
Evolution (TBATE Fic)

power is everything for a mana beast from the beast glades. That is no different for the MC, a Lunar Leopard. However his lifespan is reaching its end and he still hasn’t achieved his goal of Evolving to the next stage. The stage passed what the 2 legged call S class. The Lunar Leopard has seen the beings that have ascended to the next stage and know the power they posses. That’s why he decides on a shortcut of sorts. He knows that the pointy eared, the round ears and the shorties search for the cores of his fellow mana beasts. Specifically ones with Beast Wills inside them. The Lunar Leopards goal is to defeat the human that tries to attain his beast will and take over that human. Maybe then he’ll finally achieve the power he’s been dreaming of.

WTFuccullent · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs


Stepping out of the shower, using wind to whisk away the water, I began dressing. Starting with a black form fitting stretchy fabric, that served as an under layer before sliding on a looser top layer. It was made of a silk underlining and tougher outer layer in the colors of a dark forest green with lighter green stitchings. It wasn't quite a robe, but the sleeves hung loose from my arms, and kept my body from feeling constrained. The pants were of the same material color, lastly sliding on a pair of brown leather boots. Wrapping down the opening to stay snug against my leg.

My 2 daggers were sheathed on either side of my hips in brown leather sheaths. The daggers were 12 inches each though one was a straight dual edged blade and the other had a cruel single edge inward curve to it as well as extended guards for locking other blades. They had been given to me by Virion after I returned from the tournament a couple months back for my upcoming missions with Alea.

I had been told each of the Lances were put in charge of a battalion of soldiers consisting of strong mages of each race. I was to serve as a sort of second in command, but was more there to observe and train with Alea. It was obvious I was a sort of, alternate or substitute, if one of our Lance's were to fall. But they would never be able to get that artifact on me.

Today was the day that Alea would meet her soldiers, and I was to travel with her to camp that had been set up inside Elshire forest right on the border of the Beast Glades.

Grabbing my bag that had been prepared for me by Virion, I left my room. This body was 11 now, having had my birthday just a few days before. The clothes had been the Eralith's gift for me a long with a few strong beast cores to help my cultivation. I had also received an earring with an emerald ball that hung from a tiny chain.

I rolled it between my fingers feeling the magic within it but also the engravings. Tessia had gotten me this so that we could match, me wearing it on my left ear and her on the right. Mine had 'brother' inscribed and hers had 'sister'. The magic within it didn't do anything other than let the other wearer know that the other was okay. Letting out a screech and flashing a deep red if the other wearer pushes mana into it or runs out of mana completely.

I tried to remain humble since I knew the dangers of this world fairly well but I couldn't see myself running into much trouble with Alea and 50 other powerful mages just training. However it made Tessia happy that I wore it so I did for her sake.

Exiting my home and stepping out onto the courtyard I was met with the sight of my family standing near Alea and a carriage that had a couple mages standing just behind Alea.

"Leo!" Tessia called out with a wave and the others turned to see me approaching.

"I hope I didn't make you wait too long Ms. Triscan." I said with a slight nod to Alea as Tessia pulled me into a hug.

"Not at all." She smiled kindly at the sight of me and Tessia before putting on a serious expression. "Though it's General Alea from now on or Lance. I don't much care for it, but The Co- er the Kings and Queens of Dicathen insist upon it."

I nodded respectfully as I pulled away Tessia.

"Yes General." Only a small smirk splitting my lips as I punched a fist to my chest. Alea rolled her eyes before turning back to Virion, Alduin and Merial.

"If there's nothing else, your majesty." She said with a deep bow, the mages behind her following suit.

"That will be all Lance Triscan. I'm sure you're already well aware of what we expect." Alduin spoke, him and Merial turning to leave.

"Alduin's right, I do however just want to remind you that Leo will not be there forever. He will be needed back here when Tessia goes off to Xyrus." Alea nodded to Virion's words, turning to me as she spoke.

"I'll be sure to make good use of Leo during that time." She smiled in a way I hadn't thought Alea could. A sort of evil smile like she planned to use me as a training dummy. Shaking my head I turned to Tessia and patted her on the head.

"I expect you to catch up to me an Arthur by the time I get back. Hmmmm I'll accept the orange core stage." I said with a smile as her mouth opened in disbelief.

"Orange? But I've only just awakened! Some adults don't even make it to Orange core!" She protested.

"You're not any regular adult though. You're Tessia Eralith, Princess of Elenoir. Now you gotta be at solid orange when I return." She went to speak again her words caught when I opened my mouth in response.

"Fine… But you better reward me if-"

"If?" I asked in the middle of her sentence.

"When! You better reward me when I make it to the Orange core stage!" She said with hand on her hips, turning her head away slightly.

"Deal." I said with one final pat on her head as turned to towards the carriage.

"Bye Tessia, bye old man." I waved as I stepped onto the carriage, hearing their goodbyes as the door closed. I looked out the window as rode off, taking in all the sights of the capital city. I had mostly stayed inside the castle training during my 6 years here in Elenoir, besides the rare times I went out with Tessia and Arthur.

It was interesting, I was already beginning to think of this place as my home even though I hadn't lived here even close to half as long as I had lived in the Beast Glades. Though I knew that was because of the interactions.

Here I was at least respected for my strength at my age, and even loved by some. Out in the Beast Glades I was alone and fought for power each and every day. It was the perfect environment for me at the time but I had stagnated, there was no way I could see myself surpassing my strength at the time.

That changed when I came here. This body with its increased lifespan and new mana element. This place with its knowledge and information that I would have had to fight for to learn through battle, could just be read from a book or taught to me by a teacher. Just 6 years in this body and I was already nearing the strength of my mana beast form. In some ways I already was stronger.

"We're here." Alea said and exited the carriage, the 2 other mages followed close behind. Standing and stepping out as well I was met with a military camp. Tents were set up into rows with a bigger tent located directly in the center. People were busying moving about the camp helping others set up tents or fire pits. Elves, Dwarves and Humans awkwardly organized the camp, a small tension between the 3 races was evident, but no one caused trouble.

I could already see the different races settling into their own groups away from the other races and sighed.

"Yes I noticed it too. Any ideas?" Alea said from beside me.

"You want an 11 year olds opinion?" I asked half sarcasticly, but Alea nodded seriously.

"I've never led others before, and Elder Virion seems to trust you. I'm not prideful enough to think I have all the answers." She finished still looking at the camo with her arms crossed. I sighed again and thought before responding.

"I don't know how well it will work but you could put them in standard military groupings. A team of 3 mixed races, under a Lieutenant that leads 2 teams. And they'll all be under a Captain that is over 2 Lieutenants. A Major over 2 captains that report to you." She hummed at my suggestion.

"We don't have the correct number of troops for that. We could have enough for 2 Majors, but that would leave only enough for 1 Captains worth of troops." She replied.

"Fair, the first 2 Majors would add up to 38. That leaves 12, so just give the last major only 1 Captain and that'll leave me to be by your side." I said with a shrug.

"Hmmm." She hummed before nodding. "I like, but I'm going to change one thing." I turned towards her and saw a smile on her lips as she turned to me.

"And what what would that be, General?" I asked.

"You're going to lead that last squad."

Damn it.