Mu Xin porcelain exchange taste, smell, touch, she took a bath, wear black silk, Ye Fan can feel. The school flower eats expensive salmon, sleeps in the presidential suite, and drives a super car, all of which are enjoyed by Ye Fan. So, a dark night, school flowers directly door wall dong Ye fan. "My big bed, you sleep." "Top food, you eat." "Huge pocket money, you spend!" The whole school was shocked to find that the school flower has always been high and cold

Cz_Cz · Urban
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96 Chs

The whole school found out I was having an affair with the flower

Who doesn't like to be looked down upon.

Of course Ye Fan likes it too.

"I'm not dating the school girl."

A word, let the boys instantly at ease.

Some even take it for granted.

Mu Xin porcelain looks very beautiful, family is so good, how can she casually fall in love with who.

Ye Fan is just an ordinary student, that is, a little more handsome, but no skills to sell.

How could the school girl be interested in him?!

"Then why did she send you back?"

"Yes, no man has ever been treated like that."

Ye Fan in the face of a steady stream of questions, directly pulled a reason.

"I sleep next door to her house."

That would stop the yo-yo, and that would explain everything.

After Ye Fan went upstairs, the others were dumbfounded.

Their mouths burst with surprise.

She lives in the prestigious Rose Garden Villas of Greentown.

Ye Fanru lives next door to the school flower.

Don't you have to have a greentown rose garden villa? !

"My God, so Ye Fan is invisible rich!"

"He's so low-key, no wonder I saw him drive a Kawasaki h2 before!" Can an average student afford it?"

"The cheapest house in Greentown Rose Garden is 50 million! It's so expensive, it's my dream mansion, and Ye Fan's house is there?"

But all this Ye Fan does not know.

He's back in his dorm, ready to pack up his belongings.

But as soon as he got started, he found three hungry wolves pouncing on him.

Ray: "You and the school girl date back, did you hey hey hey?"

Primary five: "Frankness should be lenient, resistance should be strict, when did you know the school flower?"

Fat tiger: "I said how you are not anxious to find a girlfriend every day, the original has been the school flower!" Tell me, when did it begin?"

Ye Fan looked at the three curious roommates, and suddenly cried and laughed: "It's a long story, but I really did not fall in love with the school flower."

Words fall, three people are shocked.

"Good heavens! School flower chasing you! You are a credit to our dorm!"

"We look at the school flower is difficult, and the result of the school flower is attached to you?"

"The school flowers have taken the initiative to send milk tea, you are still not moved, you are a man!"

Ye Fan: "..."

He also wants to fall in love with the school girl.

Hasn't it worked yet?

But the days are long. It's his. It's his.

"I haven't even touched it yet." Ye Fan took out the suitcase and began to put the clothes into the suitcase.

In seeing Ye Fan tidy things up, three roommates questioned.

"Old Ye, are you going to travel?"

"What are you doing with your things, planning to go home?"

Ye Fan shook his head and made things up: "My home was demolished, and my father bought me a big mansion, so I applied for a day school and went out to live."

Actually, it's not a lie.

Anyway, Ye Fan has a system in, what demolition is trivial.

Well, he lives with Muxin porcelain. It's not a big deal. In the future, he can also buy any luxury house, with a villa in the Rose Garden of Greentown.

Moments later, the roommates began to marvel.

"Your home... Demolition! Then you are not rich second generation!"

"Oh, my God, I made friends with the rich kid!"

"Fuck, go out and live in a mansion, I also want to have such rich parents!" Do not forget each other!"

Ye Fan laughed and said, "Rest assured, although I moved out, my heart is still with you." Don't miss me too much!"

The fifth tease: "Fuck you, you're not a girl, you can't let us have fun, why do you want to think about you!"

Fat tiger rolled his eyes: "Go quickly, do not send, close the door and put the dog!"

Reg elated: "Great! I don't have to climb up the bunk, I can just take over your empty bed! Your desk is mine too!"

Ye Fan: "..."

Love will disappear.

What the fuck! These dogs!

After Ye Fan had sorted out his things, he began to walk downstairs with his suitcase.

Small five, fat tiger, Rebrother is completely bark is worse than bite, just also teasing Ye Fan, but the body is very honest, escorted Ye Fan downstairs, to send him a ride.

After all, it is the stairs, that is, the fifth floor, there is no elevator, if it is usually carrying the suitcase down, it is very difficult.

But Ye Fan is relaxed.

Small five asked: "Really do not need a few brothers to help you?"

"No, it's too light for such a small thing!" Ye Fan waved his hand.

Feel free to pretend to be a pussy.

He doesn't have to suffer, feel the weight anyway.

Several roommates in see Ye fan face does not red heart does not jump, all in exclamation.

When did Ye Fan become so fit and strong?

"Ye Fan!"

Then a soft female voice sounded.

Originally also and Ye Fan laugh and scold the three roommates, suddenly blushing.

Even the boys who surrounded Mu Xin porcelain upstairs, after seeing Mu Xin porcelain call, they were tired of envy.

This was just the beginning, and then something even more shocking happened!

I saw beautiful beautiful Mu heart porcelain, ran upstairs, without a word took the suitcase in the hands of Ye Fan.

"It's so heavy, how can you lift it, I'll help you!"

The Mu Xin porcelain feels the great gravity down there.

Her hands are so tired, especially down the stairs, it hurts.

She was so sore that tears were about to come down, and regardless of 37, 21, she rushed to grab the box.

Otherwise, she's gonna dislocate her hand.

But this act, it shocked everyone.

You know Mu Xin porcelain is the proud girl of heaven, and the family is very rich.

From a young age, I never touched my fingers.

Does she need to carry anything?

Not at all. As soon as she looks, there are boys to help.

However, she does not want to be touched by the boy, even touch the boy's things.

But now, she was distressed Ye Fan hand tired, struggling to lift heavy objects!

You know, there's three floors to the downstairs.

There are many stairs, and it is difficult to carry the suitcase down the stairs.

Let alone a girl, even a strapping guy is tough.

And Mu heart porcelain silently pay, carrying the suitcase to go down, a bitter did not complain.

But I do not know that this gravity is all on the body of Ye Fan.

However, Ye Fan now has a physique potion, which is nothing, completely trivial.

All the boys were excited for a moment.

"Are you kidding? The school flower broke into the men's bed to carry suitcases for people." If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought it was a lie!"

'Wake me up! I thought the school flower was in contact with Ye Fan, but the result is that the school flower is chasing Ye Fan!"

"It is really inhuman, the school flower should be reduced to become a licking dog?" It pains me to see her giving without complaint!"